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My life been kind of off track so i am thinking or joning the army or marines?

I hate college, I'm not really have a decent time at home either, i don't really have too many people i can confide in as well so far my life has been really off track i mean i don't seem to care or want anything anymore whats the point if if i make it in life only to have to still be alone so . i thought about joining the army or marines i have been thinking about it for years but now i think i seriously want to join one of the two

I am 20 years old male 215 pounds or less not all muscle is there any requirement before i can join the army or marines I have got nothing to lose maybe going away can give me a new prescriptive on things

8 Answers

  • Lala
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Semper Fi! Join the Marines.

    My husband was in the same boat, he dropped out of high school and was fired from 4 jobs, I was in school, and his life was going no where.

    The Marines did more for him in a day than the entire state did for him in his life. Within 2 hours of meeting with a recruiter he was enrolled in a special High School diploma program, had fulfilled all the high school gym requirements just by doing PT's with the recruiter, and was only 7 credits away from graduating (2 months).

    Your weight seems about average, but it depends on how tall you are. If you are 6 foot or above, you will be ok with just some toning and strengthening. If you are shorter than that, you might have to lose weight. My husband is 6'4 and weighed 190 lbs at the time of enlistement, and the maximum he was allowed to weigh was 253 theres a lot of room for adjustment.

    They do have medical requirements and you need to be in good health, no preexisting conditions, and no major health problems for 5 years prior to joining (exceptions can be made for broken bones if they are properly healed and don't cause problems). Some pre-existing conditions can be waived, but the list is small.

    There aren't any actual muscle requirement to JOIN, however, your recruiter will start whipping you into shape for boot camp (13 weeks long, longer than army boot camp) even before you are dept'd in, so by the time you show up at BCT you should be in pretty good physical condition. If you aren't in peak condition, the worst that could happen is you get put in a physical conditioning platoon for a week or 2.

    You can make lifelong friends in the military, and can do basically anything.

  • 1 decade ago

    I was in a similar situation a few years ago and joining the army has been the best thing I have done. I have made some awesome friends since joining, seen several different countries and have enough disposable income to see and do new things.

    Every day is something different and you always feel like you achieve something.

    The best thing you can do is go to a careers office and they'll answer all your questions.

  • 1 decade ago

    Joining the service sounds like a good option for someone in your situation. Give you a challenge in life, travel, and discipline.

    However please realize that there is a very high chance you'll be serving in Afghanistan or Iraq, perhaps more then 1 tour.

    If I were joining the service today, I'd join the Air Force. Yes you still might serve in Iraq, but it's probably less so, plus it's unlikely you'll be going out and seeking out trouble and firefights.

  • I am going throught this right now and I started to go throught the enlistment process, and let me tell u, when I passed the asvab with a 50 I was so happy that I did it and with a good score, then passing every step makes u feel so proud of ur self and gives u a new view of ur self, if ur ready the go for it! Godd bless u brother!

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  • 1 decade ago

    well i forget my mom is in the army and when she got in i think all the females have to be 140 pounds i forget what the guys must weigh. The army will straightin you up,and they always got your back, if someone steals you they will look for you until they find you... i dont know to much about the marines most of my family is in the army.

  • 1 decade ago

    i was the same way..just had enough of college and things were goin downhill at home

    there are requirements but for your age i dont know the requirements..the Marines told me for my height (which is 6'2'') i had to be 235lbs..the army went by body fat percentage for my age (which is 23) i had to be 26%

    i recommend the Marines..they are trained to do the most with the least..pride in the corp

  • 1 decade ago

    I would strongly reccomend the ARMY, my husband was confused and this has seemed to be the thing and given him the sense of direction he needed.

    Some people are just born soliders.

    *Just so you know, he was 199lbs when he left for basic.

    Source(s): Army wife.
  • 1 decade ago

    Before you think of military occupation, think peace movement organizations. They also can and will teach you about strength, courage, honor, integrity, and the effects are everlasting. Peace to you Sweety.

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