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  • Atheists, if god was a car?

    Just found this brilliant vid and thought I'd share with you guys here, check it out and let me know what you think!

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • God wouldn't just allow Hitler he'd demand that you obey him?

    According to various passages in the bible God would not of just allowed Hitler to continue along with his destructive government he would of asked that people follow along without objection. Why?

    For more details, and the passages in question please see this video:

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How often do you go to answer a question?

    And find that either the answer you were about to give or a better answer has already been given? And what do do then, do you answer it anyway or just move along to something else?

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Whats the deal with all the "try this" questions?

    Over the past few days I've seen loads of answers with some dodgy link in provided by loads of different users (I'm assuming their all from the same person though). I don't want to provide the link here but basically it's an IP address followed by "~search". I just wandered who else has seen these and whether Y!A? I'm asking here because I've seen it a lot around R&S.

    Also, whats been your favourite question here this week (so I can decide who gets best answer!)

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A drugs war carol, opinions?

    I'm just reading through A Drugs War Carol , an online comic detailing the drugs war in all it's ridiculous glory. I just wanted to see what other peoples opinion was about it, if you've not seen it you can check it out here:

    It's a bit long but well worth a read through for anyone with an opinion on current drugs policy.

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Have you ever checked old answers? Did you find anything interesting?

    I was just looking through some of my old questions, 4 years old to be exact, and it was really interesting to see the way my ideas and thinking have changed over that time. It got me thinking, who else here has looked back through old stuff from on here and what did you find?

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Are radical muslims targeting the wrong people in this case?

    With regards to the current situation with Terry Jones, american evangelical pastor.

    Taken from Yahoo News!:

    "But the pastor, who leads a tiny Florida church, insisted he would stage "International Burn-a-Koran Day" on Saturday, despite receiving more than 100 death threats.

    Sky News reported that Anjem Choudary, former leader of the banned Islamist organisation Islam4UK, is calling on radical Muslim groups around the world to burn American flags outside US embassies in retaliation."

    Surely if Mr Choudary wants these radical Muslims to retaliate he should be asking them to burn bibles, not flags. After all, it's this pastor's religion that is the problem, not his country of origin. I think there's almost some argument that extremist muslims are more respectful than extremist christians.

    15 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Is yahoo making a monkey of itself?

    I just saw this news report on yahoo.

    And was struck by how wrong it is?

    "There are thousands of differences between chimpanzees and humans; a tail, hair all over, big ears and the ability to climb trees, but what really elevates man is the often taken-for-granted ability to have a good natter, a chit-chat, or to put it more simply, to talk"

    A tail? Really yahoo? You do know the difference between a monkey and an ape don't you? Also on a side note, wouldn't I be right in saying that chimps do actually converse, albeit using a much smaller vocabulary than our own?

    4 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • What is the difference with the newly proposed voting system?

    I vaguely understand why the lib dems want to get the voting system changed but I'm not quite sure on the details of what exactly these changes will be. Anyone here able to explain it for me. Also what are the chances of them actually getting this through?

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is this not the dumbest thing ever said?

    I've just found this little gem of logic on youtube and thought it was my duty to share it with others!

    "LiisaFig (10 hours ago)

    If I were to look at Christianity through an agnostic point of view (im christian btw) I would say christians have the right idea. If we are "right" and jesus really did save us all and there is a heaven and a god then we go to heaven and live eternally with him. if we are "wrong" (which of course i believe we are right) then oh well we lived a life that was fulfilling, full of kindness and in fellowshipwith those alike. if theres no life after death christians would still have it made. ^___^ "

    Can you spot the major mistakes?

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Couldn't the bible be considered proof against god?

    One of the things I'm often told is that god can't make an appearance in front of me and a few friends is because proof denies faith? Ok, fair enough.

    But what about the bible? That is 'apparently' proof of god? Since proof denies faith surely god is without believers and thus doesn't exist?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Maybe us atheists don't give the bible enough dues?

    Now before you think I've gone mental and changed sides here let me explain!

    The bible is (regardless of it's truthfulness) one of the oldest and most well known stories in the world. As such it's made it possible for certain other stories to gain the iconic status they have. For example films such as The Omen, Exorcist or The Devils Advocate would never of been able to even get of the ground if the general populous didn't already know the base story behind them? But they did and because of this it, these films can tell more of a story. The biggest media this seems to of been used in is comics/graphic novels like Constantine.

