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I am 72 yrs young. Happy in my life My genealogy keeps me busy and clear headed. I am atheist to all personal gods and religeons. Love to discuss it tho. Untill I am told the bible tells me so that is. .

  • Will my precious cat recover?

    I have had this female cat for 27 months now. She is not fixed. She loves me dearly as I love her, but, I did a horrible thing yesterday A lady friend of mines cousin had two female siamese cats, three amd five yrs old and sisters that were going to be put to sleep because the owners moved. She talked me into carring for these two lovely cats. They are both fixed and have had their shots and are de clawed. When they were brought to my house, my cat went balistic, will not make friends with them and just hides, will not eat or drink. Whenever I go near my cat she snarls and hisses and wants to tear my face off. Both of these other cats want to make friends with my cat but she will have no part of it. Would my cat actually starve herself to death and drink you water? Or will she come around eventually before she dies. Of course both these other cats are very loving and love to sit on my lap and be petted and they are continually at my feet. I notice my cat watching us and her eyes are actually red in her hate.

    2 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • Seeing as how god created everythin and everything was good, why do religionists say some things are bad/evil.?

    Seeing as how god created everything and god said everything created was good, how can religionists say any creation is evil/bad.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • My kitten had a bad day today?

    My kitten spent the whole morning kissing me and meowing at me. She never does that until she is in heat. I haven't noticed any swelling tho. Early this a.m. she was trying to bring up a hairball and I noticed later on the carpet that it looked like a B.M. but as I inspected it that was not the case, it looked brown only it had a spongy feel to it and it was stretchy and was full of hair. It lookede more like she was throwing something up. She is great for useing the litter box. She has been drinking water and eating tho, but hasn't used the litter box all day. I have put in a very fearfull day. Thank you all for any words.

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Need help repairing my internet explorer?

    Every page I bring up has "done but has errors" Many times it takes 5 or 6 trys before a page will come up at all. It won't even let me in to get a new or repair my IE. Might I be better going with Firefox or another program. Any suggestins will help Thank you

    7 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Was God really so bored it created Satan so they could have abusive fun with the human race?

    Because, that is the way it looks when one reads the bible.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does the Christian really care why I do not believe?

    I get asked quite often by christians that are concerned as to why I don't give god a chance to enter my life or why am I so hard headed to not see that Jesus is god/son of god. First off, the only place one hears of a god is in the bible. The Old Testament tells of a god that creates everything there is. Then a New Testament comes alone thousands of years later and claims the O.T. God creates the punishment for the deceiver , before god even creates the deceiver. The O.T. god created many son's, before it created any of the universe and god also made a heaven for these son's. It speaks a lot of how god loved these created son's and how the many ways god used these created son's In the whole of the O.T., it never speaks of one time god ever punishing these son's for anything they do, of course god would not punish any creation for doing the things it was created to do. It is never told anyplace in the O.T. how these son's rebelled against god or their heaven or anything, it only says how the son's loved their father and did anything dad asked of them. So, after reading all this in the O.T. why should I believe the catholic or whomever wrote the N.T. when they say that god disbanded the Son's of God's heaven and turned the Son's of God into Fallen Angels and kicked them to earth and then turning God's favorite created son, Lucifer, into Satan. Logically speaking now, why would god , that knows everything and the outcome of everything even create a son and use him and then turn the son into an adversary like the catholic says. I have decided and like billions of others, that the O.T. god would not do that, so the N.T. is a lie. But of course I do not believe in the O.T. god or any with the small idea of creating all their is just for the enjoyment of the human spieces. What a small idea that is.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I read no words or statements from God that tells of it's returning after God told Noah that God is leaveing?

    Can someone help me out with these puzzling words. God talked with Noah and made a confession that God blundered when God brought on the flood and killed everything. God said that man will be continually evil and is sorry God brought on the flood. Then God made some small talk about the rainbow and how man will live 129 years and then told Noah that God will not be with man forever, and left the earth. I have looked and looked some more for ay statement from God that says, Hey folks, I'm back. Not a word. So I am wondering just how Abram and Moses got to talk with god later down the road. And I really wouldn't like to think God a liar. I somehow cannot believe anything Abram says, seeing as how he is a professed liar and the same with Moses, being a convicted murderer. Both have agendas of their own. Of course Ezechiel never did speak with God, only aliens in a space ship. So, I understand that God is not here on earth until the catholic compiles the New Testament and takes many liberty's with Gods works and words and says the Son's of God are now reduced down to Fallen Angels and God's very favorite son Lucifer, shall now be known as Satan/devil, the worlds worst bad guy. It is stated many times in the O.T. how God loves all it's created Son's and never once in the O.T. did God punish ant of the Son's for any deeds they did that God created them to do. It states no place where God created these Son's and gave them the human reproductive organs and then said I will punish you if you ever use the reproductive organs. I take it that God meant them to use them, otherwise, why would God do such a horrid thing. I read in the O.T. where God took six days to create everything and then rested on the seventh and made that day Holy, the Sabbath day. How dare the catholic change God's holy day to the first day of creating anything. Do they not understand the repercussions that would have come from God resting on the first day No living thing, no universe even. Then they say God has returned as a kinder gentler God as itself in a mortals body, with testicles. With one swift movement of the pen we have taken civilization back to when the Roman and Greek Gods had testicles That has to be some man thing where their God must have testicles. If one is to believe the catholic, then one also has to believe God is some washy washy entity that just creates and uses and then tosses aside, just to make the story better. And it is a beauty full story. One needn't believe it as fact, but it is a beauty full story.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christian, How many science classes have you been asked to leave in your public school you attended?

    for questioning the teacher. I myself have been ask to leave many a sunday school class.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • More and new Kitty problems?

