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im wondering if they make some sort of kit to in stall 6X9's speakers in place of the 61/2's in my back deck

or without cutting out anything (any suggestions) this is for a 94 nissan sentra THANKS

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is no way without cutting it. I had the same problem in my 95 honda accord. they just wont fit in the bracket. Now im assuming you have a metal bracket stopping you from putting the 6x9 in. Luckily i go to a construction program at school there for a tool was there for me to use. All i did was mark out the outline that came with the 6x9 on my bracket (doesnt have to be EXACT) then cut it out with a small saw. You could use anything like a recipitating saw or a little jig, maybe even a hacksaw but it isnt that hard to do. Maybe get someone you know to cut it out. Once the hole is made put the speaker in and mark out your screws then drill a hole for the screw. Its really easy to do.

    hope this helps

    Source(s): myself/ electrical teacher
  • 1 decade ago

    There will be no factory made adapter, you could however fabricate one out of fiberglass (which would take 10-50 hours depending on how "pretty" you want it). It may be possible to use a saw to cut out the rear deck, but you will want to make sure that your trunk will still close (some trunks have rods that run across the hinge to defeat gravity). Most competitions stereo enthusiast however, prefere to avoid the 6x9 and stick to a smooth sounding oversized 6.5" a.k.a. 6.34" Not to mention if you put that much sound behind your head the soundstage will be smeared to the rear and really ruin the imagery of your sound.

    Source(s): Professional car audio technician for 3 1/2 years
  • 1 decade ago

    I've never seen one for that. They used to make them for 4x10 to 6x9 so they might exist. Dude, it's a 94 sentra. (I have a 96 Probe so I'm not knocking it, but don't be afraid that's all). Cut it if you want 6x9s. You will get more bass, but if you have a sub there won't be a noticable difference.

    Source(s): MECP Certified - 11 Years Experience
  • 1 decade ago

    if you have a sub or are considering one dont waste your time otherwise you can buy universal 6x9 craftwood spacers from most good audio stores or you could get some spacers made for less than $100,you cant cut anyway if there is child restraint bolts near the speaker holes because it is illegal.

    Source(s): car audio/security technician 23 yrs
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  • 1 decade ago

    Why would you want to? A 6.5" speaker is superior to a 6x9 in every way. It makes no sense to go backwards like that.

  • 1 decade ago

    Go to and put in your info. It will tell you what speakers will fit your are. You can always build a small spacer to raise the rear speakers a bit so they will clear the trunk spring mechanism. I did this fro several Toyotas.

  • 1 decade ago

    like Airforce said, that would be taking a step back

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