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Maybe us atheists don't give the bible enough dues?

Now before you think I've gone mental and changed sides here let me explain!

The bible is (regardless of it's truthfulness) one of the oldest and most well known stories in the world. As such it's made it possible for certain other stories to gain the iconic status they have. For example films such as The Omen, Exorcist or The Devils Advocate would never of been able to even get of the ground if the general populous didn't already know the base story behind them? But they did and because of this it, these films can tell more of a story. The biggest media this seems to of been used in is comics/graphic novels like Constantine.

What do you think?


@ Joyfulheart, I'm sorry hun but that's just not the case. Wouldn't it be great if it really had?

Update 2:

@ Imagine, that's a good point but you don't know how the change of story would affect the finished product.

Update 3:

@ cookie, ok I won't then.

Erm, how does no sound?

Update 4:

@ Dendendrat crocoduck, I know, it was just where my train of thought was at the time - films. But my point still stands, as fiction, it's quite easily recognized by an audience.

Update 5:

@ unicool, what can I say, I dug deep!

Update 6:

@ Duke, You really didn't get the point did you?

34 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, I, as an atheist, acknowledge that the Bible is greater fodder to kindle the modern day imagination, and it can be credited for much of the literature and lore that is in western civilization. The Bible is indispensable to modern entertainment. I have no problem acknowledging this, and still affirming that the book is fictitious, impractical, and fundamentally destructive, if it is taken as literal truth.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Bible is far more than that. It's a fascinating cultural artifact, a layered puzzle made of history, folklore, opinion and poetry. Some of its most incomprehensible stories are clarifying glimpses into the perspective of ancient cultures, allowing us to consider our differences and our enduring commonalities.

    The problem with the Bible is people who treat it AS a comic book, making God and his human heroes into two dimensional characters acting out literally-rendered revenge fantasy plots. A graphic novel is graphic, simple and clear. But it is nothing like ragged, murky, complicated real life. And the Bible, believer or not, is good for exploring such issues, seeing exactly what people were trying to do and why, then deciding how it does or doesn't inform my own ethic.

    Like it or not, the Bible, like Shakespeare, is part of our cultural heritage, and knowing and understanding it means not getting clobbered by it in the marketplace of ideas.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You have a point, but at the same time it seems to me that many other ancient legends or stories could have served the same purpose. For example, we're still making fiction and entertainment based on norse legends, on greek and roman legends, on hindu legends, on amerindian legends, etc. Although the Bible dominated in Europe, which is where most of the world's advanced culture traces itself back to, if it didn't exist other stories would likely have taken its place anyway.

  • Wave
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    To understand great literature you should have a good knowledge of the bible and its stories.

    In ancient times it was Homer's poems that provided a common mythology for people to form a consensus about the world from which new stories were told and old stories retold.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Bible is the most influential book in Western History, so reading it is probably a necessary component of understanding the historical development of the West through its different ages.

  • korban
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    While I was a fan of Constantine and the better one Sand man,I think the Bible has more due owed to it than for a few comics and movies.

    A hell of a lot more I could think off.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You make a good point. If it weren't for the bible some very talented people would have had to use another format to base their stories on.

  • 1 decade ago

    I always say that it is merely a great book of historical facts. Proving the historical facts from fiction makes it a great mystery read.

  • 1 decade ago

    The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.

    Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nice to see an atheist having respect for the Bible for once

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