    After 8 months of totally ignoring me, my kitty all of a sudden is killing me with affection. It is around me all the time, meowing and acting strange. I have noticed it wants me to scratch her neck and head. I read in the paper this morning the cat could have an alergy. We have had a rainy spring and all the flowers are in bloom. I am told of some bath I could give the cat, but I would be takeing my life in my hands to give this cat a bath. She would tear me apart.

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • hooking a dvd to tape on a vcr?

    I am trying to hook a dvd on my tv so I can tape movies on a VCR. I realize I cannot tape a disc movie on a disc, but I am trying to get the tape from the TV screen from a disc to a VCR. Can anyone help me here.

    2 AnswersTVs1 decade ago
  • Why would the Old Testoment god create many sons and give them human testicals?

    Before god created the human. I am hoping for an ans were from a theist. These sons are defiantly not human,why the human testicles. Then god places them in a heaven of their own and does not give them any female companions. Like all the organs on the human, they are there for one specific reason. So, my question is, Why would god give it's sons the organs and not allow them to use them? Unless, it is true that god made them so they could come to earth and rape the human women, just so god would have a reason to drowned everything. I do know one thing about this god, it never creates anything without a reason for it's creation.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why would the Old Testoment god create many sons and give them human male reproductive organs?

    many years before god even created the human. Didn't god create everything it did for a reason. God also placed these sons in a heaven of thier own with no females. Did this god not have the forsight to realize what would happen under those conditions. All of these words that are in the bible give way to much credence to the thoughts of the male writers of the bible. If god would do such a thing as this to sons, then I see no reason why god couldn't lie about the heaven it has for the humans.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What month do I start my kitten on wet foods.?

    My kitten is 8 months old. When can I start her on a good wet canned food. Or should I continue with dry foods. Or should I maybe give one meal a day on wet canned food and leave the dry out for her all day and night. Also, when do I take her off dry kitten food onto dry cat food. I am such a dummy. Thank you all for the answeres on my last questian. You all put my mind at ease when you told me she is a kitten like all kittens are.Also, what would be a good month to have her fixed. Thank you all for any answeres.

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Need help raiseing a kitten?

    I got this kitten in July "09". She is a calico and has a mind of her own. She has me trained pretty good so far. But, I get the feeling it doesn't like me. She ignores me all day. Her only loveing time is after a nap and she will sit in my lap and be petted and likes her head scratched. Other than that she tends to just ignore me or lays in ambush to attack my leg. She got under my foot one time and instide of stepping on her I took a fall and hit my head on the TV. Didn't hurt the TV but I had a bump for a couple of weeks. She is a demon. I live in a 60 ft mobile home and she loves to race from the bedroom to the front room. She has her trail all threw the house. She gets and runs along the drape rods and knocks all the pichures off the wall and then back to the bedroom. A lady friend told me to get a spray bottle of water and spray her when she is nasty. I did that once and it terorized her so I didn't see her for 4 hours. Every night tho, when I go to bed, after about ten mins she gets in her nest between my legs and stay there all night. That is untill I pet her. Then she leaves, but she is allways there in the morning when I wake up. She loves to hang out up high in some cabinet by the ceiling and when I go to sleep she loves to jump down on me. She allways lands right on my crotch. Would that be some female thing.LOL. I think my questian is. "Is this kitten ever going to become a cat that just sleeps all day." She ignores me, but she has to be in the same room I am in. She strolls around my leg and wraps her tail around my leg, just to let me know she is there. She keeps doing that untill I reach down and run her tail threw my hand. After I do that she wanders off and ignores me untill the next time. I do love this little imp. Thank you, all much. E-mail me if you want.

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Does anybody know how to raise a kitten?

    Could you e-mail me and can we chat. Thank you

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • I need a name for this movie?

    I do not know the name or the actors, but it is about a man that went hunting in a southern American state and found two cars in the desert with bodys all around. It looked like a shootout and he found a bag with millions of dollars and took it. The drug dealer came to the scene and started looking for the man. He was a crazy lunitic. The man with the bag of money hid it in an air conditioning unit of a motel. The drug guy finally found and killed the man and found the money and when he was going back to Mexico he got T-boned and the last scene he was walking off with the money and a broken arm. I know it sounds like a stupid movie, but it had very good acting and a good story line. It may be a foriegn filf. I lent it to a [friend]? and she didn't like it so she taped another film over it. Now I am without the film and also the friend. LOL. Thanks to anybody if they can help.

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Need help instaling a VCR to a DVD?

    I have a DVD and want to hook up a VCR so I can tape movies from the disk. Does anybody know how to hook it up? E-mail me so we can talk. Thank you.

    1 AnswerTVs1 decade ago
  • So tell me something folks, Is the King James Holy Bible the words from god?

    I have been told by some people I must not rely on the words in the King James versian of the bible. It is false information. So what they are telling me then is that the millions of people that have relied on for guidence to thier god is false. They all tell me I should read this book or that book or this version or that version. What is to make me think they versian or book they suggest is the right one.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago