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Do you know the meaning of the ancient mystical formular SATOR?

I do. Just want your take on it if you know. (For your reference, it is a mystical anagram sometimes found inscribed in the foundation of medieval churches, and its origins may be in antique [circa 1st century] Jewish or Heliopolitan mysticism/occultism.)


Hey! It's freakin' Campfire Friday and am I to conclude that no Pagan, Occultist, or Goetic practitioner knows what this is? (Sadly shakes her head and pouts.)

Update 2:

Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas is a palindrome (not an anagram, sorry for the mistake). "The Sower, Arepo, Carefully Attends the Wheels." 1. ancient Romans liked to play with palindromes the way we like to play with crossword puzzles. This might have originated as a palindrome game. 2. It began to be used as a mystical formula or magical square in Jewish and then Christian mysticism and occultism. The words Pater Noster can be found if the palindrome is written in a certain way where A O stand out. It was thought to have healing powers. It also was used in black magic (goetia). 3. The word Arepo is the reverse of Opera and Rotas is the reverse of Sator and need to be removed to interpret the phrase. The Sower Operates With Care can be construed to mean that God is Good and has everything under control.

7 Answers

  • nacsez
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    S A T O R - Sower or Planter

    A R E P O - Most likely a name

    T E N E T - He holds

    O P E R A - works or expends effort

    R O T A S - wheel

    Used by early Christians for various purposes, its extremely versatile. Numerically each line adds to 1 giving it a potent universal quality. the 4 fold palindrome is supposedly immune to evil magics or influence. The letters rearrange to form two "Pater Noster" phrases leaving two pairs of "A" and "O" obviously related to Alpha and Omega. Its literal meaning according to 'experts' is something to the tune of "The Planter, Arepo, holds the working wheel", but to me, knowing the meanings of the Latin words, this clearly says "The Creator holds the Wheel of Life". the only quagmire for me is Arepo...

    It has been used as everything from a Ward for the Devil to a secret symbol of Christian societies which had to hide underground. Today it can be used as a general purpose Ward, and its numerological significance can be quite potent if youre working with Sacred Geometry or Tarot to name a couple :)

    Source(s): yay wiki! and personal experience
  • Joni
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    In every age there are a very few people who persevere enough to go very deeply into the mystical life. When they try to speak of their experiences, they do so through the ideas and understandings of their own time, which can make those truths sound even more different and mysterious. The basic truths which mystics have uncovered through the ages, though, have always been the same ones we can discover for ourselves today. If you would like to read a good, knowledgeable discussion about all of this stuff, I reccommend Ken Wilber's book, 'One Taste' Good luck with your own quest. Jon C

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Tenet Meaning

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  • 5 years ago

    look its the saturn cube the sower is saturn the god of agriculture the geometrical shape the cube holds all other which makes it sacred geometry the word rotas mean roter as in spinning aka the cycles that saturn is the creator of the alpha and omega tenet as one who resides as saturn is the god of all religions wether you get that or not isnt important its the bell on the church top the black cube in mecca it dam sure aint got **** to do with any god you are ref too its called the saturn cube and its what the movie the cube is based on

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Isn't it something to do with Alpha and Omega?

    If I remember right it was placed on early buildings as a sign for secret groups of Christians so they would know it was a Christian place of worship.

    Source(s): The Atheati are watching you.
  • 1 decade ago

    It's a Pater Noster puzzle in some interpretations. A variant of the Abracadabra.

    Maybe one of my friends can give you a better answer. ;-)


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