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How many people found the cover of the New Yorker Magazine completely tastless?

I don't care what party you're affiliated with, surely you agree that the caracature of the Obamas was distateful and nothing more than trash. Whoever is in charge of that rag ought to be fired for allowing something like that on the cover. I hope that magazine lines a lot of bird cages this week.

29 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I live in America where people use freedom of speech to justify slandering another person or persons. Did the cover shock me? No, not at all. I expect it. It's disappointing though we have to do such things like this to receive ratings or attention.

  • Jamie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    On the contrary. It presented a view of very common pertinent topics that should be addressed verbally and were very well addressed visually-his muslim background,; his affiliation with know anarchists, his & his wife's elistist attitudes, & more.

    It was softball compared to the ****** ripping they give Bush. And what about the toons on Condi Rice? My god! Where's you indignation on them?

  • 1 decade ago

    Funny, you people had no problem with them making fun of Bush with offensive material for the past 8 years

    If Obama can not handle a cartoon he really should do the country a favor and drop out and let someone with more balls take his place.

  • Pfo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    A lot of people need to un-bunch their panties. The cover is so sensational that it is clearly satire. I'm sure the New Yorker, which is left-leaning, does not intend to portray Obama as a muslim terrorist.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I thought it was really funny, and tasteless.

    The did make a huge mistake though. They made fun of a liberal, and everybody knows, that's against the rules

  • 1 decade ago

    I absolutely loved it. I thought is portrayed Obama and his wife pretty accurately. Everyone knows that Obama and his wife do not think highly of America or the American public. He has an agenda and he'll lie and deceive anybody and everybody just to achieve it.

  • It was but obama knew when he ran there would be b.s like this so he needs to suck it up.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think they've accurately portrayed him with the way the rest of America see's him. He's a wolf in sheeps clothing. The guy and his wife have proven they hate America so I say anything is fair game @ this point.

  • 1 decade ago

    Everyone is taking up for bush... he is actually an IDIOT. He is stupid point blank. Making reference to Obama and portraying him as a terrorist along with his wife is totally false. Americans are so backwards in their thought process. If it was up to the average American McCain will be in office.. your sons, daughters, wives, husbands, brothers, sisters, uncles,aunts, and cousins will still be loosing their lives overseas for oil, gas will be 25 dollars a gallon, and we will be headed in depression #2. You want the end of the country... vote McCain in 08 loosers!

  • 1 decade ago

    Truthful ......... It's about time some of the media knocks the Omama down a few pegs.......

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