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Why do Catholics make the mass a sacrifice?

The bible says: "And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin" (Heb. 10:17,18).

Note the summing-up statement: "Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin." When one has trusted Christ and had his sins forgiven, then "there is no more offering for sin," no more animal sacrifices, no more of any other kind of sacrifices.

So to make the mass a sacrifice, to claim that in the mass Jesus is sacrificed again and again, that the bread becomes His body, that the wine becomes His blood, and that there is saving virtue in this sacrifice. Isn't that a blasphemous rejection of the Bible in favor of traditions of men?

21 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In the Bible it warns us that we rnt 2 trust humans, not even ourselves (Jer 10:2-5,23; Is 2:22; Job 12:11; Prov 14:12; Acts 17:11). So carefully think over what I say. Dont just believe or disregard what I write. It might save u from making the same mistakes many have made, getting caught up in religious beliefs that have nothing 2 do with finding & knowing God.

    Anything practiced as a ritual has no meaning under the NT Covenant. The Hebrew rituals were by the instruction of God the best 1 could do under God's Law (none in NT). Other relgions (including many Christian) either copied or invented rituals (the best humans could do within the limits of being human). Jesus' perfect sacrifice canceled need 4 any rituals (doing them calls God a liar as they make it appear Jesus failed His mission). The closest thing to a ritual is Communion but that doesnt mean it should be treated as a ritual as it is 2 be treated most seriously (Its not 2 be presented as Jesus' actual body & blood).

    Many dont know the difference btwn a ritual done as a ritual & genuine "rememberance" - not possible without knowing/following Jesus' actual Biblical instructions - absent in Cc teachings (the Cc didnt write any part of the NT [not a Cc text or their writings - NT written 1rst century by Apostles, Cc possession not until 3rd century] which contradicts their teachings/practices & God's will, 1 in truth & Spirit not rituals - God allowed them 2 produce the Bible dispite their wrong teachings like He allowed the Romans 2 fulfill prophecy without their knowledge). A teaching can have a truth in whats written but the action taken can be superficial - The Cc like the Pharisees know how 2 clean the outside of the cup but dont understand how the inside is 2 be cleaned with respect to Jesus' actual message. The fact that the Cc & other religions retain an altar @ the center of their religious pracrtices is 1 sure sign of it all being about religious rituals not the truth.

    The problem is theres many religions & different varieties. 1 day I realized they cant all be right (i.e. theres 1 Bible, why so many interpretations? - II Pet 1:**19-21). Most religions came thru people who thought up things for a God they & others liked. Some realized religion could be good 2 control the masses & 4 other agendas. However, religion cant teach u much about God (they cant teach what they dont know). Who knows more about a house He who built it or he who moves in later?

    For Christians, the trouble began when the Apostles/disciples were killed off or died during the 1rst century (Christianity was illegal for most of that time). Over the next century others, whom either didnt know Jesus or were less informed than Jesus' 1rst generation of believers &/or (un)intentionally added in their own ideas/agendas replaced the original believers. By the time the Catholic religion became a "state - Jn 18:36" recognized, organized religion around the time of Constantine (about AD 325), most of what Jesus taught & the original Apostles/disciples practiced were no longer present.

    The Cc mixed in things of Pagan & religions practices 2 please & draw in people, thus, creating a new religion they decided 2 label "Christian/Catholic". The Cc's, like other religions' agendas (some mayve been well-intentioned), was mostly 2 control masses & 2 influence politics (II Tim 2:*4; I Jn 2:*15-17; Col 2:*8; Jer 10:*2-5).

    God & Jesus have never been about pleasing man. In fact, the Cc RCc & Oc had made religions just like the Pharisees, which Jesus emphatically stated was an abomination b/c they were about pleasing man not God (Mt 23:15; LK 16:15). Even when others like the Protestants split off from the Cc they retained the same wrong basic format & structure of the Cc.

    Even though these churches got rid of some of the Cc nonsense they still didnt know much about Jesus (most ignored or skipped over Biblical instructions due 2 various agendas) nor did they go 2 the Bible 2 find out all of Jesus' instructions [a huge mistake, as they're fulfilling prophecies against the core of their practices (Amos 8:*11; Jr 12:*10: Is 5:*9 (large houses r churches - Mt 24:*1-2); Hos 4:*6: Mk 7:1-23 (John 3:*3,5 & Ez 36:24-27,*26); Lk 16:**15 (see Rv 21:27; Jr 10:**2-5; Is 1:*11-15)].

