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Ok any opinons from parents non parents providers does not matter.?

Ok heres the deal say you have a almost 5 year old. The child has seen multiple psychologist and been diagnosed with adhd and odd. For those who do not know odd is oppositional deficiency disorder. Say this child was put on a medicine fda approved for Adhd its not ridilin its called Detroamphetamine. This child has been to a play therapist for going on 2 years. The child has taken the meds seen psychologist numerous times. Nothing seems to work. The child is disciplined with time outs and naughty chair. Nothing seems to work. It is believed that the child was mistakingly labeled adhd and has something more serious that is not really known yet in children. The mother and father both have bipolar disorder. The child carries a lot of traits of child hood bipolar. The child is destructive, very temperamental, unpredictable like a tornado. The child knows the difference between right and wrong acts out on purpose. The child shows no remorse. Please wait more to come.


The child shows no remorse. You can lecture till you are blue in the face child does not react at all. Any ideas help of any kind. Parents have tried everything and mother is confused as to what is going on. Has no idea what to do next. The child is disruptive always yelling and screaming never satisfied. Some days is so emotional will not eat. Almost like starving them selfs. Any thoughts? Please do not say spanking that does nothing... Parents are doing everything they can. Mom stays home with child because child has been kicked out of daycare etc... Parents are losing there minds and are at a loss. Any advice at all.. Please help!

Update 2:

Sorry thats what the psychologist called it LOL...

Update 3:

Once again i might tell you SPANKING DOES NO GOOD! The child laughs it off. It does not phase the child. And besides spanking is not always the answer.

Update 4:

Child has already started headstart last year. Has gotten in one year of schooling thus far!

Update 5:

Early onset bipolar disorder is not as rare as you think. And psychiatrist and psychologist must have different answers everywhere because here in Iowa. It is very well known. They just over look it a lot.

Update 6:

I did mention that both biological parents have bipolar.

Update 7:

Also should note not that it matters but its a female child. :D

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    ok first off...ODD is oppositional defiant disorder

    If I was in this situation I would contact the local Child Protective Service office... they have services to offer families who are struggling to meet the needs of a child. They will not take the child from you. They will help you connect with the needed services. I would also discuss this with his prescribing psychiatrist and his pediatrician. Since he is 5 I'm going to assume he will be starting school this year? I would be proactive and call the school and make them aware of the situation so that you can get him tested as soon as possible for special education services for his behavior.

    Good Luck that is a tough situation to be in. I would continue with the structure and follow through with punishments consistently. It may take years but eventually he will begin to respond to it.

    Source(s): Former case worker for Developmentally Disabled adults and former foster care case worker. extensive training with behavior disorders
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It could honestly be any number of things. ADHD, bipolar, autism, even the medication. If it is bipolar does the detroamphetamine work for that as well or is it specifically formulated for ADHD? As for some some other discipline efforts that could work, a psychologist I know recommended things such as washing walls, base boards,etc. I would also check out some of those websites that I saw in another reply. They could be a great help. I also wonder if maybe online or the local library could give you access to the psychological manual. There may be a newer version but the last one I saw was the DSM-IV, although I'm certain the psychologist has a copy. This book provides a good guideline for what "symptoms" go along with what disorders. Good Luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all Bipolar Disorder is very rare in children that young....I was told this by countless specialist, as I am bipolar. I doubt this child is bipolar, I didn`t really become symptomatic until my late teens. As far as his oppositional behaviour is concern, has he ever been abused or taken away from his primary caregiver?? Has he been neglected?Has he been adopted, or spent some time in foster care?? He sounds like a RAD child to me. He might have an attachment disorder. Look it up, ( google it). This boys behaviours sounds a lot like these.

    Source(s): My stepson was a holy nightmare and he was extremely oppositional..I`m still not convinced he`s bipolar.....but, there are "clues" as though he may be bipolar later on.. Are there any bipolars in the family??Now that you think of it.... some of the mood stablizing drugs may be of benifit to this child. Tegratol is often used to treat seizures, as is used by pediatric patients. But if he does have a mood disorder there are plenty of medications to stablize him. But he`s still a little young to be diagnosed.My stepson was diagnosed with RAD, ad ADHD...He starved himself , he was expelled from one school board, ( he was deemed a school yard hazard to the other kids), he raged tremdously.
  • Kate K
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Have any of your medical professionals considers Aspergers??

    I have to say, if you are using all these discplines consistently and are still at a dead end, then your medical professionals should be helping you out with ideas.

    Detroamphetamine is a medicinal form of speed - if your child is still behaving in a hyperactive way then I'd say this medication is making it worse not better.

    Have you had allergy tests done on your child? This may be food allergies - I know it sounds silly, but I have known a couple of children who were WAY out of control, and when they had their diets changed it was like turning a switch on! totally different children.

    Apart from that I'm all out of ideas! I really do wish you luck and hope that you find some answers.

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  • Rachel
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    A change in meds may be what is needed. Not all meds suit all kids and you have to trial them to see which suits the child best. The trouble is also that ADHD medication can make ODD worse. A change in medications is probably worth a try at this ppoint and I have put in a link to a book that is designed for kids like this. Friends have used it with success (there kids have ADHD and one ODD)

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, given that both parents are bipolar, chances are, much of this is because the child is also bipolar. It shouldn't take rocket science to figure that out, but at most of the links, there are comments that doctors just ignore the parental information about bipolar in the family. Unfortunately, most bipolar medications are not approved for children. Heck, they aren't even all that effective for adults (my sister is bipolar).

    My sister's problems didn't become severe until she was in college, although she had indications of it earlier. Contact your state's children's hospital and talk to the psychiatric dept. If you get no direction there,

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    the project right it truly is that there is not any longer in basic terms one "e book" that it truly is person-friendly to pick to adhere to or no longer. there are various reviews, various analyze, new analyze that has supplanted older analyze. no longer all pediatricians follow the AAP regulations - no longer all pediatricians agree on many subject matters. I completely disagree with the total "i'm gunna do what i favor, do not favor no well being practitioner to inform me a thanks to develop my babby attitude" as a lot as I disagree with every person who thinks that because it truly is written someplace or a well being practitioner suggested so, it ought to straight away be genuine. yet there's a large difference between doing all of your own analyze, reading a form of reviews and data and forming your own reviews as against in basic terms following your "gut." My gut don't have an M.D., my gut hasn't ever raised a baby in the previous and my gut replaced into the only which has informed me, at cases, to finish somewhat very stupid issues ("you may continuously stop smoking once you're previous" and so on.) So I do study books - no longer "the" e book, yet a large decision of books. and then I enable my reason besides to my instinct, practise guide me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Spare the rod ,spoil the child...tell the parents to spank the child... on the butt only ...any thing else is child abuse.

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