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I know the answer to just about everything, naturally. I am also rich, good-looking and fabulously well-endowed. On the internet, that is. In real life, I'm a clueless, penniless freak living in my mother's basement.

  • Christians (and others) Will You Stand Up and Admit the Reality of Evolution?

    OK, so you might believe in one God, or many gods, or no gods - I don't know and I don't really care.

    But I hope that you, like me, want to understand the Truth. and whatever your religious beliefs, the Truth is that life on Earth has evolved from a common ancestor over the last 3 or 4 billion years. How do we know this? years and years of dedicated scientific investigation, that's how.

    Anyone who thinks life did not evolve is either shamefully uneducated or else blinded by dogma - either way, they need to pay a serious visit to their local library's science section.

    Your faith is your own business, but let's talk about facts. If I were a Christian (for instance) I would be embarrassed to see so many of my brothers afraid to acknowledge the scientifically established fact of humanity's history and origins. I'd feel like Galileo, surrounded by cowards who kept refusing to admit that the Earth revolved around the Sun.

    I don't think most Christians are like that. I think you want Truth, just like I do. So come on - say it with me: Truth is good. Evolution is Truth. and that's the way it is.

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can I watch Jon Stewert online tonite?

    I'm stuck without cable ... can I watch the Daily Show live online tonight? I really want to.

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • belief or evidence?

    does evidence matter? or is what you believe more important?

    what evidence would change what you believe? let's pretend you believe the Earth is only 6000 years old. can any evidence change that? (if you say yes - you never met a creationist!)

    so let's say you believe a dead guy is really the Creator of the Universe. or maybe you think the dead guy's body can be re-created in a cracker, if a priest says Latin to it.

    does that belief override evidence? the evidence says the earth is 4.5 billion years old - that doesn't stop creationists. what if the evidence said Jesus never existed - he was just an ad-hoc amalgum of savior figures typical of first-century mediterranean mythology? what if it was scientifically proven that a cracker plus magic words is still just a cracker ...

    I know you don't believe that's what the evidence says. but what if it did? wouldn't you keep believing anyway? wouldn't that be stupid?

    is the belief more important, or the evidence?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • why separate categories?

    once again - I have to ask:

    why do we have separate categories for "religion & spirituality" and "mythology & folklore"? doesn't everyone know they're both - hello! - exactly the same thing?

    please, let's just combined those two into one, then the rest of us can stop with the nonsense and all hang out in the new, 21st century* category of "evidence & reason"

    *actually, 18th century - but better late than never

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • spiritually speaking...?

    if you see that meaningless phrase one more time, won't you just scream!

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • is this a good definition of "faith"?

    "faith" is believing in something, even when you have zero evidence.

    is that a good definition? and if so - why is "faith" a good thing?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • actors in multiple roles?

    what are some (well-known) movies where (well-known) actors played more than one different part?

    for instance:

    Peter Sellars in Dr. Strangelove

    (and of course Jack Nicholson did the same thing in Mars Attacks!)

    come on, movie buffs - help me out here!

    8 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • unisex names?

    I am looking for asexual character names for a story: names that could belong equally well to a girl or a boy.

    for instance: Pat, Chris, Kelly, etc.

    can you help?

    11 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • fellow atheists - if we're wrong, are we still saved?

    this is kind of a weird question

    but don't you non-believers think, that IF it turns out we're wrong and there actually is a God (unlikely) and IF we go on up to the Pearly Gates when we die (very unlikely) and IF St Peter looks us up in his Big Book of Life and judges us according to our Earthly actions (staggeringly unlikely)...

    don't you think that the omniscient God we DON'T believe in will welcome us with open arms?

    [God voice:]

    "come on in, atheists! you refused to accept My existence based on hearsay, authority and dubious evidence! you chose to think for yourselves! well done!

    you truly employed the natural talents I gave you! not content with recycled clap-trap and religious mumbo-jumbo [God is British, of course] you effectively employed your intellect and critical thinking skills. and by doing so, you've passed the test!

    the bar's over there, and the hot-tub with the gorgeous supermodels is a little bit further down on your left."

    32 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians - what do I do now your best advice didn't work?

    I really tried! I read the Bible cover to cover. I thought about it. I found it tiresome, out of date, and annoying.

    I talked with my minister and Christian friends. they did their best - but they couldn't tell me anything I didn't already know. (they also displayed a shocking lack of science education.)

    I went to church regularly. I sang, and knelt, and stood, and listened, and laughed, and fell asleep.

    I prayed reeeeal hard. nothing happened.

    God obviously either doesn't exist, or else He doesn't want me. what's an atheist to do?

    29 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What the heck is a 'Trinity'?

    A central precept of Christian faith, that's what. Also, a nonsensical concept that no-one seems able to explain properly.

    There's this one God - right? But He's also 3 Gods. No - wait - not 3 *Gods* as such, just 3 different persons. Except they're all one. I mean 3. I mean both 3 *and* one. It's *obvious*!

