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a proof that God exsits ?

Okey I will quote some verses that are scientific facts today whoch which were impossible to be know by a human at the time they were said more that 1400 years ago

"And He it is Who has created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, each in an orbit floating."

"Then We made the Nutfah (sperm) into a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood), then We made the clot into a little lump of flesh, then We made out of that little lump of flesh bones, then We clothed the bones with flesh, and then We brought it forth as another creation. So blessed be God, the Best of creators."

"It is not for the sun to overtake the moon, nor does the night outstrip the day. They all float, each in an orbit. "

33 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    How about this ?

    Entropy and Causality used as

    a proof for God's existence

    The second law of thermodynamics states that the amount of energy in a system that is available to do work is decreasing. Entropy increases as available energy decreases. In other words, the purely natural tendency of things is to move toward chaos, not order, and available energy necessary for work is lost (mostly as heat) in this process. Eventually, the universe will run down and all life and motion will cease. This is the natural tendency of all things. Batteries run down, machines break, buildings crumble, roads decay, living things die, etc. Left to the natural state, all things would eventually cease to function.

    The universe is not infinitely old because it has not "run down."

    If the universe were infinitely old, it would have reached a state where all usable energy is gone.

    But, we are not in this state; therefore, the universe is not infinitely old and must have had a beginning.

    Because the universe has had a beginning it is not infinite in size.

    It would require an infinite amount of time to become infinite in size. Since the universe had a beginning, it has not had an infinite amount of time to expand; therefore, it is finite in size.

    All events have causes.

    There cannot be an infinite regress of events because that would mean the universe were infinitely old.

    We've already established the universe cannot be infinitely old.

    If it were infinitely old, the universe would be in a state of unusable energy, which it is not.

    If it were infinitely old, the universe would be infinitely large, which it is not.

    Since the universe is finite and had a beginning and there cannot be an infinite number of regressions of causes to bring it into existence, there must be a single uncaused cause of the universe.

    A single uncaused cause of the universe must be greater in size and duration than the universe it has brought into existence.

    Otherwise, we have the uncaused cause bringing into existence something greater than or equal to itself.

    Any cause that is natural to the universe is part of the universe.

    An event that is part of the universe cannot cause itself to exist.

    Therefore, there must be an uncaused cause outside the universe.

    An uncaused cause cannot be a natural part of the universe which is finite.

    An uncaused cause would be infinite in both space and time since it is greater than which it has caused to exist.

    An uncaused cause would be separate from the universe.

    Being separate from the universe, which was caused to be, it would not be subject to the laws of the universe since it existed independent of the universe and its laws.

    This would mean that entropy need not be required of the uncaused cause.

    This uncaused cause is supernatural.

    By supernatural is meant completely 'other' than the universe and is not the product of it.

    This uncaused cause must be incredibly powerful to bring the universe into existence.

    The Bible teaches that God is uncaused, is not part of the universe, created the universe, and is incredibly powerful.

    God's existence (in Christianity) is not an event, but a state.

    Psalm 90:2 says that God is God without a beginning.

    This means that God is uncaused.

    Therefore, the God of the Bible is the uncaused cause of the universe.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Big Bang theory and the beginning of life:-------------------

    Do the unbelievers not realize that the heavens and the earth used to be one solid mass that we exploded into existence? And from water we made all living things. Would they believe? The Qur'an 21:30

    Perfectly created universes:-------------------

    He created seven universes in layers. You do not see any imperfection in the creation by the Most Gracious. Keep looking; do you see any flaw? Look again and again; your eyes will come back stumped and conquered.

    Qur'an 67:3-4.

    Expansion of the universe theory:-------------------

    51/47. And it is We who have built the universe with our power; and, verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it.

    51/48. And we made the earth habitable; a perfect design.

