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Anonymous asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Am i liable for a dog bite?

I was on Vacation and I had a house sitter to take care of the things around the house while I was gone. This person had invited some friends over (which was on my list of things not to do while I was gone) and one of the friends had ether got hit in the mouth by my dogs head while kneeling down to say hi to the dog (she gets really excited when people come over and she starts to bounce up and down like a rabbit) or actually gotten bit it is unclear and stories are shaky. I personally cant see my do doing that but its just me, she has been around many different people of all ages when i'm home and not home so its way out of character for my dog. The dog was in a fenced part of my back yard, not loose roaming the streets. I have been thru the whole dog quarantine thing and the outcome is okayed by animal control they said she doesn’t seem vicious. My question is: am I responsible for this accident or the house sitter who invited the people over that weren’t supposed to be there in the first place. I talked to animal control and the police dept. and they said that I could not file a trespassing charge because the people were invited in the back yard by the person watching the house. So I would assume that if that was the case that they should be liable for the accident and not me.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are still liable unfortunately.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think legally when it comes down to it you are responsible for your dog. If you take it to court you can then sue the house sitter if you have proof that you told her not to have people over and that your dog is friendly. If you get a reasonable judge the house sitter may intern be liable. It's like if someone slips on ice in your yard even if you have a salt down somehow it's your fault.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like that you would be liable because it was your dog who did damage in your house. The people were invited over by your "agent" or dog sitter. So you might want to contact an attorney, especially if this comes back to bite you, Keep in mind laws very from state to state.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would think you could file trespassing because the person didn't have your ok to bring people over but anyways no you are no liable for the accident. You made it clear there was to be no one at your place and your dog sitter went behind your back.

    I hope you didn't pay him/her. If the injured party tries to come after you point them in the direction of the dog sitter. Also I really would look up the trespassing laws in your are just to double check on whether you can file or not.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well I am not sure I wouldn't think they would have any case against you but with the way the laws are nowadays, better to be safe than sorry.. And you said the dog don't act like she's going to bite people when your home with her? she could of being protective of her domain? I mean its possible.. Did they go to the ER? if so tell em that you have to have a copy of there visit and what the on call docs put in writing.. that would be your best bet, to cover all tracks all the way around get solid concrete proof.. best of luck

  • 1 decade ago

    If this were to end up in court you wouldn't be held responsible. You hired someone to care for your dog in your absence. That person did assume all liability for your dog. Also, just to add fuel to the fire, there was an agreement that no one other than the sitter was supposed to be in your home. Think about it... if your dog was in a kennel and it bit someone, you would not be held responsible in the slightest.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Because it was in the front yard and there was no fence and apparently no verbal control at that time, I would think you would be at least 50% liable. If it had been the fenced in backyard, that would be different. Addendum: If it was on your street and not your yard, you would be 100% liable because that is public property and you did not have verbal control at that time.

  • 1 decade ago

    if ANYONE gets bitten by your dog on your property for ANY reason you're liable.. end of story. that's the way dog bite laws work. there have been cases of theives breaking into a home, getting bit by the owner's dog, sueing the owner of the dog and WINNING!! yes it happens all the time. it's not right and personally i dont think you should be held responsible, but in the eyes of the law your dog=your fault

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a pet sitter..and I would never have done such a thing..I would absolutely at least try to make her responsible..You may legally be liable which is a shame...Sorry this has happened to you..It is not fair for you, or the dog,

  • 1 decade ago

    Interesting situation. I'd say your sitter was responsible, but I'm not a lawyer. Did the person need medical care? If so, it might be cheapest all the way around for you to just pay the doctor bill.

  • 1 decade ago

    That depends on where you live. Different states have different laws. In most cases if your dog is in his yard and it is fenced than you are not liable unless your dog is known to be aggressive. Good luck.

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