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Le C asked in EnvironmentGreen Living · 1 decade ago

How do you use the reusable grocery tote bags?

I always forget to bring the bags into the grocery stores. I have dozen of them in my car. I brought my Home Depot orange bag while shopping at IKEA... I felt a little uncomfortable as everyone was looking at me weird.


Funny experience at Krogers... I bought a 6pack and a tote. The bagger put the beer in one plastic bag and the tote in another plastic bag. I stood there for a minute and shook my head. I just didn't believe it, while she thought nothing was wrong.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I always have my canvas bags in my car. I keep them in the two coolers that are in the car for transporting frozen/dairy/meat products. When I get in the car to do my once a month shopping, I take them out of the coolers, put them between the front seats with my shopping list/clip board and purse. Then I don't forget to take them into the store with me.

    As for people looking at you oddly, well ignore them. Maybe they will be in the check out line when you are and see that you are NOT taking new bags which will only add to the problem. Might just turn on a light bulb in their brains. At least you know that you are doing something to help the environment.

    I have had a number of people ask me to make bags for them over the years and more so recently.

    Sometimes an unspoken example speaks louder than words.

    Source(s): Personal experience
  • 1 decade ago

    Keeping them in your car is a great first step. If you're in the store, and you remember before you hit the checkout line - you should run out and get them. If you are checking out and you discover you don't have them - refuse plastic bags and have them put the groceries directly in the cart. When you get to the car, you can unload the groceries into the bags so they'll be easier to transport into the house.

    I bring my Publix reusable bags into all stores with me - Target, best buy, IKEA - whatever. You might get some strange looks, but those are from people who are more interested in being trendy than being green.

    If you want to remember your bags, write a little reminder at the top of your shopping list if you keep one. Don't forget to bring the bags, or something along those lines.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think perhaps those weird glances were only in your head. It's well known that IKEA has an ongoing initiative to eliminate plastic bag use and you were just doing your part.

    I have some canvas ones that I got on ebay for 3 bucks each...I wanted some that zipped closed. and I keep on at work, several at home and roll one up and keep it in my purse. They're great not only for groceries, but shopping at Costco (where they don't have bags anyway), carrying books, etc. I almost never get plastic bags anymore.

  • 1 decade ago

    I bring reusable bags from one grocery store into another and use them. At first I felt weird about it, but I really don't care anymore. No one at the store seems to care either...and it's better than using new plastic bags every time.

    Also, I save and reuse the plastic produce bags so I don't take new ones each time.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Just keep them in the trunk of your car (that's what I do with mine). When you go to the grocery store or one of those huge club warehouse stores, just put them in the cart. When you are at the checkout, just give the bags to the bagger. They know what to do.

    Oh, and don't feel embarassed. No one will think that way. I think you are SMART and contributing your part to saving the environment.

  • 1 decade ago

    My boyfriend and I have several that fold into themselves and have lil hooks on them. I hook mine onto my big bag, usually, and he just keeps his in his car.

    They are not designated to any one store, no names on them, so we don't feel awkward being in Earth Fare with a Publix bag.

    Check out for how to make your own, or buy some without names on them this time!

    And so what if people looked at you weird? I just smile and keep going (yeah, I get looked at like that Sometimes I even stare back, maybe stick out my

  • 1 decade ago

    You put groceries in them, take them home...

    bring bags back next time.....

    I keep mine in a set of nested boxes, I use at Aldi...

    When I'm finished at Aldi.. I put the bags on the front seat, where I can see them.....

  • Miss P
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Put the grocieries in the bag, buy them, take them home, then reuse them.

    It's that simple!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How dare they........Are you sure they were looking at the bag?

    I mean.....C'mon......A bag is a bag.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't pay attention to them!!!

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