    See what I mean?

    Thomas Jefferson said: "Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man has ever had a distinct idea of the trinity. It is the mere Abracadabra of the mountebanks [good word!] calling themselves the priests of Jesus."

    I'm with Thomas. Even when I was a Christian, I never really understood the whole 1=3=1 thing. I've a sneaking suspicion no-one else does either! But Christians still have to *pretend* to understand it - or else cop out by claiming "it's a Divine Mystery!"

    It sure looks like "mere Abracadabra" to me - not a real idea, but a bunch of meaningless, mystical gobbledegook.

    Can you shed any light? (You'd be the first)

    30 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • how do you deal with other faiths?

    if you believe in God, or follow a religion, how do you deal with the fact that all over the world, other people - smart people, educated people - believe in other gods (and/or religions) than you do?

    they believe (as deeply as you) in their Allah - or Buddha - or Odin - or Pope - or Whoever. why would they believe that?

    is it because their parents believe it? because they grew up in a culture that believes it? because they met a charismatic leader who believes it? because they read a Book that told them to believe it?

    yes! of course! their belief in (e.g.) Odin isn't true! it's just inherited from somewhere.

    so what about *your* beliefs?

    why aren't your beliefs an accident like theirs? why isn't your religion a false explanation of the world, born of a particular place and time?

    (you can't say "I'm right, they're wrong" or "it's Faith" or "Jesus is True So There". those are plainly stupid answers.)

    if they're wrong, you could be too. how do you deal with that?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • why don't you believe in Zeus?

    ever since my kids were born, I've been telling them about Zeus. the Heavenly Father. the Cloud-Gatherer.

    I've only taught them the truth, that the ancient writings tell us: how Zeus was the youngest son of Cronos and Rhea; how He spawned Athena, Apollo, Persephone and Heracles; how He reigns on Olympus, the eternal throne; how in His wisdom He tests and encourages mankind. how He judges us, and forgives our follies. all that stuff.

    my kids are all grown up now. they're smart kids. they know about philosophy, and theology, and science. they know Zeusism is not the only religion out there. they know some people think Zeus doesn't even exist. and they know the only reason they believe in Zeus is because of the purity of their faith in Him.

    but still, my kids choose to love and worship Zeus.

    I think they're mistaken. how about you?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • cognitive dissonance?

    christians, muslims, pagans, theists, cultists and supernaturalists of all stripes:

    (if you're smart enough to read - or skim - and understand the above Wikipedia article)

    I think there's a part of your mind that *knows* your beliefs are irrational, improbable, and very possibly total BS. your "faith" tries to override this fact - it tries to hold its own agains encroaching reality - and that's where the *cognitive dissonance* kicks in.

    it's easy to recognize when it happens to other people. UFO believers hold on to their faith even when all avenues of evidence are exhausted. the idiots! but it's much harder to recognize when it happens to yourself.

    when will you surrender to the inevitible? do your mind a favor: stop trying to believe what you know is impossible. embrace skepticism. embrace rationality. give atheism a shot.

    come on in, the water's fine. take the plunge. your sanity will thank you for it.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Still praying?

    moved any mountains, yet? cured cancer? brought about world peace? overturned roe v wade? converted all the world to your own small, provincial religious beliefs?

    ever acheived *anything* with your prayers? got any *real* help from your non-existent Old Man in the Sky?

    I thought not.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can God help this atheist?

    Can your God help me - an unbeliever? If you pray real hard, do you think He can bring me round?

    (I don't belive he can. I don't believe your prayers will make the slightest difference. and you know what? I don't believe you really believe that either!)

    but what the heck - start praying! I'm anticipating immediate conversion, in 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 ....

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A Christian, an atheist, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Wiccan and a Jew walk into a bar...?

    (that's some party!)

    which one is least likely to judge the others based on a negative stereotype?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do Christians or Atheists make better potato salad?

    not German potato salad. the mayonaise kind.

    40 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • R&S Drinking Game?

    can someone remind me of the rules? I've got "why do atheists bother to come here?" and now "the Mayans said the world will end in 2012 (or something)"

    I guess "Jesus loves You!!!!!!" counts too. (drink for each exclamation point!) what else is there?

    do you get to drink for me asking?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What if there's no God (multiple choice)?

    if there is no God, then:

    a) nothing means anything. all my friends and family - my hopes and dreams - myself - we're all just a bunch of random atoms floating pointlessly in space.

    b) party time! let's all have a big orgy and fill our lives with endless drugs, sex and cheeseburgers!

    c) I can happily enslave, torture, rape, kill and eat you without fear of retribution. in a Godless universe, that's the only rational way to be.

    d) no God? I must be blinded by invisible devils to even think that! the Bible says there's a God, and the Bible is God's truth, and if I can't see it then I just need to pray more.

    e) none of the above.

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago