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Is it bad to be this dissapointed?

So im 8 weeks away now and just found out we are having a girl. I didnt think it was going to be that big of a deal but im not entirely thrilled about the idea of having a girl. I actually cried when i found out. I dont want to have to go through being pregnant again, and I figured at least if it was a boy...I dunno.

This is our first, hubby was not so excited about it at first and this has not changed too entirely much. We still havnt even bought anything for the baby. Im entirely dissapointed that its a girl and I feel really guilty about that but I dunno. Anyone else dissapointed with thier babys gender?

I just know this is going to end up sentencing me to a perminate pink hell :( :(


I dont want to have a next time, this time has been bad enough to be honest. Ive had to deal with diabetes, high blood pressure, bed rest, bleeding, being told for months by several specialists that it was not going to be successful. I dont ever ever want to go through that again.

As for the other options....Ive looked in every baby store available to me, my only options are ordering off the internet. Everything here is pink with frills and ruffles and lacey crap (*gags*) Guess thats what hubby and I get for living in Denmark

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    wow! I felt the same way when I found out my 2nd was a girl I was absolutely convinced she was going to be a boy. When I told my husband it was another girl he was very disappointed too but got over it because it faster than I did. the whole pregnancy I believed I would have a boy even after 3 ultra sounds. when I actually gave birth I had no name picked out and refused to name her. my husband ended up picking the name 8 hours after she was born! I felt awful that I wanted a boy and it took me 6-8 months to actually bond with her. she is 11 months now and I cant imagine life with out her! I always loved her but I didnt really like her. Now that I look back I know I missed out on a lot of love that she gave.

    with this being your first baby Im sure that the whole process of the birth will be so amazing to you that you will be overcome with joy when she arrives.

  • 1 decade ago

    Honestly I think when you see the baby your feelings will change. This is a living, breathing person who's grown inside you. It's pretty normal for your emotions to be all over the place while you're pregnant anyway.

    As for the pink hell, don't worry. I hate pink too.....but theres enough girls clothes out there in other pretty colors that we won't have to suffer (if I have a girl, I don't know yet).

    I hope you feel better soon.

  • 1 decade ago

    My partner was really really down when he found out his first children were both girls. He really wanted a boy. What made it worse is after this last pregnancy I can't have anymore kids so he will never get his boy (unless god forbid we break up in the future) As soon as he saw his babies he melted and loved them. For a month he was still really down about no boys, but after a few months he has come to terms with the blessings he has and he is the proudest daddy ever :D

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm sure you will fall in love with her the first time you see her, I did with my first born son. I wanted a girl both times and had two boys. I wouldn't trade them for the world. They are healthy and nice people. That's all I ever asked from them is to be sweet and nice to others. My sister had two girls and two boys which I love as my own. So I get to do girlie things with them. You should be excited. Just remember she didn't choose to be here. Please don't take it out on her that she's not a boy. I'll be thinking of you and good luck!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Hi, Trust me, when you've had her, your feelings will change. You'l have this overwhelming feeling of love when you hold her & she's looking at you.

    You don't have to have her in pink, I hate girls that are covered in pink frills!!!

    My daughter is always in neutral, maybe the odd top with red or something. Just look around.

    Congrats on your little girl! At least she's healthy. Thats the main thing.

    13 weeks with my 5th!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Girls are defiantly more difficult. i got two of each. And even though my girls drive me crazy with their attitude i still love em to death. i guess what i'm trying to say is if this is your first don't be so down about can have a boy next time you never know.. the baby can tell your feelings even now. try to just be happy youv'e been blessed with a real little person there. love her with all your heart and she will love you too.

  • 1 decade ago

    you'll warm up to the idea soon enough. Just remember you can't take it out on the baby, it wasn't her choice, and think of it as a life long friend who will never leave you.

    C'mon isn't all that girl talk sound exciting?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    i only watched the end of it but I was dissapointed 2! it was lame! i really thought the secret would be something... better! as for the spencer thing u heard... someone probly just made that up 2 see if someone would actually believe them cuz well ppl do that :[ I agree wit u totally

  • Just be glad that the baby is healthy! I was ecstatic when I found out I was having a girl. My little princess. I can't believe you would be so upset!

    Source(s): Getting married on 7/18 and 23wks pregnant with princess #1<3
  • 1 decade ago

    It's normal. Don't feel guilty. But your feelings will change the second you see her face. :)

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