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Why do you support a party that supports higher taxes...government intrusion on individual rights and will not

vote for domestic oil drilling? They do not support our military...and in fact, want to pull them out of a war we are winning, and thus give Al Queda and the Islamic terrorist radicals a YEAH vote. Did I mention higher taxes? What and why would you vote for that kind of leadership for our government?


Wow..did not know I would have so many leftists liberals to have the gall to answer this question...You Know...there has been no bombs here since 9/11 praise Bush's efforts! Democrats have failed since being majority in last election to do anything..unless you count today when the liberal supreme court voted that the terrorists in prison have the same rights as me and you when they were a part of 9/11..what is this country going to?

Update 2:

Well Theo it does kinda if you are refering to McCain...he is not Reagan..he is not a true American Republican for sure...but he is sure more far right than Obama is.

Update 3:

Obama has said just the other day that he would add a payroll tax on all people who made over 250,000. Again...he wants to tax the rich more to help the poor. A Robin Hood stealer just like the rest of the democrats much for a change as he always says..same old story to help to keep those needing a big government to keep them needing

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't, and that is why McCain is getting my vote this Fall.

  • 1 decade ago

    I support a party that supports higher taxes on those most able to pay (including myself). We tried it twice your way - under Reagan and then Bush. The result was the biggest deficits in our history.

    As for intrusion on individual rights - that is hilarious coming from people that want to legislate who I marry and require women to serve as breeding machines for the state without the right to control thier own body and have already determined they can tap my phone without a warrant.

    I want to look for a real solution to our energy crisis - not increase our addiction to oil

    We do support the military. The only sane definition of winning a war is not having to fight it anymore. The Dems are creating a plan for that to happen rather than trying to keep the war going open-ended. It is that war that is strengthening AQ - Bush himself said they are stronger now than when we started fighting them.

    So when you look at the truth, not the empty rhetoric of those who deny the very messes they cause - you see that what you are decrying is actually the true leadership we need.

  • 1 decade ago

    Let's see, since Bush has taken office, the government can eavesdrop on our conversations without a warrant, the government can access our phone records without a warrant, they can see what books we are checking out at the library without a warrant, seems to me that the Republicans have done a good job of intruding on our personal lives without the democrats help.

    Honestly no party has all the answers. Both sides have become so polarized that the 70% of us in the middle get completely ignored. I liked Ron Paul and would have voted for him in a heartbeat during the general election.

  • Helios
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I support a party that supports higher taxes on Billionaires and Big Oil. Yes - taxes will go up, and you know why? We got to pay for Li'l Bush's wars. Then we have to stop them - then we have to put Bush/Cheney in prison for war crimes.

    Vote Obama!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Let's see... domestic drilling -- i care about my enviornment

    higher taxes -- hmm.. Republicans made my taxes go up

    govt intrusion -- hmm... Republicans passed a law to invade my privacy to "search for terrorists"

    military support -- our military is as weak as ever... if Rep. wanted to support them, they wouldn't have sent them across seas to fight for no reason. THERE ARE NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!

    So, why would you vote Republican? Lol.

    I vote Dem because at least if my taxes go up, its for a program I believe in. By increasing the standard of living of all Americans, they are lowering the crime rate and taxes for jails and such.

    I vote Dem because at least they pretend to not be racist.

  • 1 decade ago

    winning against who? is it hard? how many people live in these countries? we were supposed to be teaching their army . haven't you read the news? bush lied about the threat? maybe u support a war and killing people based on lies but not me! can we use your paycheck to fight the lies? war isn't free!

  • Mac
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Because Obama is soooooo cool and charming!

  • DAR
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I'd vote for Ron Paul in a heartbeat, and he is the opposite of what you are talking about.

    He's speaking right now, in fact:

  • Theo N
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Which party are you referring to? It sort of describes both of them.

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