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Lv 6
Arthur asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

So, conservatives, explain to me what is wrong with learning a foreign language?

Conservatives, with their daily right wing talking points, are running around screaming that Obama wants everyone to learn French.

Well, despite the fact its a lie -- he just said its a good thing to stay in school and learn another language, with French being an example -- what is wrong with learning a foreign language?

From the conservatives own beloved Fox News:

39 Answers

  • Sean
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Many conservatives are like Frank Burns: they are narrow-minded and think everyone everywhere should speak English. The United States has become so self-centered we (speaking in VERY general "we" terms) think that everyone should consent to our wants wherever we are. The lies we have been fed about our history only continues to distort our own northern European roots. The Pilgrims were religious fanatics who survived only because of the help they received from the natives, though there weren't many left after previous explores had brought disease, mainly small-pox, that devastated the local populations, Columbus was a slave-trading, gold digging thief (he didn't DISCOVER anything - their were civilized people living here already), and the Constitution was heavily influenced by the concepts of the Iroquois and other Native Americans.

    But too many of the Frank Burns type think that if it isn't American, then it just has no value. Too sad for them.

    Source(s): Lies My Teacher Told Me by James W. Loewen
  • 1 decade ago

    I'll skip your sarcasm since he didn't say that we should all learn French...

    The problem is this just another example of Obama trying to make people ashamed of the fact that we're American. This time it's because we speak english. I've seen the actual video of the speech. The things he said aren't all bad. It's the fact that he is telling us, this includes you, that we're ignorant of foreign languages and cultures. Don't you see this? Listen to what he said again with this in mind. Doesn't it bother you that he thinks so little of the average American?

    Besides, his point is stupid. I lived in Germany for 4 years and knew very little German. I was fine. Everyone speaks english all over Europe. It's the international common denominator. I didn't choose this, the world did. If the most common international language were French, then we would probably speak much better French.

    For example, one of the things Obama said was that when foreign visitors come here, they speak english. Well, Obama wouldn't know this, but when foreign travelers visit other countries, they always speak english! If a German person is visiting Spain, they speak english. If an Italian person is visiting Poland, they speak english. If an American is visiting France, they speak english! This may not have been true in Indonesia 30 years ago when he was growing up there, but it is true now.

    I think Obama just needs to spend more time outside the country before he pretends to know anything about it. Aside from the fact that this speech of his was meant as an insult to all of us, I don't like the fact that he thinks that he's an amateur comedian now. We don't need a comedian, we need a president.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No conservative said that learning a foreign language was wrong. And there's nobody running around screaming. Why must you leftist tools distort everything and try to insult us? Because you can't argue using logic and reason?

    But enough about your immaturity and lack of intellectual capacity.

    There is nothing wrong with learning a foreign language; often it makes one understand one's own language better. Personally, I used to be fluent in French, with smatterings of Spanish, Italian and Russian.

    But unlike much of the rest of the world, in America, there's little need for knowing another language, except perhaps Spanish is the South and SouthWest.

    Unlike Europeans, where I live, I'm at least 800 miles from anywhere another language is spoken (Quebec), and I have no regular contact, business or personal, with anybody who speaks another language.

    The person talking about Japan post graduates should also know that the vast majority of Japanese people do NOT learn another language at all, unless they get into international business.

    But the main problem I have with pushing foreign languages in school or making them mandatory is that we're graduating students who are sub-par at English, math and science, and who are economically illiterate. Let's concentrate on the basics, first, OK?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have no problem with the idea of speaking another language,nor do 99% of Conservatives. But essentially being forced into learning another language in order to live in the Country I was born in,as has been essentially tried by many in the American South and West,that I do have a problem with. Being called a Xenophobic Racist or something because I simply choose not to learn another language,that I have a problem with. Being called somehow less intelligent because I choose not to,or haven't bothered to learn another language,that I have a problem with. I don't care if Obama speaks 90 languages,or if anyone else wants to learn every language ever spoken on Earth,as long as it's of the persons choosing,not some phony attempt at "enlightenment" Besides 99% of the time that this issue comes up it's essentially a stab at people who live in the American Southwest,as in,"Why don't you learn Spanish instead of forcing the poor uneducated invaders to learn English",so I simply ignore idiots who make this an issue.


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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I do not think it is wrong to speak a foreign lang. I speak two, neither very fluent now as i have not used them for 30 years and have forgoten most of it. But first this is America and every one in it should be able to speak proper English. Not hip hop slang or some other @sshole slang before they are given the right to vote, become a citizen, start a business or get a drivers license, If they refuse then send them back where they come from

    Source(s): Democrats for McCain in 08
  • 1 decade ago

    You are missing the point, something many Liberals suffer from. Anyone who wishes to learn a foreign language is perfectly within their rights to do so. I as a Conservative, strongly encourage anyone who wishes to learn a foreign language to do so.

    But to be embarrassed because most Americans cannot or believeing that Europeans are superior because they can is simply irrational.

    Europeans are far more likely to have passports or speak foreign languages for one very good reason. It is not that they are more sophisitcated. It is not that they are more worldly. It is not that they are somehow superior.

    The reason is, because countries in Europe are smaller than most States in America. The reality is, most Americans who have traveled from Pennsylvania to Florida have traveled farther from home than most Europeans have in their entire lives. They often learn the languages of their surrounding countries because they pass back and forth all the time.

    They do it out of necessity. For instance, Luxembourg is about the size of Rhode Island and has a populaton three times smaller than Rhode Island. Is it any wonder they speak Luxembourgish, German and French?


  • 1 decade ago

    I don't get your criticism. I read the article. I read most of the comments. Sure didn't see an overwhelming criticism of learning a second language there. So, what's your beef? The only comment that I thought even came close to being against a second language... was true. Too many kids can't even speak ENGLISH at this time... especially among the Blacks. Maybe the schools need to focus on that a little more before considering a second language. But don't get me wrong, I'm certainly for speaking at least one other language (I'm conversational in 4 others myself), but first things first.

  • Max50
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Nothing is wrong with speaking another language.

    However, when in this country people should be speaking English and we shouldn't be force made to learn their language.

    Try going to Paris next time and tell them you need to learn English and see what you get.

    I think that we should also teach our kids the basics more before we go on to learning a foreign language.

    Because we a falling behind in so many subjects as compare to the world.

    More math and science.

    What is sad the only group where test scores are improving are home schoolers.

    The cry of liberals they don't teach evolution.

    Well if Johnny is better at math and science without teaching evolution I say drop the subject.

  • Dude
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    There is nothing wrong with learning a foreign language, the problem is when foreign languages are forced on us in our own country, when English is the language of America. The English founded our country, so they had the right to choose the language spoken in the country. The idea is not for Americans to assimilate to immigrants by learning Spanish, rather it should be as so many generations of immigrants did before (including my own family) where you come to America and assimilate into our society by learning English. If I were to move to China, I would have to learn Chinese, not the people of China learning English for me.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is nothing wrong at all about learning more than one language. But it should be an individuals choice, not something forced on our children because Dems think they/we need it.

    I'm amazed over the amount of "embarrassment" that Obama feels, and the lack of "pride" his wife feels for America. Seems to me that he should feel extremely grateful for America and for the opportunities he has had here. Wonder what he'd being doing if he lived in Europe, or Kenya?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Absolutely nothing is wrong with learning a foreign language. It has nothing to do with being conservative or liberal.

    I know a number of both and most, in equal measure, can't even speak English very well. I think his example of French was not very well thought out, he should have used Chinese as a better example. Or Spanish. Is Obama trying to court that small minority of people in this country who speak French?

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