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Creation of big bang?

i'm okie with the rest of the big bang theory (like universe is expanding from a single source point), but for the first seond of that big bang, it's not quite right to 'simplify' everything just from a single small matter and suddenly expanded billions times. it gave me lot of doubt in that part.

in my opinion, would it be possible that the creation of our universe is from a tunnel of the other dimension and leaking the matter from their dimension to our, and that 'entry point' could be our creation point and that's the beginning of our big bang... something that push in from other (dieing) dimension and cause such a huge expansion in such short time and keep expanding til both dimension equal out.

this kind of easy out the reason why we have that hugh mass in the first 0.1 sec, those are not from nowhere.


it's like u punch a small hole in a high perssure ballon, and a large amount of matter rush out to other side of the ballon.

Update 2:

I have a B.Sc in Physics 17 years ago...

Update 3:

the matter leak out from other dimension, not universe. and that dimension not nessary from the same time domain.

7 Answers

  • suitti
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    One of the problems with the big bang is, if all the mass started out from the same point, why wouldn't it collapse as a black hole?

    Your suggestion is one of many ideas considered to solve this problem.

    Another idea is that the Universe started with a relatively small amount of material. But as it warped space, more matter was created from the quantum foam, which in turn warped space more, creating more matter.

    Another idea is that branes of higher dimensional space hit each other, and the result was our Universe.

    How does one decide which of the ideas is correct? Science looks for evidence that supports or refutes such ideas. A good idea is one that, if wrong, can be proven wrong.

    If our Universe leaked out of another Universe, then where did that one come from? It would be nice if we could discover some sort of first cause.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Big Bang Theory deals ONLY with the part that you call "the rest of the big bang theory".

    The hypothesis is that the universe began in a state of unbounded energy density (and temperature). It does not explain why -- it does not even pretend to try -- it just takes it for granted.

    All the theory does is explain what happens to such a universe when it is allowed to expand and cool.

    In the first fraction of a second, there is no "mass" as the concept of mass would be totally foreign to the conditions that existed at that time.

    Working backwards, the earliest moment when we still understand something is called the Planck Time. This is very close to time = zero, but it is NOT zero. What was going on during that missing fraction of a second? We don't know, the Big Bang theory does not know and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle seems to say that we will never know using our present understanding of physics.

    At the Planck Time, the temperature would have been so high that every single point in the universe would have been a black hole. If the universe is infinite now, then it was already infinite at that time.

  • 1 decade ago

    You have already received two excellent answers. Basically ... we don't know. And if this universe come from another one that is leaking ... it is like the question: If God created the Universe, who created God?

    Another alternative is the steady state universe. Of course, the Hubble's red-shift and the Cosmic Microwave Background observations says otherwise but who knows: it could be 'optical illusions' we don't know of.

    Of course, nothing is steady in the universe but Relativity already tell us that there isn't an absolute reference; everything is relative to the observer. Perhaps the answer is so simple as: The Universe exists because it can. It's coming from nowhere and goind nowhere. Space and time is only observed from the observer's point of view. Eventually, when all possible configurations of the universe have existed, it simple repeats itself.

    Imagine a self-contained universe consisting of such a great number of units (let's call it Plank's unit of time and space) that its number cannot be written with all the paper on earth. That's a big number. Let's call it BigNumber. The odd thing is that BigNumber + 1 is greater than BigNumber.

    But Infinity + 1 is still Infinity. Now, the majority of the human race believe in a religion that promises eternal (infinite time) life after death. But nearly all of them can't accept real large numbers. Isn't it paradoxal?

    Can a universe where everything that can happen has, or will? But we now leave the sphere of science for that of philosophy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes this is a possibility, ,we have black holes and white holes, where in black holes matter in sucked opposed to white holes where matter is spat out.

    The universe came from a singularity.

    It is also a possibility that Gravity is leaking from another universe simply because this would explain why gravity is relatively a weak force.

    Look up string theory And M-theory.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The point is that, since we are in this universe and thus bound in our observation by the time and space that is included in this universe, anything that was "before" is meaningless, cannot be seen, measured or experienced, and any speculation about what was there cannot be verified.

    So, you are on your own, as is everyone else.

  • 1 decade ago

    well you if all i have learned anything about the creation of our universe it is that there has to have been a being to create something as complex as humans and that if what the scientist are saying about the earths rotation increasing every year and evolution taking millions well the world would be spinning so fast itd be flat but i dont expect you to all of a sudde n becoming a religious person but if something is surely true the you can test it all you want and it will still be true because we were created to seak this almighty being out because he wants us to find and love Him.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All i can say is that i don't believe in the big bang because God created the heavens and the earth, it didn't create itself. In other words instead of the Big Bang taking place, it was God who created it. If there was no God, then there would be no universe, but God has always been here.

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