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belief or evidence?

does evidence matter? or is what you believe more important?

what evidence would change what you believe? let's pretend you believe the Earth is only 6000 years old. can any evidence change that? (if you say yes - you never met a creationist!)

so let's say you believe a dead guy is really the Creator of the Universe. or maybe you think the dead guy's body can be re-created in a cracker, if a priest says Latin to it.

does that belief override evidence? the evidence says the earth is 4.5 billion years old - that doesn't stop creationists. what if the evidence said Jesus never existed - he was just an ad-hoc amalgum of savior figures typical of first-century mediterranean mythology? what if it was scientifically proven that a cracker plus magic words is still just a cracker ...

I know you don't believe that's what the evidence says. but what if it did? wouldn't you keep believing anyway? wouldn't that be stupid?

is the belief more important, or the evidence?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's been my experience that most people will believe what they want to believe regardless of truth. And they will manipulate the "evidence" to prove their beliefs.

  • Frank
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I can understand perfectly why people won't believe anything without evidence. Many years ago a man's son was accused of doing something bad so the father asked for evidence. There was none but still people said he'd done it. The father set out to prove things one way or another and, eventually, found out who actually had done it, because there were witnesses (evidence) and this proved that his son had not done it. Much of the 'evidence' referred to by atheists isn't evidence at all. This is especially so where the age of certains items is concerned. Somebody at some point had to decide how old something was, e.g. a piece of wood, and from that decision (which was guesswork rather than evidence) tests were devised which have determined ever since how old certain objects are. From that flimsy 'evidence' scientists now sincerely believe that they can date almost everything. The huge flaw in this is that the first thing aged was a guess or an estimate so it is not EVIDENCE at all.

    My personal answer to your question is yes, my belief overrides your 'evidence' and I believe that the earth is much, much younger than scientists say it is.

  • 1 decade ago

    i believe the world was created by God but i don't believe the world is just 6k years old either

    there is nothing that would make me not believe in God as there are reason why i believe in him

    there is too much evidence to prove the world is over 6k years old but even those creationist that believe the bible for an exact history knows the evidence is there they just refuse to see it

    i believe that God created the world but i don't know how long it took him in human time to God a million years is a blink of an eye

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Firstly, Jesus is not dead. He died a painful death for you & I, and was raised up on the third day, with many witnesses seeing him over a 40 day period.

    He is most definetly alive.

    Only those who have accepted the sacrifice of God's Son Jesus and have repented from their self-centred lives and submitted themselves to the Creator of the universe will live: because in accepting his gift, He covers your sins and allows us access to eternal life, which is also a gift.

    There's nothing you can do to save yourself, except believe.

    Because if you don't believe, well you, are calling God a liar.

    God cannot lie.

    It is in fact, impossible for God to lie.

    Men lie. This is the difference. It comes naturally to men to lie, it also comes naturally to be deceived.

    See, this is where people come unstuck. People love the darkness, because if they come and humble themselves and look for the truth, they have to change their lifestyle and admit they are in error.

    But, also, God delights in concealing things, in order for us to search, but you have to really search, and open up your mind and heart to find these things out.

    There is evidence all around you.

    Source(s): The Bible
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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Belief= feeling,impression,notion,opinion

    evidence=basis for belief or disbelief

    We are all of this but we want to operate on choice.One becomes restless of his choice and say some other thing is responsible for his mood.

  • 1 decade ago

    Evidence. I'm not going to believe a book equivalent to a fairy tale.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am a scientist, and as such, evidence is essential: I will believe nothing without it -- as it is provably useless to do so.

  • 1 decade ago

    i prefer both is important, belief and evidence

    belief has many evidence to make you believe it.

  • 1 decade ago

    What I believe is based on evidence.

    It seems foolish to go about it any other way.

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