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Anonymous asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Coming after the NKF saga, how does the arrest of Ren Ci head make you feel?

Ren Ci hospital head Shi Ming Yi has been charged with 10 charges of forgery and misuse of funds. Do you think he's guilty? What do you think should be done to prevent such situations in charitable organisations in Singapore?

256 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, 1st time to say when intial investigation started in Feb 2008 on Ren Ci hospital was disappointment and more disappointment.

    Ming Yi Revered was one of the most respectable high key personel for raising funds for charity organisation. His original intention to help the needy and the poor was correct but was lured into desire during the process of helping the poor.

    Whether is guilty or not, depends on Ming Yi Revered's heart and soul as he alone is anwerable to all the questionable truth about his honesty. Althrough the court can choose to throw the case out of court or set him guility, I say it is like crying over the spolit milk.

    Misuse of funds or forgery should not be seen in charity orangisation anywhere in the world not just in Singapore but repeated cases reported in Singapore are diminishing Singaporean's kind heartness as one no longer trust charity organisations to donate.

    I believe other than regular audit and closing to the guildlines for charity organisation, the board of meeting should be consist of the public if not, the government officals. (This is similar of corporate governess in listed companies.)

    The statements of the accounts should be able to be accessed by all the members of public easily (Ren CI hospital did publish its statement of accounts but I believe it is not the full statement of accounts.)

    Last personal opinion before I drew a close to my opinion is that members of the public should be more activly involved in charity organisation not in terms of momentary but rather in manpower.

    Most charity organisation are still short on momentary as well as manpower to run their daily operations and end up hiring full time employees to do the works - which drew another important issues is the salaries of the high key personels working in charity organisation ie 80k "peanuts" salary that Duai T.T used to drawn during his time with NKF.

    With that, I hope that I will not see another report on charity organisation saga (which is unlikely as greed habours desire) so that Singapore will feel that the momentary parked with chairty organisation are with safe hands.

    Source(s): My personal opinion and view on this issue.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There was another NKF incident before this, and many people have already lost their trust on this fund raising company. Through the years, people have finally regained their trust, but now, this had to happen.

    Well, I believe the head of Ren Ci hospital committed the crime due to a moment a folly. He wanted to help his friends, but he used the funds to do so - and it did not belong to him. He should not have done that. Maybe he has forgotten that the money does not belong to him (no matter what, he has been there for a long time, he might have been brainwashed?), hence he did all these.

    I have no idea what we can do to prevent such situations in charitable organisations in Singapore, even the person we trust the most have done that, what about others?

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe there's quite a pool of S'poreans who hold Shi Ming Yi in high regards. To them, it could be utter disappointment when this incident happened. However, I'm not very surprised. Because to me, he looks more like a commercial figure than a devoted buddhist.

    Anyway, I think he should be guilty for the minutes changing thingy(if it's true) at least. Well, the rest we'll see how it goes in court. (Can't imagine how the judge and lawyers going to react when Shi Ming Yi tries to answer them with his "holy" tone and actions.)

    Basically, charitable organisations (chari. org.), like all other organisations(in different sectors) will start out small. With a good leader to push it forward, it will soon become bigger(obviously) but when one day if it's handed over to the wrong person. T.I. (That's It)

    The worst person is the one who's taking over the "wrong person". He/She gonna start out small. Well, my recommendation is to come out with small events(within the organisation's compund) yearly which still can gain back the trust (at least) of generous donors, be it organisations or individuals. Then maybe back to the tv few years later, which is directed to commoners like me.

    I personally think that there's any preventive action which is really effective against such situations. Firstly, "don't judge a book by its cover"(and maybe some contents). You will never know when the leader will change and turn the place topsy-turvy. Secondly, "if there's a will, there's a way". It applies to auditors who find all means to check and those dishonest people who try all means to hide. Lastly, this may fume up some people but I have to say this. It's just about the co-existence of the cheaters and the cheated.

    I guess such incidents will just happen again, maybe 5 to 10 years later.

    Reality --- No news = No life

  • 1 decade ago

    Necessary regular auditing will work in such situation.

    The NKF Saga and the arrest of Ren Ci head made me ponder the integrity and values these organizations hold. Do they act according to the rules they set in the book? Obviously not, therefore the abuse. Why set rules when you don't follow any?

    Charitable organizations wanted help, we showered them with donations. They needed support, therefore explains the volunteers and the hardworking media and media artistes to initiate more support by raising funds. But where did the hard earned money we donated go to? Into their big fat pockets? Now that's wrong.

    Guilty or not, the law and order will decide. Now we all know who's the bad guy.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The arrest really made me feel disappointed and awed. I mean, after the NKF arrest, wouldn't other organisations fear that they might be 'found out' too? Especially the person we are talking about is ming yi fa shi. Every year, he would perform dangerous stunts to help move people to donate more money for charity. As for whether he is guilty or not, no one can be sure until there is sufficient proof and ming yi fa shi admitted it himself. Until then, I'm going to stay neutral...

