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Michelle S
Why are you loyal to your local candidate?
I see a lot of polls that people are upset about congress, but when polled individually people are usually in favor of their local politician. It's almost like schools, polled internationally people are against the school system, but polled locally people like their school system.
Are you willing to throw out the furniture to get new results? I don't see how loyalty pays to a party or candidate. There is social issues that divide us, but economic and freedoms that unite us.
1 AnswerGovernment9 years agoanyone have experience with mobil home loans?
Im appylying for a mobil home loan. But I keep hearing how difficult it is. It seems my negative is: I do not have an installment loan on my record. I have high FICO scores 750+ across the board. One lender told me putting down 35% might help my chances since I do not have an any installment loans to my credit. Anyone with expereince with this? I mean if I put down 35%... DO you think I could still get turned down?
4 AnswersCredit1 decade agoIs anyone familiar with the new Credit card laws?
The New CC laws state that minimum payment can be applies to the lowest intrest rate, but all access of min payment will go to the high intrest rate...
I know I can do this, Im just wondering if this is legal...
Say my balance 10k at 20%
I write myself
a promotional check from the same card for 10,400.00 + 4% fee.
New Balance is 20832
So if I pay the 10,400 to the CC then the majority of that is going to pay off the original amount that has the 20% correct?
my new balance would roughly 10K at the new promotional rate..because the higher intrest rate would be paid off.
On paper it works, Im just wondering if it is legal. It seems like scam, but is it legal?
4 AnswersCredit1 decade agoEnlisted to officer in the Army?
I havent joined yet, and Im wondering if it is difficult to become an officer after being enlisted . And does the age requirement still stand after your enlisted? Im 37 now, If I enlist, is it possible, impossible for me to become an officer?
3 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoWhat jobs can lead to Warrant Officer in the Army?
im an older dude ( im using my wife's long in, Im not michelle) I want to join the army, but this is not a career step, but a career change, so I want to choose a job that will lead to Warrant officer at some point, for money reasons mainly.
It seems like Air traffic controller is a good way to go.
Is a helicopter pilot the only career that straight out enlists as a Warrant Officer?
Any suggestions? ( I know, talk to a recruiter, and I will)
Also what clearance does an ATC need, I have some credit issues that would disqualify me from Top Secrect Clearance.
8 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoWhy are we creating green jobs in China instead of the US?
Looks like a missed opportunity.
The one good thing about going green; it was supposed to create jobs. But the 1.5 billion is coming from Chinese banks, instead of our own Banks, and our Government is securing the loan. In addition to paying their banks interest, the wind turbines are coming from China. This would have been roughly 1600 created in the US. America does make wind turbines. So another opportunity lost.
The only jobs we get will be a few installers, but no mf jobs, and another import.
Am I missing something?
9 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWhat does Virginia's new law mean for a National Health Care Bill?
Virginia Just passed a law that says, Virginian's cannot be mandated to purchase health care. I thught though a federal law would override a State law. But there must be something to it, if they went through the trouble pass it. ( someone told me it keeps our two democratic senators from Voting yes to any bill that contains language that would force Virginians to pay health Care) Otherwise if they voted yes to a Bill, they would be breaking Virginia's constitution. If that is true, VA successfully knocked off 2 Democrat Yes votes. The article says it makes it easier for VA to challenge a bill as unconstitutional, as it breaks our constitution.
Any thought on this? Any opinions, or facts on this, or what it does to Health Care reform?
4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoWill Obama's health care bill jump start the economy?
It seems his health care bill got Brown elected, which will hopefully stop his healthcare bill. Which caused a little sense of balance of power in congress which will give the free market a chance, which will give jobs a chance. So, by forcing health care, and hopefully failing, His Health Care reform attempt that alienated even the bluest state, might have saved our economy, by creating a balnce of power.
6 AnswersElections1 decade agoAre authorized user liable for A credit card holders debt?
Im filing bankruptcy. I have an American Express card, which I heard is the most difficult company to work with. I have two authorized user I removed almost a year ago. One of them does not even know they were a user, I never gave them the card. The other has never used the card I gave her. Are they some how liable? I saw one website that said no, and one that said yes.
They never provided any credit information, ssn, or signed the application.
5 AnswersCredit1 decade agoDoes finacial aid info go from school to school?
Wasnt sure how to ask this question.
Back when I was young and dumb. I took a bunch of classes, and didnt drop them, so I went for finacial aid recentlyand the school turned me down to not completing 67% of my classes or something.
Im wondering if I go to another school could it possibly work somewhere else? Finacial aid that is.