    Some wrong Cc teachings r:

    1. The CC claims to be the 1rst church & that since they r the longest existing church, they r the only "official" church. Jesus' Apostles never named their church "catholic (not in the Bible)" nor did they ever practice Cc religious rituals. There was nearly a 250 year gap btwn Jesus' original Apostle's church & the start of the "official" Cc - there4, the Cc was never a part of or the true 1rst Christian Church (neither a label or the time it existed proves anything - its what they practice that makes all the difference btwn truth & error).

    2. Peter was never a pope nor was he or his fellow Apostles ever a member of the Cc - it isnt in the Bible - the use of the word pope is a Cc invention - the Bible instructs us not 2 go beyond whats written (I Cor 4:6; Rev 22:18-19).

    Here's a partial list of wrong Cc practices, traditions & rituals that have nothing 2 do with following Jesus:

    Mass (not in the Bible) is full of non-biblical rituals, Statues (God isnt in2 dead things - non-living things can't save anyone - praying 2 them is an abomination), the Rosery, mother Mary as interceder (Jesus is the only way to God - not His Apostles/disciples - Jn 14:6; 5:39; 10:1,7; Acts 4:12; IS 1), candles, incense, the cross (its more a symbol of the curse rather than Jesus & for the same reasoning against statues), making the sign of the cross, stations of the cross, the pope's & other leader's garb they wear, confirmation, the Catholic creed & other Catholic organization documents, raising people to the status of "saint" (only God & Jesus have authority to do this), catechism, devotionals, sacraments, holy eucharist, penance, traditional & repetative type prayers & many other things they do rnt in or coming from the Bible.

    Its b/c religion is about man & what he likes, not what Jesus mandated for 1 2 do 2 follow Him. The result is that few will end up saved thru most of them (no1 can save themselves by their own inititve nor will good deeds save them - theres no good in any man - Rom 1:23). 1 must be very careful not 2 get sucked in or going 2 various denominations (especially if u dont have a good handle on whats actually written in the Bible) as u can only add 2 any confusion ur already experiencing.

    Just b/c religions made many mistakes (many fatal) doesnt mean God doesnt know what He's doing. The main point thats not clear 2 many: Jesus stated that no1 can find our real God except thru Jesus (Jn 14:6; 5:39; 10:1,7; Acts 4:11). This means "the" truth was complete & there4 finished thru what Jesus taught & did. So, any so-called new teaching & any other religious beliefs r null & void & cant lead u 2 God. The truth is either the whole truth or it isnt the truth. The truth is the absence of any lie. Either Jesus told the whole truth or He's a false prophet, among many, whom should be disregarded. This would also mean that God must not exist either (He either knows what He's doing or He cant be God).

    But, heres evidence God knows what He is doing. Jesus couldntve done nor said what He did unless He had full understanding of the entire Old Testament (the New Testament didnt exist @ the time of Jesus - the only way Jesus couldve known the whole OT is if God was with Him). & the Apostles couldnt remember & write down the NT unless Jesus allowed them to remember & know what He was here 4 (Lk 24:25-27,45). None of this was possible unless an incredibly Intelligent Being caused it.

    But God outsmarted man, b/c the Bible's the only 1 known 2 man that cant be properly understood without going thru Jesus (Jn 14:6; II Cor 3:14 - If the Jewish people cant pierce the veil over the OT without going thu Jesus then rest-assurd neither can all gentiles). This is why theres many interpretations & people thinking its all just fairytales.

    A church thats very serious about finding the Biblical truth, understands what being Born Anew is about, might be able 2 help u but no1 can save u except Jesus (Jn 3:1-14 - note: Nicodemus was very religious but Jesus flatout told him he had missed the 1rst most important step, that he must be Born Anew or no matter how religious or good he thought he is he couldn't go 2 Heaven (Jn 3:3,5; Jn 14:6; Acts 4:12). No1 can live without breaking God's Law.

    Whoever seeks Jesus Christ with all his heart & soul will find Him. But u can lead a horse 2 water but u cant make them drink. Why should God want u 2 live with Him forever if u dont want 2 know Him? The truth of God remains forever while things of a man dies with him, including his religions & gods made in his image. Theres everlasting hope only in Jesus Christ.


