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I really can't believe being psychic is this easy?

Should I take this up full time?

See here for more details:


To those wandering how that worked, check the comment in the linked question.

Update 2:

In this case Danielle, I didn't even need that. ;)

Update 3:

No probs, with the benefit of hindsight I can see how the question looks like a trollish one.

Update 4:

@ Nobody, your into php, java etc, so I'd say your a programmer, maybe even web designer or at least in the field. Your religious, specifically, christian. You like Japanese anime, especially Naruto. You listen to rap/hip-hop/r'n'b.

Update 5:

@CHRIS, it's hilarious just how much you've missed the point.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's not *easy*, but it's not very difficult.

    The two things you need to get started are confidence and a book or two on cold reading and social engineering.

    Once you've studied cold reading and some "social engineering", just find some dim-witted and desperate individuals to "convince" and tadaaa you'll be a "psychic".

    For bonus credits think up a suitably mystic psychic name for yourself such as "Cosmic Ken" or "All-seeing Bob".

    edit(s): I just read what you added to the question, and you just nailed how to be a psychic on your own (what you did is basically the same as the social engineering method I posted). It's a party trick I do myself, and even when I *tell* people I'm not psychic and it's a trick, they still want me to contact "dead grandpa Joe" for them...

    (I've updated my answer to be more thorough, I thought your question was from a troll at first, sorry about that) :)

    5th edit:

    @Chris, you made my morning. Funniest post in days!

    @Sam, it's a fascinating subject indeed. You have people like Chris here who even seem to have fooled themselves into thinking they have "mystical" powers, to the ones who are just attention whores and sometimes dangerous.

    I try not to judge, and if people actually get something from "psychics", then that's alight I suppose, though have a friend who's life was ruined for over a decade because he was so convinced by the stuff one of these people told him,

    Hope this helps,

    Danielle x

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, it really is that easy. If you find the right books, they'll tell you exactly what to say to have most people believing you. It's mostly about giving vague statements that people believe apply personally to them, but really apply to everyone. Part of it is about giving people the chance to fill in the gaps. People that go to psychics believe in their abilities, and it's quite easy to dupe them into believing that it's legit. Many psychics just say the same thing to every client, and the clients believe it's 100% personal and applies only to them. Horoscopes work the same way. There was a little experiment run where people in a class were told that a professional had written horoscopes just for them based on their place, date, and time of birth. Almost the whole class believed that the horoscope described them perfectly. Then they found out that they were actually all given the same exact horoscope. Other experiments have been conducted where people were given random horoscopes rather then for their sign, and they believed it anyway.

    The psychic game is about trickery. Good ones may give you things to think about and might actually help by making you think about different things in your life than you normally think about, but they're still not psychic. It's a scam, but it's one that people want to believe.

  • 5 years ago

    The gift isn't evil. Any psychic that charges a fee to give a reading is a fraud.

    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    My own clairvoyance is definitely not a gimmick. And it's not "parlour tricks to amuse your friends." When it is in operation and I am doing it, it is very definitive and precise. It speaks clearly and quickly through me and is quite authoritative. People snap to when I am in that state of mind, and they listen. It is an inherited item; a gift. I usually don't talk about it because people think that is their cue to argue and that becomes my cue to shut down. Now and then, I am able to really help someone by allowing myself to tune into them and tell them things.

    Yes, there is an element of ease when it is in full swing. It goes very quickly. People will sometimes ask me to repeat what I have told them and I can't do it. It's like I'm off somewhere else while it's happening. It is highly refined intuition.

    I would strongly encourage you to refine and use your own gift in any way you can to benefit yourself and others; especially, those you truly love and care about from your immediate group of close friends.

    I hope my answer give you some understanding about how my own clairvoyance works. I have seen it operating too many times in my life to doubt it at this point.

    Source(s): Sent with positive energies from Chris in South Portland, Maine, U.S.A. I am 67 and have had ample occasion to see this gift work in a number of different situations and under varying circumstances. I am always impressed by how fast it goes when it is active. Thank you for asking an important question. - Chris.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Don't believe everything you read.

    Lots of Love

    Misscpb xxx

  • Tzadiq
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    sure its easy 99 percent of the people on R&S are psychotic...... oh psychic..... Never mind

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    maybe you have a special gift. try to develop it. just don't be one of those people to rip people off for their money.

  • 1 decade ago

    Intuition is a gift - for those who know how to utilize it.

  • 1 decade ago

    lol did you guess it

    if not how about try mine

  • 1 decade ago

    I really can't believe being a Jackass is that easy !!

    And YES ...... you SHOULD take it up full time !!

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