    What do you think?

    34 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Everyone, RE: Unfair violation notices in R&S?

    I'm just interested in finding out if anyone else is having this problem with yahoo. Over the past few days I'm constantly getting violations which are completely unfounded in their reasoning. For example, I asked a question regarding the methods of certain religious groups and if these methods can be seen as purposefully recruiting the weak. I was very careful to try and not word this question in a way which would cause offence but still I received a violation for exactly that reason. Now, it's not the fact that I'm having these posts deleted for no reason, however annoying that is, it's the fact that the y!a appeals committee is doing nothing to help me? Why bother calling themselves appeals, if :-

    "We cannot enter into personal dialogue over individual deletions,

    however content is generally deleted if it is in violation of the

    Answers' community guidelines."

    Now, I'm aware that these are probably being deleted by some idiotic troll who has nothing better to do with their time and I'm pretty sure that I've been singled out because of my atheist beliefs, but couldn't yahoo actually help? I mean surely there's someone who can stop this pathetic practice? It does nothing but destroy the whole experience of being here? Also I'd like to know of what religious belief you consider yourself to be to see if it is happening to one group more than another?

    32 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How reasonable does this seem to you?

    I've just found this vid on youtube

    (part 1)

    (part 2)

    and, whilst it's quite basic, it strikes me as a very intelligent way of answering a question that's asked on here quite often. I'm interested in getting responses from both theists and atheists alike. Ie: atheists: Do any of these things ring true for you, would they help to convince you of a religious truth? And theists: aren't these things fair enough 'proofs' to expect from a religion?

    The vid takes about 16 mins all together.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do people really believe that this Noah thing really happened?

    I mean really, come on, you can't be serious? Looking through some of the answers to this question;_ylt=Al... I really worry about the state of some peoples common sense (especially Dan the Man!)

    Do you not realise that there is just not enough water on this planet to cover every single mountain (like the buybull claims). Even in the polar ice caps and the air there isn't enough - by a long way! Let alone all of the other holes in the story that even children can spot a mile off! Now space doesn't permit me to write them here but they can be found here -

    I just want to understand how people can believe such a ridiculous story such as this actually happened?

    39 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is this really the level of intelligence expected here?

    A couple of days ago I answered this question :-;_ylt=Au...

    Now, I gave an honest answer and it was a hypothetical question. So why does this guy feel he needs to challenge my opinion. He has sent me 2 e-mails arguing that I'm in the wrong for wanting to drug myself into believing in his deity? Now after the first one I wasn't happy, after all, his question was based on a hypothetical scenario so there can't be a wrong or right answer only speculative opinion, surely? Needless to say the reply I sent him wasn't in the least bit friendly. Which caused him to send this response :-

    From: gismoII

    Subject: Re: belief pill

    Message: You are the one who answered the question in the first place, so the retard goes back to you. Don't answer the question and you will not get a reply. I ran a test and you failed it by refusing to take the hypothetical REALITY pill, which I would have taken since there was NO guarantee it would prove the existence of God. I'm willing to take it EVEN if it proved that God did not exist. This test was given to see if the benefit of the doubt of your true sincerity is justified. Instead you deliberately twisted my meaning of a reality pill into a drug induced mind altering drug. (stupid). You missed the whole point of the test. The Old Testament states that even if a dead relative appeared to an unbeliever as proof of God, the unbeliever would still find a way to rationalize it as insuffcient proof. Why? Because his true reason is simply that he really does not want to believe regardless of any kind of proof. Science & reason have nothing to do with it and are only rationalizations masking the true reason. Of course, you are angry since I apparently unmasked you. You do not want the truth since you cannot handle it. Your last reply reveals that also. Since you are not a person of good will, I would prefer you get lost and do not contact me anymore. Theology teaches us that even a confirmed atheist can be saved provided they truly follow a conscience of good will. But in your case, you have no motive to do so anyway. But I shall still pray for you whether you like it or not.

    A lot of xtians want to know why atheists are so quick to have a go at them and I think this says it all. Whats your opinion?

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does God stop xtians from using the previously asked questions thing?

    I only ask because I can't believe how often I've seen the "why are atheists on R&S" question today.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago