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What's the deal with Super-Christians?

Just out of curiosity, what is the deal with the hardcore super-christians? This isn't limited to the United States, but it seems like the US is the worst country for this. Why is it that everyone is SO concerned with morality...but not necessarily their own? I mean, why go around bashing everyone else's religion or degree of "religiousness" when everyone else's salvation has nothing to do with your own? I mean, who really cares if little Timmy down the street isn't as religious as you are? I'm sure some of the super-christians will say that it's their duty to tell everyone about the word of god, but i'm pretty sure that the way that some of them go about it, jesus is up there saying, "that's not what i meant..."


Caroline B: forever and ever without god might be a big deal to you, but it may not be a big deal to many muslims, hindus, etc that christians feel the need to tell them all that their religions are "wrong." you know, it could very well be that christianity is the "wrong" religion. or, big shocker, that all the religions are actually the same thing. seriously, religion is very personal, so i don't understand why everyone has to get in everyone's business.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think it lies in the culture of privy information. Those who have the "key" to knowledge are privlidged. This can create a sense of euphoria so it translates to "sharing it with others." Let's face it though...has anyone gotten irritated when Timmy got a new toy and was flaunting it around to everyone? How many times have we been like "and?" Let everyone believe what they want. I like how the Jewish faith works. There aren't missionaries, and its hard enter the domain unless born into.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well, the bigger the Christian population, the better the chance of finding hardcore super-Christians, which would explain why the US has so many of them since 70-80% of people here are Christians.

    Let them do whatever they want, it's their life.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they're ultra annoying. I have FREE WILL which states that I can believe what I want. I don't like having people cram crap down my throat. If the church and the ultra-christians are so great, why didn't they send my father packing with his drug abuse and alcohol addiction mixed with beatings, emotional and psychological abuse of his children? WHY? Because he donated about $500 A MONTH!

    I believe in God and when I die, he's the only one I gotta talk to and be judged by, so screw them.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well Jesus and God do want us to preach, and pass on

    the word of the Lord, but you're right. I wouldn't feel comfortable preaching anything to anybody that I myself did not practice, or attempt wholeheartedly to practice, or have some knowledge of.

    I'm not a 'seller', just a 'sharer'.. When I feel I can be so humbly. In other words, practice what I preach.

    Thanks. We do need to be reminded of our own humility often.

    A regular Christian.

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  • 1 decade ago

    We are Super Christians because God gave us the Holy Ghost and the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead now lives in us.

    Source(s): The Blood of Jesus.
  • 1 decade ago

    the main reason is because americans, unlike most people from other countries, never leave the u.s. they never get exposure to other cultures, people, beliefs. so when they do travel, once a lifetime, you can tell them from a mile away and they expect those 'foreigners' to cater to them as if they were at home. its basically ignorance.

    look at how large the u.s. is, its huge. so you can hardly blame someone for never leaving it, especially since it's rather expensive to travel internationally.

    Source(s): el senor
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They're just a bunch of thought policing no lifes with nothing to do.

    They want the newer generations to be as dull and close minded as they were because they couldnt accept the fact that their stupid faith is a fairy tale

  • 1 decade ago

    wow you got it right babe. i was born in europe and i've never heard so many stupid ideas there, and lets not forget about the REALLY religious people who are so damn closed minded, they believe that even waking up in the morning is a sin.

    yea, i feel you

    now i moved to america and they expect me to go to church.. keep on dreamin. a "friend" of mine saw me kissing my boyfriend and started explaining how kissing before marriage is a sin and how she would never cuddle with her lover.

    Source(s): thumb me down, dumbass
  • tina
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You're right. I sometimes get irritated at my mother who stresses me knowing how to defend my faith, but I just feel that I can be a better advertisement for it if I'm a good person, not an annoying solicitor

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the more moral or good someone is obeying God, the better the outcome for all of us and the entire universe. Its just better. don't forget...only sinners can be reconciled with God and be one with him in heaven

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