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Why are Republicans as a whole so quiet about their support?

The Republicans seem to be very quiet. You don't see the big rallies or town hall meetings like you do with the Democrats? The candidates seem to be very detached from their supporters and the supporters seem to be equally as detached from the process. Why do you think that is? (If you are going to do nothing but make a nasty snide remark, please don't bother answering this question)

27 Answers

  • Jim
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    For those that weren't keeping up, you seen more Democratic rallies and meetings because the Republicans had their party nomination chosen months before the Democrats made their party choice. When the primaries were being held in many states the Republican party wasn't covered as there were no choices left to be made for their party but the debate between Democrats on whether to send up a nomination for Hillary Rodham Clinton or Barrack Hussein Obama was still raging on. Unfortunately the debate was a woman or a black man and seemed to have little focus on qualifications, accomplishments, policies and issues. Sure they mentioned key issues from time to time, but everyone wondered whether it would be gender or race that broke the glass ceiling first and the issues took back seat to that. Maybe with that out of the way the major parties can now concentrate on the issues so we the people can make an informed decision in November.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Republicans frequent Town hall meetings but they generally don't rally like Democrats. That's because Democrats worship government so they take themselves a little to seriously.

    Bottom Line, Democratic rally's are kind of like Republicans going to church.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've always found Republicans to be more reserved, part of the reason we are called Conservative. We don't all feel the need to go out blasting our opponents and having big rallies. We are on the most part subdued and keep our opinions to ourselves. That is why no one thought Bush would win, because we weren't all out yelling about it and doing all the polls in the world. We quietly go about our lifes, working, playing, taking care of our families. When it's time to vote, we actually go and vote.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because we are civil and we don't need the noise and distraction. Because they didn't act like idiots in these last few months and show what morons they really are, it put them ahead. Same with the last two elections. They couldn't help themselves with that either and again, the republicans came in ahead. We think intelligently, not with a big beer party intelligence.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Honestly, most of us are not thrilled with the choice, though I didn't think any of them were much good. The reason I will vote for McCain is because I don't like Hillary and I sure don't like Obama. Also, it's rather early for us and not nearly as contentious as the primaries were for the Democrats. I would think that some might have more rallies and so forth as November closes in. I've got two slogans for McCain that pertain to my reason for voting for him:

    McCain--the lesser of two evils.

    McCain--he's not Obama.

  • BDZot
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Republicans think issues. They're not much for overblown pep rallies like the Democrats hold.


    --Thinking with your heart, you're a Democrat

    --Thinking with your head, you're a Republican

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It might have to do with the fact the Obama attracts a lot of young voters. Therefore, the atmosphere accommodates that fact. You do see Republicans holding more formal town-hall meetings.

  • 1 decade ago

    We're all too busy working, raising our children and putting food on the table to go to a stupid rally. I show my support by going to vote and that's all that matters.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Silent Majority - Republicans tend to stick to the issues which don't need allot of glitz and glamour. Substance over style. If you have the right message, it sells itself.

    edit: John McCain holds more town-hall meetings than any other candidate has.

  • 1 decade ago

    When you work for a living and provide for a family, attending a political pep rally isn't very high on the list of priorities

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