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What Will Obama Supporters do If Puma gets their way some how?

This Puma thing where they are pretty much black mailing the DNC to make Hillary the Nominee. I myself don't think it will change anything. If they did that, I am sure some group that supports Obama would turn around and say the same thing.

But if some how Hillary pulls out an the nominee. How will Obama supporters react? Key word hear is Obama supporters, not Hillary supporters.

PUMA Call to Action; Let the DNC know you won’t be supporting Obama in November and OH, by the way we won’t be sending the DNC any money either

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would still vote for her, but the whole, "the DNC stole the nomination" stuff is BS. She would have lost even if Obama had gotten no delegates from FL and MI and Hillary had gotten them all.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, don't overlook the obvious. And that is: that Obama isn't the official Democratic nominee yet. Anything can happen between now and the convention at the end of August.

    And PUMA would make a difference if Obama were to win the nomination. It's the swing voters and Independents that are going to determine who the new President will be.

    But...methinks Hillary will get the Democratic nomination, and John Edwards will be her VP.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama will lose big without Hillary.

    Now, that's a myth about Obama voters, notably African Americans being against Hillary as VP. Last polls is saw said 63 and 67 percent of African-Americans want Hillary to be VP. I bet that number is growing. As Obama adopts MANY right-wing policies in the past few weeks (staying in Iraq, voting for FISA when Hillary voted against, not paying women on his staff fairly, saber rattling against Afghanistan, etc.), more of his voters will switch to HIllary to get a candidate we can trust who stands her ground. African Americans know what Obama promised them; his promises are dropping like flies. African Americans also know that Hillary Clinton has a PROVEN RECORD of being a civil rights champion for decades and is married to America's "first black president." African Americans know a Clinton as VP would be great for them.

    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Frankly, I want Obama to be president. I think Hillary would make a terrible choice as VP, but I would still vote for Obama if she was his VP nominee before I would vote for McCain. I truly believe that McCain is just like Bush, and Bush has hurt our country beyond measure.

    I also know that Obama and Hillary are for the same things, things McCain is opposed to. He's been a senator for many years and has never done anything outstanding for this country. He's unaware and unconcerned about our problems as a society. He's on a power trip. He's a rich old man who just wants to be president so that he can get richer. He's a mediocre individual. He's not even real bright. He partied through his Naval Academy years and barely graduated with a class ranking of 942 out of 946 students.

    And look at what he did when asked why insurance pays for Viagra and not birth control pills. He couldn't even tell the reporter what he thought about that--he had to go and look at his voting record so that he wouldn't get caught in another flip-flop. He's never voted for anything that would benefit women. So if you want to waste your vote on McCain, go ahead. I think there will still be enough Obama supporters to get him elected.

  • T C
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Hillary isn't going to get the nomination, even she knows the tactics needed to get it would only get her that far and do more to alienate a Dem party that has for the most part gotten behind Obama. It would be the end of her career in politics unless she switched parties.

    PUMA is all a show, propagated by the FOX's and dittoheads trying to make them appear greater than they are. Dems want the complete the tri-fecta this Nov and scrub all things Bush from Washington. It's gonna take 8 yrs to undo the mess this guy has buried us in. Letting McCain bury us further for 4 yrs is a fate beyond comprehension for progressives.

    PUMA's aren't progressives.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well since you're referencing my post here's a link to my response.

  • Leo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    They have a stick up their collective culos. They're bitching and moaning, saying that Obama somehow stole the nomination from Hillary. She went through the same primaries and caucuses as he did and was bound by the same rules. To top it all off they don't have the backing of the candidate they claim to support.

  • I want to go to Denver and be at Obama's acceptance speech at mile high stadium and scream HILLARY! HILLARY! HILLARY! I wonder if there will be lots of Hillary supporters then?

  • 1 decade ago

    My time is all booked up having fistfights with illiterate Republithug dum-dums, so I don't know what to say to this. I'm going to vote for the DEMOCRATIC nominee, and I don't care if it hairlips every damn mule in Arkansas. Just pick one !!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Barack Obama is the nominee and he is going to be challenging John Mccain in Nov and chances are that he will be the first colored president in the history

    so get over it

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