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Why is there such a stigma regarding mental illness?

Many seniors experience mental illness in different forms. There's so many adjustments in the aging process. Yet society looks at depression, bi-polar disorder, and etc. as if one could contract it. Seniors should not be shunned and have the freedom to express how they feel. It's not like having a broken arm.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've noticed that too & perhaps it's because they have never educated themselves on mental illness, & would rather stick their heads in the sand rather than try to understand what it is. However, when it comes to Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimers, Dimentia, Heart Disease, etc., they have so much understanding & compassion in that respect. No wonder some people who have mental issues, are ashamed to admit it, thanks to how society feels about it. People who have mental issues & who don't seek medical, need to do so but maybe they are afraid to because they are the ones who are part of the stigma. Yes, Seniors should not be shunned nor feel ashamed to express their thoughts & feelings about what they're going through, just because they have mental issues. Shame on those who are pointing finger. They need to remember that they have eight more fingers pointing back at themselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually,having a mental problem and having a broken limb are exactly the same. It's what I always tell our patients. If they fell down and broke a leg, they wouldnt hesitiate to go to the hospital. When it involves the mind, somehow, it becomes a thing of shame. I used to think that after a few years, the world would get over putting such a stigma on mental illness,but they havent. Folks like you and me can help with this. Tell people that there is nothing to be ashamed of. Maybe if enough people say this, people wont be afraid to get help.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have not been around mental illness. At least I did not determine some one to be mentally ill. Maybe some one who was pretty bitter or cantankerous or kinda down in the dumps or ticked off at some one or some thing was actually mentally ill. Where is that fine line that seems to separate people that are just unfriendly and hard to socialize with with those that are mentally ill ? I understand that mental illness is a condition that warrants treatment but, does a personality that just does not act and react in the manner in which we expect need a pill ?

    Source(s): Texan
  • Doug
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Snoot, mental illness is exactly like a broken arm or leg, it should be treated vigorously. Mental illness is no different than any other illness, it is just that, an illness. I have never understood why at any given time, 29 million people are stricken with depression, but are thrown in a group of people who are "crazy". Not to be political, but the Republican party has always worked to exclude treatment from health plans, and worked to keep mental health treatment from those who need it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Amen! Hopefully, since every other person you run into these days is on some type of anti-depressant, that will all change. It's like vogue now or something. The senior citizen thing though is just infuriating for many reasons. Seniors are looked at as being naive for some reason. Like they've never had sex or gone anywhere or done anything wild or crazy or interesting. It's like people think they somehow skipped that whole period in their life. I am disgusted with how the elderly are pushed aside by the very people they offered love and support to all their lives. The body ages - totally agaist our will. Nobody wishes to get old, so why do people act like the aged are somehow a burden? Nobody begrudges a baby all the care they need. It's just a stage of life. I sell Avon and many of my customers are seniors and they like to talk. They are a total hoot - all of them. Some of them are ornery as heck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Who says there is a stigma. What you describe is part of the aging process. I live in a senior community-they aren't "shunned", they have the freedom to express themselves. What are you referring to? The 1800's ?

  • Dottie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I have lived a lot of places but Indiana seem to be the most uncaring state of mental illnesss I believe Bush took away a lot of money that was put aside for this so its really hard to get help for someone with mental illnes

  • 1 decade ago

    Mental illness is not only a senior problem. People are afraid of things they don't understand. Bi Polar, Schizophenics, etc act so bizarre "normal" people don't know how to respond to them.

    My ex had brain damage due to head trauma. I tried for 9 years to take care of him until he refused to take his meds, beat me & threatened my life. Then I had to leave. This is not like Alzheimer's. These people become violent.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some people are afraid of mental illness, everyone needs more information about it.

    Good question have a star.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because some of us don't see it as an "illness" & don't care to be used for experimental purposes of the medical "professionals" who dole out medications & turn people into slobbering zombies who can't even feed themselves, them must be put in a facility at a high cost to insurance companies & tax-payers. The system is turning people into mentally ill people with no way out. There needs to be more education & counseling before a person is told to take a pill to deal with these so-called "mental illnesses". No one wants to spend the time it takes to allow a person to become comfortable in the skin they have...shortcomings & all! Truely mentally ill people (severe cases) need institutions & supervision. Sadly, we (society) just put them out onto the street with a bag of meds & they become prey for the wolves who await they arrival outside every mental health clinic or around the corner.

    Source(s): Oftentimes, people are not diagnosed properly & they are just sensitive individuals who need a way to channel their energies. Sadly, most are simply given a 5 minute interview & a bottle of pills with an appointment to return in 2 weeks! People with spiritual & psychic gifts are being pigeon-holed & caged by the medical research people. It's all about misconceptions, in MOST cases.
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