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DramaGuy asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Profiles · 1 decade ago

I've lost my yahoo 360 pages, are they gone for good?

I cancelled my ATT accout and unmerged my yahoo account from ATT and now I can't find my yahoo 360 pages.


none of the first five answers are helpful

Update 2:

To clarify. I set up my 360 account using my yahoo id. When I signed up for an ATT DSL to see if would work for me (it didn't) ATT usurped my account connections and attached them to their id. This was done without my approval. I cancelled my ATT account a while back but was just blindsided by the need to unmerge the accounts yesterday. I am unable to access any 360 page now. I have been totally blocked somehow.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just go to which should bring you to the Main 360 (Home) page. Sign in with your Yahoo handle.

  • kee
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    UPDATE: Thanks for the clarification. The main point is that AT&T has control over your Yahoo ID now instead of it being an account totally separate from that ISP. This ISP control - however it occurred - is why you have lost access to your 360 when you made changes to your ISP service. My advice on this matter still stands. There is no guarantee you'll get your 360 space back, but you can contact Yahoo to find out. Otherwise, create another Yahoo account and set up a new 360 on there.


    The 360 space is gone, but perhaps not for good.

    If you've had any change in your ISP service (like AT&T Yahoo) that was connected to a 360 account, then the change can cause you to lose access. That means you were using the e-mail address that the ISP gave you instead of a Yahoo ID that you created.

    Bottom line: It's best that you use a Yahoo ID that YOU create rather than one provided through an ISP, particularly if you are using the 360 service. You can go to any Yahoo sign-up page ( ) is preferred and click on the "Sign Up" to go through an account creation process. Then, go to and click on the "Get Started" button to activate the 360 for that new ID.

    However, if you really want to see if you can regain access or re-activate the 360 space that you had, you'll have to contact Yahoo. Click the Customer Care button at the bottom of this page: , and ask them why the 360 part of your Yahoo account is inaccessible, then wait for their response. Although, this is customer service, so you may need to contact them a few times to get a response. When dealing with customer service, sometimes it's necessary to be persistent. You can also call 1-866-562-7219, 1-408-349-1572, 1-408-349-3300

    Hours: 8a-5p M-F (Pacific)

  • 1 decade ago

    u cant find ur yahoo 360 pages coz u cancelled ur ATT account

  • 1 decade ago

    your yahoo360 should never dissapper in less you deleted your yahoo account. if you go to yahoo homepage you should beable to find a bar and if you click on it it will show a big list and then you could click 360 and it will lead you to your yahoo 360.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Go to your yahoo answers profile page, it's there and upload to your mobile.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    CYA BYE!!!!!!!!!!!

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