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Lv 5
Jules asked in PetsHorses · 1 decade ago

Woohoo! Part of the club!

Yay! I'm finally part of the club...I got my first hate mail today. Ahh, Yahoo Answers, you make my life complete, filling it hate and ignorance.

Although I encounter that in real life too. Some guy turned his horses out on the state land next to our place and left them in 95 degree heat for two days without water. Awesome. I hauled them water and called the sherriff but because I live in the middle of nowhere, there isn't much in the way of animal rights/animal control, so no one has done anything. This is the FOURTH time I've report someone for horse cruelty in the past 3 years.

So to make this an official question, does anyone else find themselves doing this too? Reporting their neighbors for neglect? Normally I don't stick my nose in other people's business but when their horses are trying to push down the fence to get to my water, or when a 5 month old dies of starvation on the property line, I don't really have a choice...

I'm HOPING that I find this neglect is not so common in everyone else's neighborhood.

By the way Jesse M, I hope you're having a WONDERFUL day.


Oh no Hudson, this wasn't an issue of a difference of opinions. It was an issue of someone writing me a very immature email calling me a bunch of expletives. (They were mad that I killed a rattlesnake in my barn). I could paste it on here but it was obviously written by someone who couldn't come up with an intelligent argument so they just cussed me out. It made me laugh.

Update 2:

YES! I am looking forward to the pervert emails. It's gonna be so great. I COULD block my email but then I wouldn't get get good emails either...or get a good laugh at the others.

Redial, you're hilarious. got an avatar! I always assumed you were a male! Sorry! You know what they say happens when you assume...

I'm quite glad to hear there isn't as much neglect in the rest of the world. Wyoming is just a little backwards sometime. I think it's so easy and cheap for people to have horses here that everyone and their brother gets one, even though they shouldn't, and use it as a status symbol :(

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Welcome to the club. I get hate mail quite a bit. Apparently it's not nice to tell someone their grade horse with it's ewe neck, chronic founder and duck feet isn't worth the $10,000 they were hoping he would be. In my opinion, if you're getting hate mail then you're obviously doing something right on here! Some people just get bent out of shape, cause the truth does hurt.

    I had to quit posting my ranch website because certain people were going to it, getting my phone number and giving me some nice calls. Gotta say that I miss those 2 am hang ups and voice mails telling me that my horses are all going to colic and die. Made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

    Kick your heels up and have fun.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I think this is what ur looking for : ) 1985 A Hangover You Don't Deserve Bowling For Soup 1985 Woohoohoo Woohoohoo Debbie just hit the wall She never had it all One Prozac a day Husbands a CPA Her dreams went out the door When she turned twenty four Only been with one man What happen to her plan? She was gonna be an actress She was gonna be a star She was gonna shake her *** On the hood of white snakes car Her yellow SUV is now the enemy Looks at her average life And nothing has been alright since Bruce Springstien, Madonna Way before Nirvana There was U2 and Blondie And music still on MTV Her two kids in high school They tell her that shes uncool Cuz she's still preoccupied With 19, 19, 1985

  • 1 decade ago

    I have gotten hate mail on Yahoo answers, but not from the horse section. I have blocked some from the political spectrum. Any emails I have gotten from the horse section have always been welcome. That's one reason I mostly only answer in the horses section. As far as neglect, I live in South Dakota and I am the only one with horses around me anymore. I don't think it is a status symbol here, maybe in a cowboy state like Wyoming it is. It isn't always starving horses that break out. The farmers around me grow alfalfa and won't fence their property. If my horses can break out and get to the alfalfa they will even though they have plenty of grass. I know that neglect happens and I don't know how people can let their animals starve.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    LOL! Well welcome to the club there Juliane!! It was only just a matter of time before they got you too. I just got hate mail today from someone I've never even heard of before and all it said is "You suck."... They really made themselves sound intelligent, didn't they? LOL.... All I can do when I get hate mail is laugh at how damn ignorant they make themselves look.... And then share it with my friends on here so they can have a good laugh too!! Haha

    Ah yes, the pervert e-mails.... hey Eqquus and Redial, what about that foursome?? LOL LOL!!

    As for the neglect issue... I've called on one acount of neglect about 5 years ago. Luckily in my neck of the woods, it's not something you see on a regular basis, but ya know, if the economy continues to plumit the way it has I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes a 'regular' thing down here....It is truly sad.....


