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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

The Federal Reserve is not goverment owned, does that anoy americans?

Im from the UK where our countries money has pretty much always been controlled by private banks. But it has been different in America. Several times the power to produce money has shifted from government to private banks, until up to 1913. why isnt the American public up in arms that the US government is not using its power to strip the Fed Reserve of its charter, they are responsible for the increasing weakness of the dollar are they not?. Several of ur great presidents of the past were assasinated before they could pass bills to do this(JFK, Abraham Lincoln etc). Ive done a little bit of research on the history of these international bankers and the big picture is terrifying.


BECCA!! Ha ha, u are a fool. Not even knowing ur own history. Its the banker that is the root cause of ur problem. U should check out the quotes of Thomas Jefferson and Lincoln. They speak of the evils of having the bank creating currency. Whoever controls the currency can manipulate the economy and control the goverment!!!

26 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    For those of us who are educated beyond the programming of public schools and universities it does not merely annoy us, it enrages us.

    They killed Lincoln, they killed Kennedy, and they still roam free as filth suckling at the teat of those who work for a living and are held hostage to putting up with it at gunpoint.

    It is also illegal because the constitution plainly states that only congress has the power to print our currency.

    The printing of trillions of dollars in new currency the last ten years while wages remain stagnant is the cause of hyper inflation in the US and largely responsible for the worldwide increase in food and oil prices.

    By devaluing the US dollar they are able to maintain the illusion that the stock market is doing okay since it is worth nearly as much as it was ten years ago in US dollars but this is an illusion since each US dollar is worth half as much as it was ten years ago.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am pleased to see some intelligent answers to this question.

    To my simple answer:

    Essentially Americans are sheep. They are so fixed on what the mainstream news networks tell them. They have no idea how much influence the globalist elites have on everything and cannot fathom what is really going on. The Federal Reserve has reportedly printed over 4 trillion dollars in the last 3 years....

    ....Two and a half years ago the Federal Reserve stopped publishing the M3 charts....THAT is truly disturbing. What do you think they are hiding?

    Reminds me of Operation Bernhard; a Hitler launched program to decimate the British economy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Absolutely!! They've swindled Americans by deliberately calling it the "Federal Reserve" rather than "Central Bank" (which is what it really is). The truth is that it's not "federal" at all. It's owned by private individuals who profit off of it. They completely control America's financial system. Because our money is printed by the Federal Reserve instead of the U.S. government and it's not backed up by silver or gold anymore, our currency is not even worth the paper it's printed on. This was all part of their grand plan. They eventually wish to initiate a worldwide economic downfall that will leave everyone utterly powerless and at their mercy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It bothers me that it exists at all.

    I would like to see us have the ability to transact our business in gold or silver, or in gold/silver coins minted by some authority that could certify the purity and weight of the metals used. Paper money should only be issued by the U.S. government, backed by gold or silver, and redeemable in gold or silver upon demand. Personal checks should also be redeemable in terms of precious metals.

    The paper money we have today is worthless, because it isn't backed by anything. You can't go to a federal reserve bank with a five dollar bill and say, "Please give me $5 worth of silver." What's backing US money? Faith in the banks that issue it. I doubt that they have the assets to back it.

    Anytime the government wants to do something it can't afford, it just tells the federal reserve bank, and they print some more. We've owe so much debt to this private bank that we're all paupers if they ever call it in.

    Think about it: the average American worked from January 1, 2008 until April 23, 2008 *just to pay their taxes*. Depending on the states we live in and the tax brackets we're in, some of us worked longer than that. Given that our Ruling Class consistently spends more than it has, when it is time for the debt to be paid -- or if the republicrats get away with creating all the new taxpayer-funded programs/entitlements/hand-outs they promising to everyone -- you can count on that date creeping even further into the calendar.

    Now, it seems to me that if you're working for at least 1/4 of the year just to pay taxes -- not for yourself, not to pay your own bills, not to feed your family, not to save for your kids' educations, not to give to charity -- just to have it taken away, then that's slavery. You don't even have the ability to direct the government not to spend your "voluntary" taxes on programs with which you disagree.