    Source(s): The Holy One of Israel, Jesus Christ, God's Holy Spirit, the Bible, careful research and observation and personal experience provided by the Most High - He who has the Son has the Father also but he who does not have the Son doesnt know the Father either
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    To say "the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all" is in contrast to Hebrews 10:11, the very next verse that reads: Hbr 10:11 ¶ And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins: Hbr 10:12 But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God; Hbr 10:13 From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool. It refers only to the end of animal sacrifice* and not the Mass. The Eucharist is rightly the sacrifice of the Mass and is the continuation of the daily sacrifice of the Jewish temple. That has always been the Christian faith. *End of animal sacrifice: Note that the letter to the Hebrews was written long before the temple was destroyed, at a time animal sacrifice was still offered. It is prophecy of the end of animal sacrifice long before it was abolished.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    But as it is, [Jesus] has appeared once for all at the end of the age to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. - - Hebrews 9:26

    When Catholics begin talking about the “Sacrifice of the Mass,” it tends to make protestants a little jumpy. Without a doubt they immediately point to Hebrews, which unequivocally explains that Jesus Christ died once and for all to take care of our sins and does not need to be “re-sacrificed” repeatedly on Catholic altars. But is this what is taking place?

    The Catholic Mass

    Actually, the Catholic Church has never taught that Jesus is repeatedly sacrificed in the Catholic mass. The Church teaches that the Eucharistic sacrifice in the mass is a participation in the once and for all sacrifice of Christ at Calvary:

    CCC 1367. The sacrifice of Christ and the sacrifice of the Eucharist are one single sacrifice: “The victim is one and the same: the same now offers through the ministry of priests, who then offered Himself on the cross; only the manner of being is different.” “In this divine sacrifice which is celebrated in the Mass, the same Christ who offered Himself once in a bloody manner on the altar of the cross is contained and offered in an unbloody manner.” (Quoted text from the Council of Trent DS 1740)

    The laws of science do not restrict the God which created those laws. Which means that God has the ability to transcend time and space and allow each Eucharistic sacrifice to be a participation in the actual sacrifice of Jesus upon the cross two thousand years ago.

    What Jesus did in the past - his death on the cross – is present to God. God can make this sacrifice present to us when Christians gather to celebrate the Lord’s Supper or Eucharist in his memory.

    The Sacrifice at Calvary

    What Jesus did at Calvary was sufficient for us as a single occurrence. There is no need for a resacrifice of Christ now or at any point in the future, since He took the weight of our sins and paid for them in a perfect manner. However, Jesus did instruct us to eat His body and blood (John 6:53) and in the very first Mass, which we call the Last Supper, Jesus showed the apostles exactly how we are to consume God. Since then the Mass has been celebrated with the Eucharistic sacrifice as the pinnacle and central function of the liturgy. And during that liturgy, we follow Jesus’ lead and re-present the sacrifice at Calvary as we as participate in that sacrifice in a completely unique way.

    Bread becomes God

    As part of the process, the ordained priest actually turns bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ in a real way. Jesus is present body, blood, soul, and divinity in the Eucharistic feast as we participate in the Mass. Thus we are consuming exactly what the apostles consumed 2,000 years ago at the Last Supper. Ultimately this intimate relationship with God – more personal than any other relationship could be – is what called me into the Catholic Church and into a deeper relationship with my Savior.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Mass is a true sacrifice in which we offer the Son to the Father as the spotless, pure Offering predicted in Malachi 1:10-11, and prefigured by the Passover lamb that the Israelites had to eat. We meet Almighty God in the Presence of the Eucharist -- an awesome, reverent, and humbling experience when seen through the eyes of faith. Our somber prayerfulness in no way indicates that we are "spiritually dead" (a common accusation) any more than a quiet moment watching your child, marvelling at his existence, means you are not in love with that child just because you're not running around and playing with him. The once and for all Sacrifice at Calvary, which is what is re-presented at the Mass, calls for awe, humility, and gratitude, not glee, giddiness, "holy laughter," rocking-and-rolling, hand-clapping, roaring like lions.

