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Lv 5
Jon asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Don't tell Obama...?

Just read a story about winning in Iraq.

Has anyone ever heard him acknowledge that we are winning.


Love Canada

I would just like for him to say and even gain respect for him if he would acknowledge the truth.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He refuses to admit he's wrong.

    The 1st bad sign of a dishonest politician.

    He's was wrong on day one and is still wrong today.

  • 1 decade ago

    Did you read this paragraph in your link and pay attention to it?!

    "It reflects a fundamental shift in the outlook for the Sunni minority, which held power under Saddam Hussein. They launched the insurgency five years ago. They now are either sidelined or have switched sides to cooperate with the Americans in return for MONEY and political support."

    They are cooperating with the Americans in return for MONEY, Yes we are paying them to be on our side! How long do you suppose that is going to last?! If conditions on the ground are so much better, then we should be bringing our troops home, but are we still going to pay the Sunnis?

    We are making the warlords and the Sunnis rich, when we leave they will use that money to take over power again, and it will all have been for nothing! That's what we get for messing in an area we know nothing about!

    I want to hear your comments after that happens! Don't tell McCain...!

  • 1 decade ago

    Good story Jon- Not only will Obama not acknowledge that we are winning- he told Katie Curic that he still didn't agree with the surge. He would rather lose this war & he HATES that we are winning. As for Love Canada- well I love Canada too, but someone that doesn't live here & have to worry about our taxes going up, our gas prices going through the roof etc. has no right to tell us who to vote for!

    Go McCain!

  • 1 decade ago

    You people are ridiculous!! just because they say we are "winning" doesn't mean the war is over. Obama isn't going to say anything because he doesnt want to give the people the false hope that the war is over.

    Because what if it all turns around soon and we are no longer "winning?" Yeah America would be pissed. he is being smart about what he does and doesn't say.

    Obama 08'

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama won't even aknowledge his past, or explain the truth about his affiliations with those who harbor a revenge against America. So how can we expect him to tell us what he's really thinking ?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "That does not mean the war has ended or that U.S. troops have no role in Iraq"

    What the point of winning if the war carries on?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama is too proud ever to be wrong...he only changes his positions!

    PRIDE goes before the fall...and he has PRIDE...lets wait for the fall!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    how are we winning??????????

    over a million Iraqis dead

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