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Lv 6
Dragon asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Are radical muslims targeting the wrong people in this case?

With regards to the current situation with Terry Jones, american evangelical pastor.

Taken from Yahoo News!:

"But the pastor, who leads a tiny Florida church, insisted he would stage "International Burn-a-Koran Day" on Saturday, despite receiving more than 100 death threats.

Sky News reported that Anjem Choudary, former leader of the banned Islamist organisation Islam4UK, is calling on radical Muslim groups around the world to burn American flags outside US embassies in retaliation."

Surely if Mr Choudary wants these radical Muslims to retaliate he should be asking them to burn bibles, not flags. After all, it's this pastor's religion that is the problem, not his country of origin. I think there's almost some argument that extremist muslims are more respectful than extremist christians.


@ NooNoo, lets face facts, christians have done their fair share of things like that over the years. Their extremists have been just as murderous over the centuries.

Update 2:

@ linuleb7, I didn't mean to suggest that a flag burning would be respectful, only that the target of the disrespect was misplaced. As for extremists killing people, you have to stop for a moment a take into context that there are still soldiers from America (largely christian ones at that) around the world killing people because a rich white dude who believed he could talk to god told them to. Yeah there's more decorum, but the effect is the same.

Update 3:

@ Lawrence D, not so much offended, more confused.

@Bad doggy, eh? How would that help?

Update 4:

@ limo, would you not say that what this pastor is suggesting could be said to be radical?

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    he is a feckwit, and should be banned from every country on the planet, dropped into the ocean, alongside his nutty cohorts. Listen to his take on Britain, that it will one day be subject to Sharia Law, that all women will wear the Burkha, and that Islam will rule the world. If you have never watched his preaching, on internet, tv, you should, people like this are so far back in time in their thinking, that i am always amazed that he is still here in Britain, living off the dole, and can still send out these messages.

  • 1 decade ago

    No doubt, burning Islam's holy book is a good way to insight Muslims.

    But what I take issue with here is that you would blame Christianity as a faith for the hair brained stunts of a Florida pastor, saying that it makes more sense to burn the Bible than the American flag. It is quite obvious to me that you have a lack of understanding of both Christianity (for which i can not blame you) and of what truly foments Muslim animosity.

    The thing that has so angered Muslims, the thing that motivated 9/11, the USS Cole, The Embassy bombings, the London attacks and the Madrid subway bombings is the Foreign policy of the United States government. And my governments policies in dealing with Islam are anything but Biblical, I can assure you. Nor are the antics of this Florida pastor of much use from a Christian perspective. We are called to defend and present the Gospel, not drive away those who need to hear it.

    So, it makes perfect sense that they should burn an American flag, rather than the Bible, which Muslims themselves claim is a revealed word from God.

  • 1 decade ago

    Let Anjem Choudary burn the flag, you can't try to make sense out of nonsense. Are you offended by this? Is anybody offended by this?

  • 1 decade ago

    No matter. A "respectful" flag-burning will occur. And of top of that, some extremists will kill innocent people. Same as if the "respectful" flag-burning didn't occur.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Since when did Muslims need anyone to TELL them to burn an American Flag?

    Source(s): Every video ever made in a country with Sharia.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Murdering human beings in islam are forbidden, except having permission by Allah. as an occasion judgment against somebody who had killed somebody else. then the the relatives whom being murdered can ask the decide to have justice. or against somebody who threatened you, than it became into additionally has permion from Allah

  • "Surely if Mr Choudary wants these radical Muslims to retaliate he should be asking them to burn bibles, not flags".

    Then maybe you should become a radical Muslim!!?!

  • 1 decade ago

    Insh'Allah Muslims will NOT burn any Bibles. We have respect for ALL holy books. For each Qur'an burnt May Allah replace it with thousands. Ameen.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yes, but the mistake you're making is in thinking that these are logical thinking people, which clearly they are not.

    Looks like the fire brigade's going to have a busy day then.

  • are radical Christians burning books ....?

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