    Hey E! And a big hello to everyone else too!! :-)

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  • 1 decade ago

    you have definately done the RIGHT thing. Its not a case of sticking your nose in other peoples business you are looking out for the welfare of these beautifal animals that so many others neglect. i would do and have done the same in the past. Though i would take photos of the animals and record your findings and if the owners dont come near the property i would call the rspca or equine rescue organisation in your area. dont try to take the matter into your own hands as people that do this sort of thing to their animals usually have the same disregaurd for other peoples welfare and you could end up with some very cranky and violent encounters. keep giving them water and continue contacting the rspca. If you can and have the resourses next time you see the owners tell them that u can organise to get them to another home. some people dont like this however and out of sheer ignorence and pride you might get a mouthful. if the case of neglect is severe do all you can without getting yourself into a dangerous confrontation with the owners and try your best to get those anmals out of there! i have been in the same situation many times as i am part of a foster care group for horses that have been neglected. and because of this i can get help pretty fast and in some cases with the right contacts and your records and photos u can actually my law prevent these people from owning animals. please keep onto the sherrif and please call your local rspca or ERA.!!

  • 1 decade ago

    So, your "hate" mail came from a fellow Y/A'er? Or this person you mentioned? Although how would he get your email...well, in the case of here, sometimes the truth is hard to swallow although asked our "opinions". Or someones humor can be very misconstrued. But there are a lot of testy people here, that if they know as much as they claim, I wonder why they come here to hear not only good advice, but some scary advice too. I just hope they are as knowledgeable as they say to weed out the good stuff. The other "clueless"'s like the blind leading the blind. And I can see they know what they want to hear and if they don't hear that, then "Watch Out" you have been insulting!!

    As far as the question at hand, I'm a city slicker and drive out to the barn where fortunately, our horses are treated like royalty!! But, if I was in a rural area and saw some of the horror stories that I read about, I'm known to speak my mind or take whatever action is necessary to take care of an animal welfare issue. But, I know i would be in a lot of trouble!!

    As a fellow "club" member, I welcome you with open arms!! He He


    I see I'm in good company with the other hate mail club members!!


    Geez, I didn't realize people kept Rattlesnakes as pets!! Good thing I don't mention about me killing cockaroaches or poor little fire ants. I did see your post and am glad that where I live I feed the squirrels and they are not a pest to me or my surroundings. Many of the other animals like deer or rabbits that people don't like when they eat their daisies. I would be caught between a rock and a hardplace...I couldn't do it..i would be like Dr. Dolittle!!

  • Welcome to the club! You try and help people, and you get hate mail. Oh well. I got one the other day (actually, I got the same email 12 times) that was just a bunch of random obscenities strung together into a barely coherent message. There are a lot of douchebags here. As for your real question, fortunately I've never had to report anyone for neglect. Keep doing what you're doing, you're obviously a better person than some.

  • 1 decade ago

    You GO girl!

    Its a shame that neglect is common over in your parts. I would have done the exact same thing in that situation with hauling water to the horses and phoning the sheriff. We have a lot of very happy animals over here, thank goodness, and I haven't found any animals in need of being reported, but I always keep a number in my phone for the day if it comes along and some animal needs to be rescued.

    I rescued 2 dogs, a bird, and my first pony wasn't in a very good boarding situation. We nursed one dog back to health and neutered him and put some weight on him and he is now in a loving home forever with another dog in a house about two hours from mine. We own the other one and my little sister loves him to pieces.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i am still waiting for my first hate mail. sadly it hasnt happened yet, maybe i have to stop surgar coating my few here and there answers. i tried to set a record for myself today tho by telling the truth on how i felt on a backyard breeder. only problem with that is i havent beat my old record of 8 thumbs down, i only got 6 thumbs down and those crazy people gave me 9 thumbs up, can you believe it?!?! i guess i'll have to try harder to be like you to get some hate mail of my own.

    the only really bad neglect i've read about is on the fugly blog. . . and those cases are horrible cases, for example: one man owned 100 horses and every one of them was half starved, 2 years later after all the horses were taken away, he has a few more. but other then those cases that ARE horrible i dont hear of many, and that 100 horse neglect case i do believe was in canada. the only good thing that came out of it tho was 2-3 ladies that helped the horses started a rescue called the 100 horse rescue and still are helping neglected horses today.

    but congrats on your hate mail, you'll have to give me tips on how to get some of my own some day.

    Source(s): Smile, sunshine is good for your teeth
  • 1 decade ago

    Yay!! I guess all that's left is to get a perverted email!! I finally got my first one just a couple of weeks ago.

    Hate mail is fun to post for everyone to read. If you're willing to get a violation.

    Haven't had to report for animal neglect. But once I did for child neglect. Come to find out, a little girl was living in a closet and being molested by her uncles. She was a friend of my daughters and she left a 'drawing' at my house that an 8 year old girl had no business knowing how to draw. She got removed and adopted by a well off family...Yay!

    People around my immediate vacinity take care of their animals...except for the occasional dog that decides to run stock.

    ***EDIT..hey E, R, and John!

    ***EDIT...oh I'm leaving people out....HELLO EVERYONE!!!

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