    I placed the word "voluntary" in quotes, because if you don't pay, well, here comes the IRS....BOHICA!

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  • 1 decade ago

    It does not annoy most Americans that the Federal Reserve is not government owned and is controlled by the private bankers (banks controlled by the Rothchilds and Rockelfellers). Most americans do not even know that in 1913 the Federal Reserve Act was passed and the Income Tax was passed and that now the banks in America issue money out of thin air and then lend it out to the governement and the govt and the people must pay the interest on the loans). Most people in the United Kingdom and in Europe are much more knowledgeable about the Rothchild money control over the United States.

    The reason why most people in America are not annoyed about this is because they have no idea of the facts that you brought out in your question. The media and news control in America is so controlled it is the equvialent of the soviet news propaganda that was in the 1960's and the 1970's in the Soviet Union when people did not finds out the truth because their news and media were controlled by the govt and they listened to the propaganda as if it were the truth.

    Also many Americans are very busy working maybe about 60 hours a week (40 hours plus about 20 to 25 more in overtime). The rest who do not have to work so much are just distracted by all the sports and entertainment on television and the DVD's that people buy to watch the movies etc. They are also into watching sports or are tow busy looking at my space on the interent. Instead of searching for the truth on the information superhighway of the internet.

    Another reason is that for the past 35 years no one learns anything about the history of the US Constitution in school nor do they study the writings of the founding fathers of this country such as the writings of George Washington Thomas jefferson or Benjamin Franklin or Thomas Paine or the writings in the "Federalist Papers".

    There are a few of us like me who are knowing the real truth but when I try and talk to my friends, family, acquaintances and fellow co-workers very often we are accused of being delusional (ha ha!!!) Only once in awhile do we come across someone who may be willing to listen and to analyze the information.

    Another reason for many people not knowing the truth is that they cannot look for information. The educational system here in USA is a disaster. 40% of the students who enter high school do not graduate. They drop out and quit before they graduate. Maybe 30 to 40% of the ones who do stay in school to graduate from the 12th grade do not finish high school in 4 years of study but it takes them 6 years to study.

    The ones who get into colleges and universities are too busy working while going to school and worrying about how they are going to pay back those exorbitant student loans that American students must take to pay for over priced tuition. Many schools can be running about up to 30 to 40 thousand doaars per year for a four year university education. These students are also too busy and stressed out to really try and search out the truth like you have found out.

    Everything that you have written in your question is true. I am one of the relatively few Americans who are really in the know about how we are fatally controlled by the Federal Reserve and the International Bankers such as the Rothschilds and the Rckefellers.

    There was a small ray of hope as Representative Ron Paul was able to help educate many younger Americans about the loss of our economic freedom due to the Federal Resrve and the IRS and also about getting back to the basics of following the US constitution which means no more illegal laws like Iraq and bring all the American troops back home to America from the 110 countries where they are stationed and to get rid of the federal Reserve and The US Income tax and support the running of the govt through slaes tax and excise tax and tarrifs like was done before 1913. But the mainstream media refused to let him continue to spread his message when the authorities realized that his message was getting to the American people. The internet was responsible for educating many americans who did not know before. But there is still a great need to continue to get the real message to the people.

    I agree with you that the picture of the control of the international bankers on the people is terrifiyng because I also have researched many of the same things you have.

    Additional Comments:

    Doubleo's Answer is fantastic in that he has expunded on all the troubles that the International bankers have put people through such as the economic problems that people have and the economic loss and the loss of our freedom and national sovreignty due to our becomming slaves to the bankers and their fiat currency (money value based on nothing except thin air and not based on gold and silver as the US constitution legally provides for we the people.

    He has explained all the evils that most Americans do not know that is happening to them and I have explained why most Americans do not know the truth becasue of they having been deceived by the people in power.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Americans, are kept willfully ignorant of the banks power, so

    dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the Slaughter.

    If the American People ever allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers occupied. The issuing power of money should be taken from the bankers and restored to Congress and the people to whom it belongs. I sincerely believe the banking institutions having the issuing power of money are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies.

    We are completely saddled and bridled, and the bank is so firmly mounted on us that we must go where they ill guide.

