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Do people really believe that this Noah thing really happened?

I mean really, come on, you can't be serious? Looking through some of the answers to this question;_ylt=Al... I really worry about the state of some peoples common sense (especially Dan the Man!)

Do you not realise that there is just not enough water on this planet to cover every single mountain (like the buybull claims). Even in the polar ice caps and the air there isn't enough - by a long way! Let alone all of the other holes in the story that even children can spot a mile off! Now space doesn't permit me to write them here but they can be found here -

I just want to understand how people can believe such a ridiculous story such as this actually happened?


@ jim b, Ok I'm the one with no scientific knowledge, this coming from someone who thinks that venus pops out of orbit to cause a flood on earth. ****.

Update 2:

@ mac. The only reason Galileo was unsuccessful at proving those ideas without space technology was because of idiots like you who told him he was wrong because what he said went against your silly little magic book!! Oh, and I don't need to know how the whole universe works to know that a global flood is impossible, I just need to know enough about this planet.

Update 3:

And to all these people who are saying that there is evidence for a global flood, please feel free to quote your sources.

Update 4:

@ Helen, I tell you what, you explain to me first about how exactly a 20 foot pile of mud (near a river) has absolutely anything to do with building a boat? Or of course how exactly it proves the Noah story?

39 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The majority of the Christians on YA are absolutely freaking insane, man.

    Seriously, "Carrie's" mother would be a brainiac compared to most of these Christian nutters.

    Personally, I've become absolutely disgusted by Christians since I started coming here, and I've lost any respect I ever had for their cult.

    On a lighter note, though, YA reaches a LOT of people. And these nutjobs are speeding along the demise of their own cult, by their OWN actions, far faster than any atheist ever could.

  • 1 decade ago

    It appears to be the story of Gilgamesh retold and is probably an account of a local flood during which Gilgamesh or someone like him built a boat and saved his animals. It is significant that the story mentions two of each of some animals but more of the domestic ones such as sheep. The latest idea is that some time in the past the Bosphorus was seperated from the black sea by a natural dam which burst and allowed the water from the Medditeranean Sea to flood in. There is evidence that the shore line of the Black sea was once a lot lower. IF this did happen then the flooding process would take many months if not a couple of years leaving plenty of time for the news of the probably flooding to reach all round the Black sea giving people time to move or build boats etc. Since they did not travel long distances as we do today it may well have seemed that the whole world was flooding and indeed the whole of their world was flooding

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You haven't a scientific bone on your whole body do you? The earth was different in the days before the flood the continents were in one place and the mountains were not as tall. Most unlearned people have never read the Bible. All their knowledge of the Noah and the flood come from children's books.

    The Bible tells us that the fountain of the earth was opened. That is all the waters on the planet. Tell me what would happen to the sea if a planetary body cane within a few hundred miles of the earth say one the size of Venus? The tides cause by such an event would pull the oceans up over the whole of the earth..

    God works in what modern man would call natural means. J. Huw Davies of the University of Cardiff in the UK, has posited that a collision of two embryonic planets may have crashed together to form what we now know as Venus. Couldn't one of these space bodies have come from the asteroid belt or entered from outside the solar system? Venus rotates very slowly and in a clockwise direction – unique in solar system planets. This isn't proof of what I am inferring but it does call into question just how Venus came to be..

    So is it really such a ridiculous story to believe that huge tide could be pulled up over the land. We have seen what a small tidal wave does to coastal regions what would happen with a 10,000 foot tide? IHS jim

  • 1 decade ago

    It's a shame that there are so many "nutter" Christians on here. Really, it is. They give us a bad name. Okay, so I'm a conservative, reformed, evangelical Christian (if you're into labels, and I am today for some reason). So, yes, I believe the account of Noah in Genesis is a factual historical account. I'm also not crazy, or illogical. I may be misinformed, but I'm not crazy.

    Here's HOW I can believe it. The question of "How?" deals with the why I'm not crazy. The question of "Did" it happen is a different question entirely.

    Here's how I can believe it. It all starts with, well, where you start. If you start with a closed universe where there is no possibility for divine influence or existence, let alone intervention, then you can't believe the Noah account. If you don't start there, but somewhere else you can.

    I believe in an open universe, where there is a "first cause" as Aquinas put it, and that the first cause, being the originator of the universe can, if it chooses intervene. If there's a first cause, and they can intervene, then, I think that they matter, so I go looking for the first cause. In the Bible, I find the first cause disclosing himself (I can say him now becasue ..) as a person both imminent and transcendent. He is present in the process of the universe and reigns over it.

    So, this first cuase is personal, and subsistent and purposefull. These are the facts that I start with. That's how I can believe the Noah account, because it makes sense in the historical and real plan that God has self-disclosed.

    I realize there was a big leap from "first cause" to the Bible there. That, is also another question.

    I think though, that it's fair to say that I'm not a religious nut, and I'm not a crazy person. Rather, I take the facts that I know to be true and draw conclusions from them. Does that make me a Christian Scientist? Crap, I'm a nutter just like Tom Cruise. Lol.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I've asked this question before. I love the one "how do you explain fish fossils at the tops of mountains" Well, how about the fact that they weren't alway mountains. Mountains are formed over time and at one time, they would have been flat and probably covered by water. (millions of years ago, not 5500 years ago) If a world wide flood would have happened less than 6000 years ago, there would be evidence all over the planet that would be extremely easy to find. IT ISN"T THERE. Or how about the fact that if you just took mamals, amphibians, birds and reptiles on the ark, you would have to take around 60,000 animals. Plus the food to feed them. That's not even counting the MILLIONS of species of insects. USE YOUR BRAIN PEOPLE! The way these people rationalize these things amazes me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Seriously, do you propose to know how the whole universe works?

    You are taking current human understanding and trying to apply it to a God-Like act?

    Can you explain how electrons can go up to a barrier and suddenly appear on the other side?

    Can you prove, without satellites, how the sun is the center of the solar system, and not the earth (Galileo did not have space technology, yet he was unsuccessful in proving this).

    God is not limited by our knowledge--we can't even explain what causes gravity--and you propose that you know so much as to condemn a story because you don't understand it.

    That's arrogance.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a Christian who was actually just told yesterday that I am NOT a Christian because I believe the story of Noah to be a metaphor. Some people believe the story is a historical account, and that if you don't read it as such, you are "disagreeing with God." Hmm.

  • 1 decade ago

    Research has found that there was a great flood in that time frame but no one is around to ask any questions off. I guess we will just have to accept what was written seeing it is the only documented news story on the matter. There may be a little expounding on the matter but such is the nature of human beings. Peace

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, all Christians do believe what God has told us. Luke 17 26

    As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be in the days of the Son of Man;


    they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage up to the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.


    Similarly, as it was in the days of Lot: they were eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting, building;


    on the day when Lot left Sodom, fire and brimstone rained from the sky to destroy them all.


    So it will be on the day the Son of Man is revealed.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe the whole story was plagiarized from the ancient Sumerians. I think it was the story of Gilgamesh, not sure but I read it, and this was like from mesopotamia- the cradle of civilization- if you read alot of their stories you will find more stories that bible writers blatantly plagiarized.

    the whole resurrection story was started here, but the bible rips off the ancient Egyptians with the whole dead for three days and rises.

    Source(s): took world lit class-read alot of books.
  • 1 decade ago

    Explain the 20 foot of mud found during anarcheological dig in the area of the Euphates river,where "the ark" was supposed to have been made>

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