    God's ultimate power and the atom concept:-------------------

    You do not get into any situation, nor do you recite any Qur'an, nor do you do anything, without us being witnesses thereof as you do it. Not even an atom's weight is out of your Lord's control, be it in the heavens or the earth. Nor is there anything smaller than an atom, or larger, that is not recorded in a profound record.

    Qur'an 10/61

    Geological facts:-------------------

    When you look at the mountains, you think that they are standing still. But they are moving, like the clouds. Such is the manufacture of GOD, Who perfected everything. He is fully Cognizant of everything you do.

    Qur'an 27:88

    The creation of human beings (The first revelation -The Embryo-):-------------------

    Read in the name of your Sustainer, Who has created man out of a germ-cell! Read, for your Sustainer is the most Bountiful One, Who has taught man the use of the pen, taught man what he did not know! Nay, verily, man becomes grossly overweening whenever he believes himself to be self-sufficient: for, behold, unto your Sustainer all must return...



    76/1. Is it not a fact that there was a time when the human being was nothing to be mentioned?

    76/2.We created the human from a liquid mixture, from two parents, in order to test him. Thus, we made him a hearer and a seer.

    24:45.And Allah created every living creature from water. Some of them walk on their bellies, some walk on two legs, and some walk on four. Allah creates whatever He wills. Allah is Omnipotent.

    32/7. He is the One who perfected everything He created, and started the creation of the human from clay. 32/8. Then He continued his reproduction through a certain lowly liquid.

    32/9. He shaped him and blew into him from His spirit. And He gave you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brains; rarely are you thankful.

    71/14. He is the One Who created you in stages.


    We created the human being from a certain kind of mud. Subsequently, we reproduced him from a tiny drop, that is placed into a well protected repository. Then we developed the drop into a hanging (embryo), then developed the hanging (embryo) into a bite-size (fetus), then created the bite-size (fetus) into bones, then covered the bones with flesh. We thus produce a new creature. Most blessed is GOD, the best Creator. Then, later on, you die. Then, on the Day of Resurrection, you will be resurrected.

    The Qur'an 23:12-16

    Preservation of genetic data:-------------------

    75/3. Does the human being think that We will not reconstruct his bones ?

    75/4. Yes indeed; We are able to recreate even his fingerprint.

    The Husband Determines The Baby's Gender:-------------------

    53/45. He is the One who created the two kinds, male and female,

    53/46. from a tiny drop of semen.

    Source(s): Islam & Science Physics of Day of Judgment
  • Rashid
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes..... these are the words from Qur'an

    how it come in Qur'an ? before all the researches.......

    becouse it's from One and only God................

    “We created man from an extract of clay. Then We made him as a drop in a place of settlement, firmly fixed. Then We made the drop into an alaqah (leech, suspended thing, blood clot), then We made the alaqah into a mudghah (chewed, lump).”(Qur’an, 23:12-14)

    In comparing a leech to the embryo at the transitory stage (alaqah) we find similarity between the two. Also, the embryo at this stage obtains nourishment from the blood of the mother, similar to the leech that feeds on the blood of others. The second meaning of the word alaqah is “suspended thing.” Suspension of an Embryo during the early stages in the womb of the mother. (About 15 days old). The actual size of the embryo is about 0.6 mm. When comparing the appearance of an embryo at the mugdah stage with a piece of gum that has been chewed, we find similarity between the two. We find that the external appearance of the embryo and its sacs during the transitory stage (alaqah) is similar to that of a blood clot. This is due to the presence of relatively large amounts of blood present in the embryo during this stage. The blood in the embryo does not circulate until the end of the third week. Thus the embryo is like a clot of blood at this stage!

    The embryo at the mudghah stage acquires the appearance of a chewed-like substance because of the somites at the back of the embryo that “somewhat resemble teeth marks in a chewed substance.”


    As we know, chromosomes contain all the characteristics which the new human being will have such as the color of the eyes, skin, hair, etc. Hence, many of the details in the human being’s make-up are determined in his chromosomes. Chromosomes begin to form during the early nutfah stage of embryonic development. In other words, the distinguishing features of the new human being are determined from the very beginning at the nutfah stage. During the first 40 days of gestation, all the body parts and organs are completely, though consecutively formed.