It seems it is up to the school if I get the aid, so im thinking another school I would be ok.
This is probably a question for the other school.
3 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade agoHow do you feel about this clunker refund?
Personally, the government bails out the auto industry, and again this is bailing out the auto industry, as well Im helping pay for my neighbors car. This isn't helping the poor, the needy. You still have to have money to buy a new car. Why is the Car industry getting so much bailout, there are lots of industries in trouble?
To me is more Government controll, SPend your money here, and we will help you.
There taking our money, and telling us where to spend our money.
If it was a must, why not spread it out evenly to everyone?
Am I looking at it to deeply?
4 AnswersPolitics1 decade agowhen you get approved for student aid, such as a pell grant. Do you actually get that amount, or do you only ?
Or do you only get the amount you need for school?
I ve applied, got the pre approval, now waiting on the school. So I dont understand will I get a check for that amount or....what?
2 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade agoAny Body have Quick books?
I want to chose an accounting software. If I purchase quick books, can I differnt accounts set up for differnt businesses?
I understand you can use quick books for payroll.
I have two different corporations, can I do pay roll for both corporations with the one program?
Or is set up for just one account?
If not can I do this on Peach Tree?
1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade agoAre Presidents allowed to defend themself publicly or politically?
Clinton will talk policy but he never trashes anyone. He didnt trah Bush running his second term.
Obama, and Hillary trash Bush more than talk about McCain.
Bush never defends himself. Im sure he his biting his tongue for some reason.
Bush went to Israel. ( I think it was Israel) and he just made a comment that some people wanted to make an early withdrawal. Obama, and Hillary went nuts saying he was interfering in the political race.
Im just wondering is there politcal rule of the President defending himself? Or trash talking the other candidates?
You know he has to want to say something.
1 AnswerElections1 decade agoIs Obama more of the same?
Democrat Barack Obama says he would delay rescinding President Bush’s tax cuts on wealthy Americans if he becomes the next president and the economy is in a recession, suggesting such an increase would further hurt the economy.
I think he is agreeing the tax cuts are not so bad huh? Or is agreeing his tax cuts are not so good for the country?
He will postpone is domestic plans
So what is he offering? Sounds like 4 more years of the same to me. I wonder if he will run as A pro life candidate next week.
6 AnswersElections1 decade agoIs Health no longer an issue?
Whats worst. A President who has escaped death a couple of time, a few times. Chooses, a Governor to help him run a country.
Who is supposable a Heart beat away from Presidency.
However this Governor is also a Maverick, also goes agaisnt her party when needed. So she completes the ticket.
Biden who has escaped death himself, who is also an old man. If he dies then Obama is now teamed with Pelosi?
How scary is that?
We would be a heart beat away of Obama being in the House by himself.
Biden wipes out Obamas Change method, so who really did their homework in choosing a candidate?
Can we get off of the death jokes?
SO Palin by herself, or Obama by himself. I like Palin..
6 AnswersElections1 decade agoDo elected officials take lie detector tests?
I'm referring to the point they are given a Security Clearance, and to get one of those you take a test. I know they can be beaten all other secret clearance jobs, this is a must.
1 AnswerElections1 decade agoWhat Will Obama Supporters do If Puma gets their way some how?
This Puma thing where they are pretty much black mailing the DNC to make Hillary the Nominee. I myself don't think it will change anything. If they did that, I am sure some group that supports Obama would turn around and say the same thing.
But if some how Hillary pulls out an the nominee. How will Obama supporters react? Key word hear is Obama supporters, not Hillary supporters.
PUMA Call to Action; Let the DNC know you won’t be supporting Obama in November and OH, by the way we won’t be sending the DNC any money either
15 AnswersElections1 decade agoWhy is Obama for another round of rebate checks?
Obama attacked McCain on Gas Tax holiday as a gimmick, which I actually agree with on. But he is now saying he wants another round of rebate checks. And give Americans a 1000 right off so they can have extra money to pay for gas. What's the difference? MCains gas tax relief, and Obamas 1000 right off, either way is tax money not being collected.
Durring the debates Mike Huckabee said instead of rebates we should invest in building 95, he said that in FLa, so he meant our infrastructure.
a few weeks later Obama took up that as his agenda saying, we shouldn't have given tax rebates, but build our roads.
So I guess Obama is now making gimmicks too? Is this another flip flop or am I Missing a detail?
9 AnswersElections1 decade agoHas anyone ever been part of these poles?
They seem to have a new pole every day, I have never been called. I'm just wondering how many other people have been part of these poles. Maybe they avoid calling registered Republicans.
11 AnswersElections1 decade ago