    But if he really did that, I feel that it is human nature to succumb to greed. But I was shocked that he, a monk, actually succumb to his desire! Shouldn't a monk be well, humble? Not care for material gains, luxury etc? Definitely disappointed in him...

    To prevent more cases from happening, I feel that the Singapore government should take more precautions. First, impose more fines and punish them more severely. In what way I do not really know, maybe serve a longer jail term?

    Second, I feel that parents should take a part in training our country's future leaders. They should groom their children to have integrity, honest, and a moral mindset. By grooming them at a young age, it will be more deeply etched within them and this will reduce such cases from happening.

  • 1 decade ago

    Personally, whether guilty a not, the damage has been done, trust has been eroded. As a head of such a big charitable organisation, Monk Shi Ming Yi should not allow himself to be in such an awakard position in the first place. I truly believed in zero tolerance for corruption in charity work. Simply because the concept of "charity" is one of the too few ideology today that shows human's goodside in our cruel and selfish world. To stained the "charity concept" with anything vice is simply unacceptable. From a personal perspective, after 2 such big cases in Singapore, my charity will only focus on actual physical help for the needys and never! a single cent of mine will go to those organisation. At least my physical work for the unfortunate can never be cheated away!

  • 1 decade ago

    Guilty or not it's not up to us to decide. After all, the word transparency has always been a taboo in Singapore's society isn't it?

    Why is it that everyone is making such a big hoo-haa over that sum of money with Ren-Ci and NKF while no one is actually questioning about the astronomical figures that GIC or CPF handles?

    It's always the private organisations that gets exposed... and what about the millions of dollars DAILY (and still rising...) generated from the 65 ERPs gantries in Singapore goes to?

    Be it charitable or non-profit organisations, such situations are bound to arise as long as "transparency" is not maintained. Transparency is what the rich and powerful make it to be.

  • Anya
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Do I think he's guilty? I'm going to stay neutral until the final verdict. But when I read about it, the first feeling that came to me wasn't anger, but more like resignment. I believe that no matter what crops up, you shouldn't use other people's money to solve your own problems. Don't you know enough to keep your personal and office life separate?

    Frequent audit checks please. Every cent has to be accounted for when it comes to a charitable organisation which runs primarily on public donations. I've never donated to any of the Ren Ci fundraising shows before, simply because I don't believe in giving my money to TV shows without very good reasons. I'd rather be a volunteer and help directly. That way I can be sure that whatever I'm doing is really helping these needy people.

  • 1 decade ago

    The arrest has lead doners to think seriously before any donation, this will definitely ineffect the amount of donation collected yearly. As for Ming Yi's culpabilty, public sholud not judge him till investigation is completed and verdict from court. Forgery and misuse of funds can be prevent if the organisation has a clear set of SOP in uses of Fund

  • Judy M
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Most of the answers here are indicative of the state of Singapore. They say more about the place than any agency can.Please observe the venom against someone who as yet has not been proven to be guilty.

    Also observe the fact that these poor people want someone who can run a huge charity, have the ability of an international CEO, be qualified(an MBA or two?) and yet have the salary of a taxi driver.

    Those days, if they ever existed, are gone. Even the commitment of politicians is bought by money these days.

    Wake up Singapore- nobody does it for free!! Not you, not your government, not anybody. And please don't get upset

    that you know nothing about your CPF money, or the GIC

    earnings. Why would they tell you? You would not understand high finance anyway.

    Just work and pay and learn to be lest critical of things you can do nothing about, and are not sufficiently gifted to know anything about.

    If your government is so efficient and smart they would abolish all charities and pay the bill themselves (they have more than enough money to be able to do that), instead of wasting money propping up UBS (goodbye) and other failing banks. Or being fleeced by those even smarter than them.

    First we had Mas Selamat, now this!

    The very ordinary (and less well educated) people of Singapore keep the country going and are cheerful charitable souls, so that in the future the incoming migrants can inherit it from them. Work hard and don't complain so much.

    This is Singapore not Australia, or the USA, where they all complain all the time (and nobody listens to them there either!).

    I hope this monk is innocent of all charges against him.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sad, very Sad ! the case in more serious than NKF . ( From the pass, when CAD take action, is mean true ! no body win case in court via CAD yet ) And Mr. Shi Ming Yi is MD from UK . one of the very few well and high education Singaporean Monk . i can only believe that he don't take any money or benefit for his own ! but some charges show is great offend , FALSE information should not don't from a religious leader ! ( i am sorry to said that right now) . for me ,from now onward, all Charities will only go direct to who need help ( money ) .maybe we should have one so call Ministries of Charities to take care all of Minister fully responsibly for all this matter.( Thank to Mr.Shi Ming Yi for the pass , he really do allot for Ren-Ci ) Because LAW by LAW, Singapore Stan up ! every body here must follow LAW , do your think so ?

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