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When you ask a question?

What kind of answer do you prefer? Serious, funny, snide? I see a lot of snide answers. I also see a lot of defensive answers. What part of your character are you extending? I feel the need to protect the questioner from attacks, but it doesn't always work. As in the case of Maureen S. I miss her wit and sensible answers.

And for those that are blocking people, don't they deserve an explanation of why they are being blocked from answering you? Especially those that may have disagreed, but never attacked. We are, after all, here to get other's opinions.



Update 2:

Me-She--advice is taken or left on the table. But I don't believe I've ever said or hinted at a single cross thing to you.

21 Answers

  • doxie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I like honest answers from a person who has thoroughly read the question.I would like all opinions to help me come to a conclusion. Humor, is most welcomed.

    I don't like snide or rude remarks. You can disagree with someone without being nasty.

    I don't understand the need to run people off. Is the rude person that insecure they can not take what they consider competition. The person that left are they not the better person for not engaging in such childish behavior?

    I truely thought this sight was a place we could come for friendship, opinions, help, and fun. Silly me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I love to read the answers to my off-the-wall questions - even the abusive and rude ones. Why ? Because the answers and the style in which they are written tells me a little bit more about the author. And little by little I believe that I am building pictures of those that do reply.

    I am becoming familiar with those that have a clever and dry wit. The uber cool and very astute who have no problem putting me in my place - but in a way that puts a smile on my face! (Thanks QT!).

    And then there are those who havn't quite figured out that I am just passing the time of day and really do not have any great master plan - and they seem to think that I am a huge threat and reply with great hostility and aggresion.

    I think I have four folk blocked - and each of those have at some time told me that I repulse them and - in one case - that I should die and painful and lonely death of cancer! I have taken the tempation from them to reply to any more of my 'claptrap'. Do I feel bad about it? I feel bad that those people feel the need to be so rude to someone that they will never see, meet or have anything to do with. They are most likely the sort who write poison pen letters to people that they read about in newspapers.

    The majority of people on here I admire and respect absolutely. There are a dozen or so folk that I love to hear from and see as often as possible. And that is the sort of community this COULD be if only everyone cut a little slack for others opinions.


    Good question - as I would expect from one of The Dozen!


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It depends on the question. Many of my questions are rather silly and don't require a serious answer. When I do ask a serious question, I do it knowing that there are certain users who delight in taking advantage of the vulnerabilities of other users. I try to consider the source, but a few responses have been so hurtful that it's difficult to ignore.

    As far as the blocking goes, to each his own. I've blocked a couple of people because of their unpredictable nastiness. No explanation should be necessary in cases like this.

    I am, on the other hand, curious on the rare occasions when I'm blocked and concerned that I might have inadvertently hurt someone's feelings with one of my answers.

    As far as helping other members, it seems to do no good to come to the defense of another member. You'll not only get reported by the nasties, you might also fuel the nastiness of the offenders.

    As others have told me. Just ignore them and develop a thick skin. It gets tough here sometimes.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I like honest and sincere answers. A person can be genuinely funny without being snide or sarcastic. There are always those who will be rude or nasty, but the best thing to do is to ignore them and move on. If I disagree with someone, I don't do anything. After all, other's opinions matter too, even if we disagree with them, as long as they are not mean or derisive. One of the benefits of this site is that we are all entitled to our opinions. Good question, Cheryl.

    Yes, there are several people who are missed.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Too many people not only want to give you an answer but they want to impose their will upon you by using derogatory remarks , assumptions and plain stupidity. Some on here attack because they believe that you aren't equal and don't have the same right to an oppinion. If your oppinion differs then you are a racist or some other misfit. I usually fire back and then expect the violation notice where the whiners have complained. If I get a violation the I know I was successful and I like that. I try to keep it on the up and up though but too many people lay down and take crap now days and it's not supposed to be that way. I've blocked 1 person who sent me personal emails that contained mostly profanity.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sometimes I try to answer a question with (my) humorous wit if I am in a playful mood, even though the asker may prefer a serious answer. Often times that is taken as a smart a** answer, though I never mean any disrespect to the asker. It reflects not upon the asker, but upon me and the mood I am in at the time. It is sometimes hard to discern the intent of the responder, unless of course, they respond with a personal, vile attack, then the intent is obvious. It is difficult sometimes to interpret the responses because you cannot see the person face to face. So, to answer your question, when I myself, ask a question and receive a vast array of answers, I take all with a grain of salt and even try to put myself in the place of the negative responder, as often times they misinterpret the way the question was asked. As others have mentioned here, everyone is entitled to their own opinion so I tend not to take anything too personal.

  • Gladys
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I prefer answers that are honest and sincere. But I must admit, I'm a bit of a jokester, so I like a little humor if the question is not too serious. I think you need to know when humor is appropriate and when it is not (folks, if my humor is ever offensive, please feel free to let me know, really!). Now, if you are going to be snide and malicious, I just as soon the person not respond. As far as blocking, I don't do it because I haven't felt I've had the need to. I cannot speak for others and what their motivation to block is all about. I only hope we can all respect differences of opinions on here. Good question!

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't ask many questions. The couple I did, were about my dog. I got some very nice and helpful answers. A couple were on the nasty side but I consider the one writing it. At least I try to remember their answers on other questions. Some people are so lonely or miserable that they just can't post a serious answer.I try very hard not to hold any grudges against anyone. I answer funny at times, especially if my answer has something to do with me and goes along with the question.

  • Miz D
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I love the answers that reveal the funny side of life. They are my favorite. When I ask a question I want to get genuine opinions from people. Whether they agree or disagree with me isn't important. Rude or just plain mean answers show up sometimes but those can be interesting too. Not everyone wants to play nice. So be it. My email is open to all. I don't give a second thought to people who block me. Saves me the trouble of trying to answer their questions.

  • 1 decade ago

    Whether in response to my questions or another's, I enjoy sincere, well thought out responses. Not the cut and paste, tirades, or the 'I'm smarter than you, cause I got points at your expense' variety.

    I have given thumbs up and best answers to folks that I didn't agree with, because they presented sound reasoned answers.

    And like many answers to this question, even serious questions have serious, yet, light-hearted answers. As HeathernHoney implied, all answers serve a purpose. Some help reason on the question at hand, and all of them let us know more about the responder.

    Kinda like going to a Karaoke bar. We applaud everyone.

    Some because they sang well.

    Some because their song is over.

    Just one guy's ramblings, although, I don't ramble nearly as well as Tex.

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