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Why can't the Obama worshipers see that it's really George Soros who is behind Obama's "meteoric rise"?

All these young naive people who think that Obama is a "breath of fresh air" don't see the reality of the situation. George Soros would be President-by-proxy.

What makes you think a leftist billionaire (oh, the irony!) would have America's best interest in mind?


It's ok for Soros to have fat pockets, while he believes that the populace should share its earnings and endure a communal existence? Please, he simply pays lip service to leftist ideals.

Update 2:

For your knowledge my dears, I'm NOT a Republican. I'm a Democrat. And I actually care about the wellbeing of my country. I don't allow myself to be influenced by media hype.

Guess who owns the media networks, with the exception of FOX???????

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am a lifelong democrat. I have voted for forty I am not some young kid.

    It is downright scary what is going on.......Obama has been bought and paid for. Most are, but Obama will cause great pain to this nation if he takes the chair.

    He is a presumptuous arrogant man who is being spoon fed what to say. He is in East projecting himself as a leader of our nation........when he is only a politician campaigning. I, for one, do not want him telling the East what his plans would be.........maybe he is getting campaign monies from them........he is telling them what they want to hear.

  • 1 decade ago

    They have been brain washed by a public education system run by liberals and a liberal main stream media.They refuse to face the facts that Conservatives contribute more time and money to charities than Liberals.

    The top 1 percent of income earners, by household, paid 39 percent of all federal income taxes in 2005, whereas the bottom 50 percent paid a little over 3 percent. Further, 32 percent of all tax returns filed in 2005 were from people who paid no federal income tax at all.

    I am tired of hearing all these people that think they are entitled to someone elses earnings. No poor man has ever given me a job and flawed Government programs isn't the answer to a better life.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Good question. Glad you asked it.

    Democrats are Lemmings. They will run tis country right into a river or lake and drown us all. People thought Clinton was a great President but if it hadn't been for Dick Morris, Clinton would have destroyed this country. Thank God for Republicans who kept this country a Capitalist Republic during the disgraceful Clinton Administration.

    George Soros should be deported as he is an enemy of the State. He's as bad as John Lennon (Lenin?) but has scammed more cash than Lennon could.

    Soros lives by the song "Imagine" which is nothing but Socialist Propaganda.

    I really wish that Dems would wake up and smell the Coffee!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They ought to be able to see George's hand running up Obama's back. Obama is nothing more that George Soros's dummy.

    NObama 08'

    August 4 President

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  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you. Obama is nothing but a post turtle. If you ever see a turtle on a post then you my ask how did he get there, (some one had to put him there) why is he there and what can he do while he is there. Obama has George Soros pulling all the strings and George will continue after Obama gets in the office.

  • justa
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There isn't any reason to assume, even if you are correct that Soros, who seems to be some sort of bogeyman for the right, is anti American just because he doesn't share your viewpoint.

    For that matter, George Bush went into his first national campaign with over two hundred million dollars in his war chest, don't you think those people had some say in what happened later?

    Unless we want to ban all donations we will have people who wish to influence politics.

    But simply assuming someone who is rich and of a different political party is not going to have Americas best interest at heart, isn't taking into account that if America goes down the tubes hes isn't going to be so rich anymore so his self interest would be at work trying to make the country better too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You hit the nail right on the head. He also belongs to Pelosi and Reid.

    Cant wait till Hillary drops her bomb

  • 1 decade ago

    any billionaire or man with money who is willing to tax the higher bracket to bring middle class america back where it should be must be fair and fair minded hence he would be taxing the crap out of himself. Another thing america is ran by lobbiest, special interest groups, and bundlers its time for "the breathe of fresh air" because baby the air we are breathing currently is the wiff stinky fart of scam artist of america again pointing to the lobbiest, special interest groups, bundlers, and other bs going on.

  • 1 decade ago

    We have already bankrupted all the right-sided money might as well start on the left for a "CHANGE"

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