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IF Hecate is the goddess of Witches and IF Nyx is the goddess of Vampires, who is the goddess of Werewolves?

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Following your logic, Selene would be the goddess of the theriomorph (that is, shapeshifter), as she is the moon goddess, however, in terms of mythology, here is some further information:

    Hecate, a divinity of the Underworld and companion of Persephone, is called the queen of night and the goddess of the cross-roads; her three faces are turned towards as many directions...see the site below for more on Hecate

    NYX was the goddess of the night, one of the ancient Protogenoi (first-born elemental gods). In the cosmogony of Hesiod she was born of Air (Khaos), and breeding with Darkness (Erebos) produced Light (Aither) and Day (Hemera), first components of the primeval universe. Alone, she spawned a brood of dark spirits, including the three Fates, Sleep, Death, Strife and Pain...see the site below for more information on Nyx

    SELENE was the Titan goddess of the moon. She was depicted as a woman either riding side saddle on a horse or in a chariot drawn by a pair of winged steeds. Her lunar sphere or crescent was represented as either a crown set upon her head or as the fold of a raised, shining cloak...see site below for more information on Selene

  • 6 years ago

    Lamia was a beutiful goddess which had an affair with zesus (which goddess hasn t.) Hera his wife was mad at this and as a result she killed Lamia s children whilst Lamia watched and cursed her so she could never close her eyes without seeing her dead children. (Or Hera forced Lamia to kill her children and she ripped out her eyes. The myth changes.) Lamia goes crazy with grief and in the greek legend she changes into a monster with a lizard tail. In the roman legend she stays beutiful. Lamia gets revange by eating other children which devolped into Lamia drinking other childrens blood. So yes Lamia is the goddess of vampires- even if it is far-fetched.

    Nyx wasnt the goddess of vamps- thats just p.c and kristen cast s books (I wouldnt blame them. Why would they want crazy monster Lamia as there kind, loving goddess?) Nyx was, though, the goddess of the night.

    Hecate was the goddess of the dead, crossroads, witchcraft and witches.

    The goddess of werewolves...I dont think there is any goddess or story about a werewolf/wolf goddess. Hecate was asscoited with the full moon and hounds/dogs. Selene was the orignal moon goddess. And Artemis (Twin to apollo!) was the moon goddess asscoited with wild animals and hunting. Soooo if you want to call anyone a werewolf goddess go with hecate or Artemis- Again its far fetched but sorta true.

  • 7 years ago

    Nyx is only mentioned as the Vampyre goddess in the House of the Night Series by P.C. and Kristin Cast, however they did not call her by name of Vampire/Vampyre goddess but goddess of the night. The book is a fictional story about a vampyre school where they choose to worship Nyx because she is the goddess of night; as listed before before Nyx is greek, and celtic for night. There are some depictions as Lilith being the goddess of vampyres but that is only because her characteristics match it. I have never heard of a goddess or even god of werewolves, unless you want to count Lucian but that's a character from the movie Underworld.

  • 5 years ago

    Greek Goddess Of Witchcraft

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nyx is the goddess of night. In Greek Νyx (Νυξ) means night .

    There was not a goddess of vampires neither a goddess of werewolves.

    The only vampire in the Greek Mythology was Lamia.

    If you want you can call her "goddess of vampires" but she was most a she-daemon.

    There were 2 characters with the name Lamia :

    1. Lamia was a Libyan queen loved by the god Zeus. When his jealous wife Hera learned of their affair she stole away her children. Lamia went mad with grief, and tore out her own eyes. Zeus then transformed her into a monster allowing her to exact her revenge by hunting and devouring the children of others.

    Lamia often appears as a bogey-monster, a night-haunting demon which preyed on children. She was sometimes pluralised into ghostly, man-devouring demon Lamiai.

    2. THE LAMIA KORINTHIA was a ghostly daemon who seduced the handsome youth Menippos in the guise of a beautiful woman to consume his flesh and blood. She was expelled by the pagan prophet Apollonios of Tyana who exposed her many illusions.

    The story of the Korinthian Lamia is set in the city of Korinthos (Corinth) in the C1st A.D. The main figure in the story, Apollonios of Tyana, was a respected (historical) pagan prophet of the age.

    Source(s): Artemis Vravronia
  • 1 decade ago

    Nyx is not the goddess of vampires, she is the Greek goddess of the night and while although vampires work in the night, she is not specifically the goddess of them.There is no goddess of werewolves.The werewolf myth was started by King Lycan.Her served the gods the flesh of his son, and as punishment, turned him into a wolfman.Thus Lycanthrope, Lycanthropy.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    hmm... from my recent searching about Lilith, it seems to me that she is responsible for vampires and all sorts of other predatory nighttime creatures (succubi, whatever other demons, it varies in the stories)

    As for werewolves or shape shifters, check out La Loba? I was taught a song, a while back at a gathering, that was about her. There was lots of howling. But, that s pure speculation. Have fun researching!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    Personally, I see Hekate as a young, beautiful woman with blazing eyes and either smiling or having a firm face. I cannot picture her as a Crone although I perfectly understand the reasons she appears so to many. Also, concerning her "Trismorphis" figure: I consider it a symbolic reference to her generally, "three-fold" duties as well as her power over three spheres: earth, sea and sky and her relation to crossroads. In my mind's eye, the "full" image of Hekate is a young, beautiful woman, carrying torches, dressed in long black and purple robes, wearing a girdle around her waist with a rope, key and athame (her symbols) and accompanied by a dog, cat and snake or dog, cat and crow (I always see those animals when meditating on her or generally, praying to her) either all of them black in colour or etheral-like. Also, in the background there is the New Moon.

  • 1 decade ago

    You better stay away from him. He'll rip your lungs out, Jim.

    I'd like to meet his tailor.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't think there is werewolves are characterized as men so i don't think they would have a godess

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