    The dominion which the banking institutions have obtained over the minds of our citizens...must be broken, or it will break us. Thomas Jefferson

    (Letter to James Monroe, January 1, 1815).

  • -RKO-
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Wow! I'm astonished to see twenty-four intelligent, well-informed answers to this question! Frankly, I'm surprised there are twenty-four Americans who that well-versed on the Federal Reserve Bank!

    It's heartening to know that there are people out there who can participate in robust discourse about such an important topic.

    What's disheartening to see is that most of dumbed-down American dimwits who answer Yahoo! questions with four-letter words and childish insults simply ignore this kind of important dialog. better, I guess, they can go on to the next question where they can display their mean-spiritedness rather than expose their ignorance.

    Thank you for a great question - AND thank to all those who responded with such extraordinary information. I, for one, learned a lot - and it's encouraged me to do more research on the FRB!! -RKO- 07/08/08

    Source(s): Thomas Jefferson once said: "Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies".
  • 1 decade ago

    there is law against having a central bank in the united states; in europe, the central bank is legal.

    what i wish i knew was how it ever got to the point whereby the gold standard, the backing of the us dollar, was relinquished to robber barons that sit in rooms smoking cigars, drinking find cognac, while discussing how they and they alone are going to change the appearance of financial stability by printing up more fiat dollars.

    all the money of all the countries in the world today is fiat, did you know that? why is that? why does no country allow its people to trade in precious metals that should, in fact and in law in the united states, at least, back up the dollar?

    ron paul said it all. why did so many on this site act so impetuously, saying: ron paul...who is ron paul? don't they know they are selling their souls down into the gutter? so how did it ever come to be that our own statesmen allowed for it to get this way? there was always enough gold in fort knox to cover our obligations.

    what a diabolical plot it is to print up fiat dollars. it creates an illusion of wealth that is worth less today than it was yesterday. how is it that the people of this country will not, like headstrong bulls, listen up to what is happening here?

    the more they do not listen, the angrier they will become at the hard, terrible depression-ridden days to come. why did they not listen to ron paul when it was so easy to do so? i am so sick of people with their moans and bleating complaints, all made after the fact, all after they have given it all up with their stupidity and laziness. there is a fury rising up in this country over this crap, don't you feel it? wow, are we in for trouble...

    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The FRB is the root of all of

    our problems in the U.S.

    Ron Paul was our only hope

    in dissolving it,

    but the FRB silenced his voice

    via his being blocked out

    by the msm.

    I must admit to being one

    of the "guilty" ones who thought

    the FRB was a government agency

    up until about one year ago. Most

    folks are still unaware.

    In my research is has angered me

    in finding out that almost every war

    we have been involved in, has been

    pretty much because of the FRB!

    Just think of all the deaths they have

    caused because of .....greed!

    Thank you for helping us

    get the word


    God Bless the U.K. and the U.S.!

  • 1 decade ago

    Correct however

    Bank of England is 100% Bankrolled by the Rothschilds.

    The Rothschilds not only have controlling majority stake in de Biers BUT 51% ownership of the world's 2nd largest diamond mine- in Zimbabwe.

    Who funded the Angolan civil wars- which happens to have the 3rd largest known deposit of diamonds?

    Woodrow Wilson was a fool not to have listened to Fr5anklins' and Jefferson's warning, as much as we British were stupid not to listen to our great Dickens about the Fagins.


    "‘Grin away,’ said Sikes, replacing the poker, and surveying him with savage contempt; ‘grin away. You’ll never have the laugh at me, though, unless it’s behind a nightcap. I’ve got the upper hand over you, Fagin; and, d—me, I’ll keep it. There! If I go, you go; so take care of me.’

    ‘Well, well, my dear,’ said the Jew, ‘I know all that; we—we—have a mutual interest, Bill,—a mutual interest.’

    ‘Humph,’ said Sikes, as if he though the interest lay rather more on the Jew’s side than on his. ‘Well, what have you got to say to me?’

    ‘It’s all passed safe through the melting–pot,’ replied Fagin, ‘and this is your share. It’s rather more than it ought to be, my dear; but as I know you’ll do me a good turn another time, and..."

    Dickens- so brilliantly perceptive.

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