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Everyone, RE: Unfair violation notices in R&S?

I'm just interested in finding out if anyone else is having this problem with yahoo. Over the past few days I'm constantly getting violations which are completely unfounded in their reasoning. For example, I asked a question regarding the methods of certain religious groups and if these methods can be seen as purposefully recruiting the weak. I was very careful to try and not word this question in a way which would cause offence but still I received a violation for exactly that reason. Now, it's not the fact that I'm having these posts deleted for no reason, however annoying that is, it's the fact that the y!a appeals committee is doing nothing to help me? Why bother calling themselves appeals, if :-

"We cannot enter into personal dialogue over individual deletions,

however content is generally deleted if it is in violation of the

Answers' community guidelines."

Now, I'm aware that these are probably being deleted by some idiotic troll who has nothing better to do with their time and I'm pretty sure that I've been singled out because of my atheist beliefs, but couldn't yahoo actually help? I mean surely there's someone who can stop this pathetic practice? It does nothing but destroy the whole experience of being here? Also I'd like to know of what religious belief you consider yourself to be to see if it is happening to one group more than another?

35 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You have picked up a stalker.

    Yahoo doesn't give a damn about it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Okay, here's what I do:

    Become known, and feared.

    I've salvaged two High-Level "Suspended Accounts" so far. This is one.

    Build a "relationship" with Yahoo, and Appeal every Violation. The motive here is not to win or lose, but to become acquainted. Cut-&-Paste the same Appeal and e-mail it to them over & over & over till your finger gets tired, then switch hands. Make yourself like their ubiquitous "Not a question or an answer": A redundant, repetitive force of Evil to be reckoned with. Let not a day pass that you don't drop in to "say Hello". Soon enough, they will get to know you personally, and they will know for sure what they've got coming for each Violation they issue.

    I learned the basis for this tactic when I first went to prison at age 18:

    "Make Them Pay To Put You Away." It works for me.

  • .
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I ´´collected´´ so many violations for the exact reason as you in last two, three weeks, it is unreal

    There is almost no way, how to stop this.

    some Nazi troll/s, i BET, is sitting here JUST for this purpose.

    I am atheist and mostly, whenever i post something about Islamic radicals, same applies to Christian fundamentalists, crispy, brand new violation arrives. I´ve had an article, is gone now, specifically points to Yahoo, as an opposer of freedom of speech.

    Set-up all your info on ´´private´´ mode, you might have a stalker, as i am SURE, i had at least two.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's happened to me a few times also. I get reported by Atheist trolls. Personally, I rarely report people. I overlook a lot unless it's openly derogatory against Jesus Christ by name or perverse. You have not been offensive in either of those ways and I have never taken offense to your questions or answers. People who report others, myself included, should be held accountable to the Y!A Committee and give a specific reason as to why they report others. The Y!A Committee should investigate and verify that the reports are legitimate before deleting a question or answer. Try to think of who might do this to you and block them. Maybe, then, they won't be able to report your questions. Let the Y!A Committee know that someone has it in for you. I'm sorry you're going through this. A lot of times I go to answer a question and the question gets deleted when I click the submit button. It's frustrating when I have excellent points to make (lol) and my answer doesn't go through. My beliefs are more of a blend of Orthodox Christian and Gnostic.

    Source(s): Your Christian friend. : )
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  • Loosid
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I too get violations, often but for the opposite reason, because I'm a Christian. I'm not inflammatory however I will *chat* and that's the only thing they get me on, but I know why they do it; because I'm a Christian. I honestly do not think Yahoo itself favors one side over the other, however there are many *small* people who find some sort of bizarre pleasure in reporting other people soley for disagreement.


  • I've only ever had one answer deleted, and it was for a good reason (it wasn't contributing to the thread at all).

    You are probably correct that several trolls are reporting your questions, especially if you are an atheist. Even delicately worded questions about religion can set a person off, expecially if they are feeling threatened. Not fair, not cool, but it seems to be a reality.

    Source(s): pagan
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They allow violations and even suspend people with nothing more than you violated the community guidelines. There is so much legalese in those guidelines you could get suspended for not using correct punctuation. They don't care.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm afraid we're stuck.

    I had an answer deleted, and I looked at it, and I have absolutely no clue why it was deleted. You got a very extensive comment compared with mine.

    I sent another query, asking for some explanation, since they threaten to turn me off if I do it again. I didn't do anything, so far as I can see, so how can I stop doing it if I don't know what it is I'm doing?

    This is wacked.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've had four Violation Notices that were completely bogus, and appealed all four, and got no-where. I do not think the Appeals people take atheist accounts seriously. It's open prejudice, but it happens.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Good luck with that. Tell you what, try reforming the broken reporting system here, and try reducing a concrete wall to dust by repeatedly smashing your head against it, and tell me which one you make more progress with.

    I'm an atheist, but I've been here a long time, and I can honestly say that it happens to everyone. No one is safe from the report monkeys.

  • 1 decade ago

    The answer lies in each individual persons ability to control their feelings. They tend to be control freaks. They get angry that you are different and then they lash out. They want to control you and make you their emotional slave and make you see how right they are.

    They are so wrong for thinking that your opinion is less important than theirs. This community is about sharing views not controlling other peoples views and make them your pansies.

    I'm sure this answer will get reported and removed as well, but enjoy it while you can.

    Good Luck.

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