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DramaGuy asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Profiles · 1 decade ago

how can I get yahoo to reactive my 360 account?

I initially had 360 attached to my yahoo account. I signed up with ATT to try their DSL. They force many of my yahoo connections to the ATT id they gave me but which I never used. I cancelled my ATT DSL a few months ago. A few days ago I had to unmerge my accounts to get access to my Yahoo mail. I can no longer access anything in 360 much less my own account. I had a lot in my blog that I hope I have not lost forever. When I call Yahoo they say they will only talk to people with premium services.


As I said, I can no longer access anything under the 360 umbrella. Somehow my disconnection has also blocked me from all 360 access.

Update 2:

I will continue to repost this question in hope that someone can give me advice that works. I have tried calling and using help etc.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Try the 360° Customer Care form at the site below. They do usually get back on technical questions

  • kee
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    UPDATE: Good luck. You have your account information (which is personal), you know the history of your account, and you know who you've been dealing with in terms of that account. I'm advising that in this case, your best help is going to be your persistence and determination to get answers from people who actually control your accounts. Many people find that asking to speak to a manager or supervisor helps.


    Did you contact them by e-mail as well? Did you call all the numbers that were listed?

    Again, contact CUSTOMER CARE by clicking the button at the bottom of this page: , and ask them why the 360 part of your Yahoo account is inaccessible.

    Also, if you unmerged your accounts, you had to do that through someone - likely the ATT DSL. Contact that entity (or whoever was responsible for that) as well.

    Call 1-866-562-7219, 1-408-349-1572, 1-408-349-3300

    Hours: 8a-5p M-F (Pacific)

    Continually posting questions about this on Y/A will likely not help your problem. You have to contact ALL the possible responsible entities and you have to be aggressive about it.

    NOTE: You will get an automated response from the Yahoo! 360 help form. The Y!360 team is no longer addressing Y!360 problems, as stated in their blog ( ). They are preparing to move the service to a different system.

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