    ... the Mass itself must remain not only sacred, beautiful, reverent, but in line with the liturgical heritage given to us by the faithful Hebrews and Church Fathers, its sacred purposes given to us by Christ, its secondary catechetical effects, and Natural Law. It must always be remembered that at the Mass, we are at the foot of the Cross!

    Source(s): We are what you once were. We believe what you once believed. We worship as you once worshipped. If you were right then, we are right now. If we are wrong now, you were wrong then.
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  • 1 decade ago

    In part the Catholic Mass is a reenactment of the last supper when Jesus knew His destiny would be completed. We as Catholics take part in the mass as a reaffirmation to Jesus Christs Confirmation of the truth. His life ,His crucifixion,and eternal resurrection.Its like saying why do people attend school if not to learn day by day.Besides the actual mass aspect there's the liturgy of the mass to instruct day by day. It is also like saying whats the point of getting up and eating food every day if not to sustain the body well the mass sustains that which food can not satisfy.God bless everyone to help understand the true meaning of things apparent and true.

  • Is this really a question, honestly?

    It is the same sacrifice, not another one, according to Catholic belief.

    "This IS my body..." "DO this is remembrance of me."

    Eat my flesh, and drink my blood, at the last supper.

    Oh, I suppose the wedding feast at Canaa ran out of wine after all.

    Crayon and fingerpaint answer (my fave) you presuppose that we'...MAKE the mass a sacrifice."

    According to us, the mass IS the sacrifice. Not another one, the one.

    But, hey, if your god is beaten by passing time, I'd look into the time god if I were you, for starters anyway.

    Lemme guess. Tradition OF MAN 'camp' no? (thus the 'make' sucker punch)

    It isn't another offering for sin. This is the 'once for all'

    You don't have to believe it of course, but do you at least understand the point?

  • 1 decade ago

    Catholics don't make the Mass a sacrifice. Christ made it a sacrifice when He said "THIS IS MY BODY"; "THIS IS the cup of MY BLOOD which will be shed for you".

    That's right, there is no more offering for sin, just as Hebrews (a Catholic text) says. Christ's sacrifice on the cross was the once and for all time sacrifice of atonement. The Mass is not "another" sacrifice, but the re-presentation of that once and for all time sacrifice.

    Don't you think it's a little odd for you to be speaking of "rejection of the Bible" when the Catholic Church compiled the Bible from its own writings, for its own use, while you belong to a manmade tradition of thousands of conflicting unauthorized denominations which exist in open defiance of the stated will of God, "that they all may be one", the many denominations of which cannot agree on the meaning of a single passage? Also, since the Bible clearly describes Christ celebrating the first Mass, and then immediately COMMANDING "Do THIS [what i have just done] in remembrance of Me", why doesn't your church obey this direct command from the lips of God Himself?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Mass makes present Christ's one-time sacrifice. It's not a re-sacrifice over and over again.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not at all. The Catechism of the Catholic church explains that Jesus' last sacrifice (symbolized by his crucifixion) was not just his dying with the weight of all sins. It was also, in one action, the offer of forgiveness of sins and reconciliation with God that would span all places on Earth and all times on Earth. So each Mass is just a portion of the one and only sacrifice of Jesus. He continually gives us his body and blood and forgiveness. He marked the one and only sacrifice with the crucifixion.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    >>to claim that in the mass Jesus is sacrificed again and again<<

    That is NOT Catholic teaching. THIS is Catholic teaching (emphasis mine; CCC = Catechism of the Catholic Church):

    "In the institution narrative, the power of the words and the action of Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit, make sacramentally present under the species of bread and wine Christ's body and blood, his sacrifice offered on the cross ONCE for all." -- CCC 1353

    "When the Church celebrates the Eucharist, she commemorates Christ's Passover, and it is made present the sacrifice Christ offered ONCE for all on the cross remains ever present." -- CCC 1364

    "The Eucharist is thus a sacrifice because it RE-PRESENTS (makes present) the sacrifice of the cross, because it is its MEMORIAL and because it applies its fruit: Christ, our Lord and God, was ONCE and for all to offer himself to God the Father by his death on the altar of the cross, to accomplish there an everlasting redemption." -- CCC 1366

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Christ makes the Mass a sacrifice. When Christ said, "this is my body," he wasn't lying.

    Christ said to "do this in remembrance of me". That's why priests do it. It's the same sacrifice re-presented, not a new one done over and over again.

    This is possible because Jesus is God.


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