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Not your ordinary had a haunting experience question.?

The paranormal is so much intertwined with people's belief structure, that is as important to understand the haunting as it is to understand the haunted. So here is my question(s)?

1. Have you lived in a home that has been haunted? <yes/no>

2. Your gender? <male/female>

3. Your education level? <high grad, associates Degree, BS, Masters, etc.>

4. Religion? <catholic, baptist, wiccan, non-dominational, etc.>

5. Age range? <under 18, 18-23, 24-30, 30-40, 41-55, over 55>

Those that have not lived with a haunting, please feel free to answer as well.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1 No, although I have had experiences I cannot explain.

    2 Last time I had the opportunity to avail myself of it, Male

    3 MS Physics

    4 RAP (Rabid Atheist Prick)

    5 Codger

  • 1 decade ago

    To answer your questions: 1: yes, 2: female, 3: masters, 4: Agnostic,4: 41-55

    Here's a little more information; the house involved was later found to have been part of the 'underground railroad'. We didn't know until after we found the source of where the activity was coming from. We investigated the room and found a hidden room behind a bookcase. The room was very small (4' x 10') with a wooden bench and many newspapers, pair of ladies boots, wooden toys, don't recall the rest of items found.

    The home had a lot of history and secrets that we wouldn't have found out about if 'weird' things had not been happening.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. Yes

    2. Female

    3. B.A.

    4. Non-denominational Christian

    5. 24-30

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. it probably was

    2.female that time i was in elementary , now im in college.

    4.i didnt have a religion when living in that house , im a wiccan now. 20

    i had dreams , of a woman standing in one place of the backyard , and in that same place , me and my friend found a human bone inside a wall.

    i was a very sensitive child , and i picked up the energies left behind by other people. My house used to be ( sorry dont know the name in english) a place where they killed COWS and then get them to the market. while i lived in that house , i killed my own pets on purpose , i drowned them in the water , and some others after i killed them i put them in the freezer and or torture them and they many other things on impulse, such as wanting to poison my own family members and also jump from the roof. I was 10 or less when all these dark impulses came over me , i never watched violent movies because i was not allowed , and my parents got along well so i really dont know why i behaved like this. Now that im 20 i feel ashamed i did such things and have never felt SUCH DARK FEELINGS AGAIN! i always felt afraid when i was left alone in that house . one day i heard a male voice saying the word : CRUZ in my ear meaning cross in english , but its also means a last name from spain and that house was built by Spaniards a long time ago , so maybe their spirits were in the house.

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  • 1 decade ago

    1. Yes

    2. Female

    3. High School Grad

    4. non-deminational

    5. 18-23

  • 1 decade ago

    1) I'm not sure if the house I live in is haunted, but when we first moved into our house, my oldst brother kept complaining about seeing a dark figure in his window. Whilst getting to know our new neighbours, my mum told them about what my brother kept seeing, and it turns out that our neighbours youngest daughter had been complaining about the exact same thing. unfortunatley, that was about 9 years ago, and nothing paranormal has happened since.

    2) Male

    3) Still in school, but I get straight A's and i'm hoping to eventually get a masters degree one day.

    4) Atheist.

    5) 15 (<18)

  • 1 decade ago

    1. I have lived in a home that had spirits in them, but the house was not haunted...does that count?

    2. Female

    3.Associates Degree

    4. spiritual

    5. 41-55

    So, do we get to know the results of the poll?

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, the house we lived in when I was a little kid up to age 4; my bedroom was haunted. The other house I lived in with my parents (from age 4 - age 24) is definitely haunted. I have seen two ghosts that live there, though one travels sometimes with me. I am now 25, married and live with my husband in a different house. I haven't been able to tell yet if our house is haunted.

    I'm female

    I have an AA, AAS, and BA - I'm starting my MA program in January

    I am a Witch

    My age is 25 so the age range would be 24-30

    Thanks for the question - very interesting!

    Source(s): My experiences
  • 1 decade ago

    1. Yes

    2.male degree

    4.ex Pentecostal


  • 1 decade ago

    1. Yes

    2. Male

    3. GCSE

    4. Atheist

    5. Under 18

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