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Christians why do you think it is important to attend church?

More and more these days younger Christians are saying I don't need to go to church, I can just read my Bible and get close to God. What would you tell your friend or children if they told you that?

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is an interesting question. I was reading something about this earlier this year...

    A paper was full of controversy. Someone asked, "Christians, why is it important to go to church? I have gone to church the last three years. However, I often forget what I've learned, so why bother?" and had almost the same question you did. The paper was full of angry churchgoers until one man wrote in.

    "My wife has fixed me dinners for three years," one man wrote. "I have forgotten the content of those dinners over the years. However, I know that without the food nutrition, I would go hungry. It's the same with church. I need the spiritual nutrition, or I will go spiritually hungry."

    I know that's not word for word, but that's the general gist of it.

  • 5 years ago

    I am so glad you asked this question! First of all, a relationship with a church, with a group of people (normally called a social club) or with a Pastor has absolutely nothing to do with true faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Assembling together happens anywhere not just in the confines of a building structure on a set schedule. Read the Word of God, pray to the LORD and ask God to help you to fellowship with strong believers. That is all that is needed. The local church body is in no way something I want to be part of--for a myriad of reasons. In all the years I have been a christian I can honestly say I have only come across two churches (literally in different states) I could even recommend as a good place to attend regularily. EDITED TO ADD: Because so many women are vulnerable to being picked up at church by carnal and evil men--I would suggest you make your presence known at least occassionally. I don't know what church she attends but I can say in my years and years of church attendance I have seen a large majority of the churches nothing but flesh feasts (in the guise of "spirituality") where people are looking for a new husband or a new wife or an affair. 2 Timothy 3:6, "For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,"

  • 1 decade ago

    When anyone says that I point them to Acts 2- which says that we are to gather, for the reading and teaching of the word, prayer and fellowship. Church is not a place to go on sunday. Church is the body of Christ that gets together and worships God. Also church is for the growing up of God's people. There was a song years ago called "NO MAN IS AN ISLAND". It is not really a Christian song, but the title has always been a great reminder to me, that we cannot grow as a believer, without others around us. Also church is for the glory of God and for the sake of others (as my pastor so wonderfully calls it). If you are home alone all the time, how do you reach out to others? I love my private times with God, however, without my brothers and sisters in Christ, life would not be complete. Just this past week, I was struggling with some spiritual warfare, and I know that if it was not for some of my brothers and sisters at church praying for me, I would not have come out victoriously.

  • 1 decade ago

    As times continue to change we see a trend toward the Church as it was in Acts 2. I believe that the time of thinking the "church" building was the place to be is changing and the culture of the church is moving in another direction. Attending Church could be meeting with a small group of believers who worship, study, and develop relationships together. I don't think it's necessary to think that the church building has to be full as much as the church coming together whether in small groups or some other medium. I think todays generation is put off by the church leading by programs instead of by example. I think this why there is a trend toward being a Christ Follower instead of being a clone in a church....

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  • Because you can be one w/ god and read on your own. Church is good for wanting to feel the social reasoning of other that are like them. Its not necessary to be at church to be christian or to believe. Whether it be on your own or w/ friends in a home or w/ many others in a church. Church to me is a location. To word is what is important.

  • 1 decade ago

    As for me church is what we make out of it' sure is nice and all but at the same time is a place of one and more believers gather and you can worship. pray and more... yes we can do all at home, but then we have a Pastor introducing the bible little more better then what we can by ourselves. I LOVE IT Sunday turn to be one of my favorite day of the week, no other place better then to be a t church!

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's important to go to church becasue a church is like a support group... plus the preaching is important to hear because you learn more having someone explain it to you than to just read the bible alone.

  • 1 decade ago

    For your information, my son attends church every Sunday. I don't, since Sunday isn't the correct day of worship. I have tried correcting him but he still insists on going into the church. His beliefs as a Christian differ from mine. I don't force what I believe on him though.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    church is a place to fellowship with other christians. you can get closer to God through reading your bible, but you get other perpepectives of thing you might not have seen at home when you go to church.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd say go when you plan to concentrate on it. it's a waste of time to go out of obligation and sit there, zone out and sleep, and think about all the other things you could be doing. you should go to get something out of it, which requires effort on the part of the person who goes. I think it's important, but its priority is different in everyone's lives. It's not always about tradition and rituals and services. its about helping others around you. through service. its about looking at the teachings of jesus and using that knowledge to improve your life as well as the people around you. whatever way you can connect with god.. thats how you should do it

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