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Does freedom of religion mean protection of religion?

Does freedom of religion mean you have the right not to have your religion questioned or contested? Or the right to whine when it is?

Or does it just mean you have the right to believe it without being thrown in jail or burnt at the stake, have the right to protection from physical harm motivated by religious hatred, and have the right to practice your religion so long as it doesn't break the law or infringe on others' rights?

Why is the latter not enough for some people? Why -should- religion be above question, to the extent that some believers go on a smear against those of us that do question, calling it 'hateful' and 'intolerant'?


Yeah, I should have been more clear. I kind of took protection of religious -people- to be a given.

Update 2:

fouro33: Though your point is valid, most of the questions on an English-language website to do with religion will be about the predominant religion in English-language regions. Perhaps that -is- a little too insular, though.

sam: Maybe I didn't quite phrase that right. My point was that the people doing the questioning are being called hateful and intolerant, not that that's the nature of the questioning (though I don't deny that in some cases it may be, that's not nearly always the case).

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Freedom of religion means that you are protected from religious persecution. No one can attack or harm you in any way, shape, or form based on your or their religion. They can question it. Really, people invented religion (whether it's correct or incorrect) to answer our questions. Why shouldn't we be allowed to question the answers?

    Should I whine when someone questions evolution? No, I'm perfectly open to someone saying that evolution is wrong, and I'm not going to complain when someone tells me that, whether online or in person.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Freedom of religion does mean you have the right not to have your religion questioned or contested. You have the right to believe it without being thrown in jail or burnt at the stake, have the right to protection from physical harm motivated by religious hatred, and have the right to practice your religion so long as it doesn't break the law or infringe on others' rights.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Freedom of religion and the right to practice it is a first amendment right that many fought and died for.

    Calling it intolerant and hateful is your freedom of speech. When you go so far as to spread lies and block someone or a group of people from practicing their religion in a rented facility, I believe that the first amendment right has been violated.

    This happened to my church last week.

  • 1 decade ago

    You know what that is a great question! Love it! Well I guess that freedom and protection is totally different. See "christians" are against "pagans" and they just keep badagering them. At least with freedom us "wiccans" cannot be burned at the stack or have any of those crazy tests the "puritans" preformed on so-called witchs around the Salem Witch Trials. Thank you fathers for freedom.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Protection? Sort of. It is supposed to allow folks who are fleeing religious persecution to gain sanctuary.

    No. No.

    To no few believers, their faith is so shaky, so built upon a foundation of sand, that they're desperate to deny even the most pertinent truth be revealed about thier religion.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I object more to the stereotyping, generalizing, and the singling out of one particular religion while keeping remarkably silent on others than to the childish name-calling.

    CASE IN POINT: Islamic countries EXECUTE homosexuals, yet there are never questions on here that say, "Why do MUSLIMS hate gays?" There is no Christian country on earth that practices execution of homosexuals, and homosexuality is considered a sin in Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and many other minor religions; yet the question is ALWAYS, "Why do *Christians* hate gays?"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It means that people have the right to worship as they please, within certain constraints. One of those constraints would be not to marry off your daughters when they're like 12 to a 50 year old man that already has 10 other wives.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    freedom of religion means just what you think. you can beleive in what you want as long as you do not harm others in the process.others can't harm you for your beleifs as well. just remember your rights end at the end of someone elses nose.

  • 1 decade ago

    why is RELIGION the problem.......?????

    PEOPLE the problem. Do you not think that people are evil with or without religion???

    The religions vary but the common denominator is: Humans.

    People kill, not guns....people kill, not religion.


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