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Is this really the level of intelligence expected here?

A couple of days ago I answered this question :-;_ylt=Au...

Now, I gave an honest answer and it was a hypothetical question. So why does this guy feel he needs to challenge my opinion. He has sent me 2 e-mails arguing that I'm in the wrong for wanting to drug myself into believing in his deity? Now after the first one I wasn't happy, after all, his question was based on a hypothetical scenario so there can't be a wrong or right answer only speculative opinion, surely? Needless to say the reply I sent him wasn't in the least bit friendly. Which caused him to send this response :-

From: gismoII

Subject: Re: belief pill

Message: You are the one who answered the question in the first place, so the retard goes back to you. Don't answer the question and you will not get a reply. I ran a test and you failed it by refusing to take the hypothetical REALITY pill, which I would have taken since there was NO guarantee it would prove the existence of God. I'm willing to take it EVEN if it proved that God did not exist. This test was given to see if the benefit of the doubt of your true sincerity is justified. Instead you deliberately twisted my meaning of a reality pill into a drug induced mind altering drug. (stupid). You missed the whole point of the test. The Old Testament states that even if a dead relative appeared to an unbeliever as proof of God, the unbeliever would still find a way to rationalize it as insuffcient proof. Why? Because his true reason is simply that he really does not want to believe regardless of any kind of proof. Science & reason have nothing to do with it and are only rationalizations masking the true reason. Of course, you are angry since I apparently unmasked you. You do not want the truth since you cannot handle it. Your last reply reveals that also. Since you are not a person of good will, I would prefer you get lost and do not contact me anymore. Theology teaches us that even a confirmed atheist can be saved provided they truly follow a conscience of good will. But in your case, you have no motive to do so anyway. But I shall still pray for you whether you like it or not.

A lot of xtians want to know why atheists are so quick to have a go at them and I think this says it all. Whats your opinion?


@ JEZEBEL, What up hun not well? That really is tame for you!

Update 2:

@ spirit wanderer, some great points raised there. And don't worry, I had already moved on, I just thought it would be good situation for illustrating a point.

Update 3:

@ ULAM, well said!

Update 4:

@ demonpride, hehe, I know - I really am evil, aren't I!!

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have a problem with any fellow Christian throwing out lame hypotheticals like that and then arguing about the answers they get. As a Christian I think your original answer was right on the money. What's the point of having to take a pill? The question was lame from the get go. Try not to evaluate all Christians based on this guy, and I won't push it, but if you'd ever like a respectful debate on the topic, send me an email. In the end I even will concede I won't be able to "prove" the existence of God.

  • ULAM
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    For some reason the issue of spirituality brings out the adolescent idiot in a lot of people. It's great to debate an issue and challenge ideas. That's how we learn and grow as a society. I've always believed that most people can hold opposite sides of an argument without resorting to name-calling and the kind of childish baiting that we usually grow out of by the time we've reached junior high school. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case in the R&S forum. I would love to visit this section of Yahoo Answers more often, but it's hard to find real questions to respond to.

    In your case, you've been the victim of a baiter from the theist side of the argument. You're absolutely right about his response. If you don't want to hear an opposing viewpoint, don't ask a question. People aren't going to deal with you for very long if you jump down their throats every time they disagree with you.

    On the other hand, there are a lot of people here that seem to be looking for attention. Questioning the source of a person's faith is one thing, asking questions in a way that is insulting to someone's belief system is another. I can remember answering atheists' questions when I first started visiting Yahoo Answers, but I've stopped bothering for the most part now. I'm not going to feed someone's need for attention. If you have a real question, ask. If you're just going to say anything to get someone riled up, grow up.

    Both sides need to get a grip and understand that theism and atheism exist, and that no amount of bitching or baiting us going to change a bloody thing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Amazing. I can't believe he criticized you for answering a question HE ASKED! Then, he asked you not to contact him anymore? HE is the one who sent you the first email. You wouldn't have emailed him a reply if he wouldn't have contacted you. Oh, this is nuts. Since when does an Atheist pray? He gave you all this harassment over HIS hypothetical question. He's a living contradiction. All you meant was, you would know why you believed and that the belief would exist for the wrong reason. There's nothing wrong with your answer. He just likes to rant and no, this isn't the level of intelligence expected here. He seems like the type of person who is paranoid and out to set people up. That or he likes to see if he can get people angry over nothing. Either way, we all see that he's a jerk. I'll be sure to block him and would recommend you do the same. When I see people who ask trick questions to set people up or give mean answers or harass people, I don't need it to be done to me to block them. No one should have to put up with this and I'm sorry this happened to you. Hope you feel better soon. Let's all start a no bullies campaign in our source.

    Source(s): Say no to bullies.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I truly, TRULY understand you my friend. It gets on my nerves to. And it is ironic how so many Christians get upset if I may give a sarcastic remark or my prove "difficult" to deal with because of my past dealings. It's the same with women who think that all men are players. Should we blame them, or the men?

    However I also say that I do not let it affect me all that much, I get mad and move on. Also, I always try and be nice to them even if they're being d1cks to me. But that's me, not you. Anyway, I would just try and let it go, and move on. Just because the loudest are the tight @ssed holes doesn't mean that they all are.

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  • Hogie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Part of the flaw in the logic here is that you cannot prove a negative. In other words, you cannot prove God does not exist.

    His rationale regarding a dead person coming back to life as a proof for others being rejected by the others is a good case of taking the situation out of context, as this example related to one coming back to life to warn others who ALREADY HAD AMPLE PROOF FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD. In other words, if they rejected other proofs, they would reject this proof also.

    You really though shouldn't get upset or mad over the misguided actions of one who hasn't quite learned the proper methods of argument mapping and critical thinking, as well as proper biblical scholarship.


  • Scatta
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Medicating yourself to believe in a deity, what would be the point? I'd know that the only reason I had for believing in said deity would be because of the pill.

    * 1 day ago

    Ummm, no idea why he'd argue with that answer. Isn't that what he was asking?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    definite, certainly. Dr. Suess booksmart infact. enable me to illustrate. One fish. 2 fish. crimson fish. Presbyterian fish. Fish contained in the sea, Fish contained in the sea. Fish who follow Scientology. E, EM, SEE equivalent sq. lifeless protein will become hair. On a boat, In a moat, First geared up in eighth Century BC, with the aid of the crimson Byzantananeeze relatively talked approximately as Byzantines, made to delight, to guard the cities, talked approximately as the Contra Fosa puhleaze. Bees Knees. ;)

  • 1 decade ago

    Ah, the Internet: lowering the bar on acceptable intelligence and behavior.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This guy was upset because his little test was poorly set up.

    Cheiko - it appears from your answer that your philosophy is actually - Answer the question, insult the asker, then move on....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That cross shaped pill is extremely difficult to swallow, even with holy water. Since it shuts off major areas of cognitive function (as we can see from this email to you), it's a form of intellectual suicide to swallow it, with no returning.

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