    The Prophet Muhammad, (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam), has informed us in a hadith that: “In every one of you, all components of your creation are gathered together in your mothers’ womb by 40 days”. (Narrated in Saheeh Muslim and Al-Bukhaari).

    In another hadith, Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: “When forty-two nights have passed over the drop (nutfah), Allah sends an angel to it, who shapes it and makes its ears, eyes, skin, flesh and bones. Then he says, “O Lord, is it male or female?” and your Lord decides what he wishes.” (Narrated in Saheeh Muslim).

    The first 40 days constitute a clearly distinguishable stage of embryogenesis. The absolute precision and accuracy of those hadiths particularly impress us. So the two hadiths that have been noted can provide us with a specific timetable for the main embryological development before 40 days. These hadiths could not have been obtained on the basis of the scientific knowledge that was available at the time of their recording. It follows, that not only is there no conflict between genetics and religion, but in fact religion can guide science by adding revelation to some traditional scientific approaches. That there exists statements in the Qur’an shown by science to be valid, which supports knowledge in the Qur’an having been derived from Allah.

    How did Mohammad (pbuh) know about the 20th century’s Medical fact 1400 years back?

    Say: He has revealed it Who knows the secret in the heavens and the earth;surely He is ever Forgiving, Merciful. (Qur’an, 25:6)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I hate to burst your bubble but you've quoted "It is not for the sun to overtake the moon, nor does the night outstrip the day. They all float, each in an orbit. "

    A ten-year-old could probably tell you that the earth orbits the sun not the other way round.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Hmmmmm This comeing from folks that knew the sun circled the earth and one would drop off the edge of the ocean.....You must cut me a little slack here..I fail to see any proof in your words.... And was this also from a man that told me god looked like an airplane.. [ezecial]

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've already shown up the thing about orbits as rubbish, check my answer in your last question. The idea that the sun and the moon would be in danger of overtaking each other shows that the original writer thought the sun and moon were in the SAME orbit, and were the same size, which is clear nonsense. The part about conception is nothing like the way a baby actually develops in utero, so you're really making your case look more pathetic by the second, sorry.

    Source(s): This is fun, but waaaaaaay too easy.
  • 1 decade ago

    Orbits don't float!

    Ice, boats and ducks, are all examples of things that float!

    Day and night don't orbit!

    As for your description of the conception and development of an embryo, that makes even less sense!

    Regarding what you say amount orbits, I would be interested in the exact translation of this, as I find it difficult to believe there was a word for orbit, in the way we understand it today, in any language of that time.

    I suspect it is a modern translation, an attempt to make it seem consistent with science.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well try my brother but these atheists are the most pitiable people. Like the koran says They neither hear nor see and they wont believe. Keep trying friend god will reward you.

    And nowhere does the quran says that sun circles the earth. it says it is moving in its own orbit.(path). And the reason why it says that sun doesnt overtake the moon is that allah does not want to make things complicated for people of that time and prefered talking about the way it appeared.

  • Eric H
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Actually, the rudiments of astronomy were well known by the Chinese about 2500 years ago. Arabia had frequent contact with China through that time ( remember the Silk Road?).

    So your "orbit" proof doesn't hold.

    And the progress of the creation of life is wrong -People son't start out as skeletons and then add flesh.

    So much for your "proof".

  • 1 decade ago

    God doesn't need proof. "Having faith" in something implies that you DON'T have proof it exists.

    I hate the Church or any form of organized religion for tainting the real spirituality: the individual contact with the superior being we find to be responsible for everything.

    You don't think there is a superior being that created everything? Then tell me why atoms? Why electrons? Why neutrons? Why protons? Why gravitons? Why time? Why matter? Why?

  • 1 decade ago


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