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What are the eight "don't ask" questions in USA?

Beijing has posted "eight questions not to ask Olympic


11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Would you like a f-a-g?..if offering a cigarette.

    How did it go in Vietnam then?

    Is Baseball just glorified Rounders?

    Why don't you like the letter u in colour, favour, flavour etc?

    Why do you call your bum your fanny?

    Are football players so delicate that they need padding?

    Why do you call it the 'World Series' when only you compete?

    Are Americans really this stupid?...

  • 5 years ago

    Have you ever read "The Prayer of Jabez?" (Bible-- 1 Chronicles 4:9-10) Basically, Jabez was bold enough to pray for himself. It doesn't mean he didn't pray for the hungry, the hurt, the homeless, the poor or his family. It just means that he recognized that he was weak and needed God's help and blessings too. Same thing with the U.S. We were founded on religious principals (yeah, many people will deny this but it is true) and we recognize the fact that we need God's blessing and help. Many of us DO pray for the hungry, the hurt, the homeless, the poor and others, but it doesn't negate the fact that we as a country also need prayers.

  • 1 decade ago

    That is why Beijing and the rest of China is backwards, you should be able to ask people what you want to and if it is inappropriate or rude they have the right to not answer.

  • 1 decade ago

    Are you gay?

    Are you male/female?

    What is your income?

    What is your social security number?

    What is your bank account number?

    hmmm i can only think of these...

    if there is more, i'll post it

    btw, what are the questions you are not suppose to ask from Olympic visitors?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    China will be the biggest economy in the world by 2020.

    Why would they care about 8 questions not to ask the fat Americans.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How come you got that fat?

    When are you going to try socialism?

    Did you really vote for G W Bush?

    Why do you champion Israel?

    Is Baseball really Rounders for girls?

    Have you got a passport?

    Did Jesus descend from an ape?

    Are you going to pull that trigger?

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, the USA is one of the rudest nations on the planet and there is nothing off limits in the "asking" department.

    Perfect strangers expect you to divulge your life history, sexual habits and religious views on demand.

    It's quite the fad to join some self-help group and babble all kinds of sordid details before perfect strangers. This functions psychologically perhaps a bit like the Catholic rite of confession.

  • 1 decade ago

    Americans are wonderful understanding loving and caring people, don't be afraid of them.

    Just respect them and respect their beautiful states and their flag. God Bless America

  • 1 decade ago




    how raised/raising someone

    sexual orientation

    thoughts of evolution or big bang theory


    which country is better/worse

  • 1 decade ago

    Americans don't give rules and regulations on what you can and cannot ask people. We are not French. We actually have something called "rights".

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