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Anonymous asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

i caught my son and daugther having sex?

ok guys this isnt a joke please hear me out and help me out, today i was walking threw the door after work(i came home a little early) and i see my son and daugther on the couch together my sons got no shirt on(fine its a hot day no problem) and his privates he had a blanket over them now my daugther was fully covered with a blanket,her feet were out thou my son was giving her a foot rub anyway my kids didnt notice i was home anyway i go in the living room and i see both my daugther breast pop out she has no shirt on no bra nothing, i walk in the room and yell at my kids im like what the **** mike why you looking at kellys breast for then i rip the blanket off of them and her vagina is exposed and his penis is out. i freak on them, and my daugthers like big deal so wheir naked you know, a little while later i found a condom in the garbage and i suspect they were having sex together, but dear god what do i do? both my kids were having sex together please help me.


i 38 years old love my kids but im freaked out and still dont know what to do i havent even told my wife yet because sheed freak more then me and chop his penis off(not much exacteration either) my kids are my son 14 my girl 16, my son even told her right infront of me as i confronted them that he prefered her vagina with hair, but omg im freaked out right now

Update 2:

thank you for your awnsers guys im going to talk to them tommorow again and i will tell my wife its going to be ackward fathers day thou. but ya in a way i kinda understand what my sons going threw i had a pretty sister growing up who was also two years older then me, and im not going to lie i had some thoughts about her and when she would hug me id hug her back but you know what i never once got naked with her(other then we were young kids bathing together) you know imma talk to him about this no doubt about it, but hes 14 he should understand thou his penis should only be seen by him and his wife someday and my daugther should understand also,her vagina should only be seen by a gyno, herself and again her future husband

Update 3:

again thank you for the offers and support guys, my son woke up right now to get a drink of water hes right next to me and im explaining to him thats his sister he should never touch her ever and he should be protecting her older sister or not this has ruined my fathers day weekend it was supposed to be a great fathers day also we were supposed to go to the blue jay game just me and my son but im so angry right now im sick to my stomach, i mean their my kids but come on i know that thats disgusting their brother and sister

Update 4:

my wife just woke up right now, and when i told her she thought we were joking and laughed shes like your funny but jerry seinfelds funnier im like sweety im not joking you gotta hear me out, when she figured out i was sincere she started to cry i hugged her and told her weed get through this, but shes very upset right now i told her me and her will go to the baseball game tommorow and the kids will go to the grandparents, my son can go to mine my daugther my wifes( i hate to do this to my kids but first off im too young to be a grandfather and i dont want my daugther to be carrying my sons child unless she was a surogate) but ya my wifes taking this pretty hard tommorow days outta the house should help and whier going to get them into therapy withing the next week hopefully

57 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Take them to a counselor (a psychologist or psychiatrist) who has some expertise in sexual abuse type issues. Unfortunately, our society has promoted the notion of "friends with benefits" - where two people are friends (but not dating each other) and they both want to have sex, so they have sex with each other with no strings attached. It has really devalued the sex act and disassociated it from love. Frankly, I would not be surprised if, to their way of thinking, they both wanted to have sex with someone, and neither were in a relationship, and so, why not? They don't understand the serious harm this does to them. They probably don't understand that if the birth control were to fail and she were to become pregnant, that the baby stands a good chance of birth defects like blood disorders (hemophelia, etc.), albinoism, and mental retardation.

    This obviously is shocking to you and will be to your wife too. You need the help of someone who is objective and detached from the situation, plus someone who has experience dealing with difficult sexual behaviors. That's where a good councelor comes in. Go in as a family, but they may recommend separate sessions. Your children, initially, may be mortally ebarrased that you are telling their misdeads to a complete stranger (let's hope they have enough sense to know what they did was wrong), but once they get a chance to talk out their issues, maybe the counelor can help them to understand why they are doing what they are doing, and why the need to stop.

  • Erika
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Caught Having Sex Tumblr

  • 5 years ago

    Conflict or anger itself does not have to cause an irreparable rift between partners. With good communication skills and a shared commitment to a marriage, even these are surmountable. How to save your marriage

    However, at that point where one partner is at the brink of abandoning the relationship, how can the remaining partner save their marriage? If you are at the point where your spouse has asked for a divorce, what can you do?

    You must realize first that, you do have a choice. Often, when confronted by a crisis, we find ourselves backed into a corner thinking we have no choice in the matter. How can we change the situation when it involves another person's feelings or decisions? While we cannot, must not and in no way manipulate, blackmail or threaten our partner into changing their mind, we can actually control how we react to the situation. If anything, you must realize that you still have control over yourself. You have the opportunity to look inward and take responsibility for your own feelings and actions and even have the chance to take personal inventory of what your partner is trying to tell you. Are there points in your marriage that must be changed? If so, respond appropriately and proactively.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    You did the right thing by explaining it to your wife, and also by seeking family counselling. Be carefull though, you may end up having childrens services come knocking on your door asking all kinds of weird questions like have the children ever been sexually molested by either of you or any other family relatives. If that happens, the entire situation could get very messy, very quickly. If your family has any true religious morals and values, you should seek out your family counselling with your church. Sit down with your children, with a Bible in hand and read to them from it. Leviticus Chapter 18 verse 9 Do not have sexual intercourse with your sister or half sister, whether she is your father's daughter or your mothers's daughter, whether she was brought up in the same family or somewhere else. Read the entire chapter to them, and then have them read it to you. The entire chapter deals with forbidden sexual practices, and make sure that they understand what they are reading. Leviticus Chapter 20 verse 17 If a man has sexual intercourse with his sister, the daughter of either his father or his mother, it is a terrible disgrace. Both of them must be publicly cut off from the community. Since the man has had intercourse with his sister, he will suffer the concequences of his guilt. Good Luck, and my God bless all of you.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, you really need to sit them down and have an open and very frank talk with them, not just you doing the talking but all of ya'll. If you don't think you can tell your wife then you need to handle it as best you can, just realize....she will probably find out somehow someway and you don't want her to take it out on you. You would want her to tell you if she had been the one to find them.

    This is almost more than a parent can take buddy, I am so sorry. I have friends who caught their kids doing it, but they were half brother and sister and hadn't been raised together but a year or two. Not that that is that much better.

    I really advise you telling your wife, two sets of eyes watching out for the kids is better than one. E-mail me if you want to talk it out more.

    Good luck

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  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Reading Lessons for Kids
  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Become what You Desire
  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Marriage Miracle Solver
  • Frank
    Lv 4
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Hair Loss Center
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