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None N asked in PetsRodents · 1 decade ago

I just bought Guinea Pig. I have rarely raised a pet in mylife.I never had Guinea Pig before! Images inside

This the pic of my guinea pig:

I got several important questions, please answer me:

Note: the camera i have is really bad, the room is bright and shiny, its not dark as it shows..

1. she got all the room to run around, i left a small door open on the side of the box, so she can go and run around then comes in. She only went out once, then went back & decided to stay inside the red circle. Regardless of the pic, i actually put this circle inside the box....Do you have any suggesstions, advice? (the room is closed by glass doors, so she can't run away)

2. why she fears people, she run away when i try to take her up. Are all of them act the same?

3. Do Guinea Pig know their owner?

4. Do you think by the days, she is going to get used to me and not become afraid? I really do not know whether this part of their behavior

5. Do they atteact bugs inside the house?

6. ***What else can they eat other than their packed dry food?*** Can i give them cucumber, carrot, literacy?

7. ***I have seen her drinking water from the bowl!!!*** I'm worried, what should i do? do i have to buy a certain item for them to drink from?

8. ***If she becomes sick, can its sickness create side effects on me?***

9. *** What else do they like other than food?***

10. Do you they like to be petted & carried?

11. Every how many days should i shower her?

12. How can i let her go out this red circle, she seems afraid to go out until i come and pick her up to the food then she start to eat....

You do noth ave to answer all fo them, just answer one is enough. Finally, i hope i will get the answers of these questions its important so i can know what to do!!! Help. I appreciate it....

Yup by the way, do you think she is cute?

I'm waiting your replies...Thanks in advance.

English is my second language so excuse me if i made a grammer mistake

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    OKAY FIRST OFF YOU SHOULD OF WARNED US IN ADVANCED OF IT'S CUTENESS! That pig has the most awesome spazzed hair!


    1.) The best thing you can do for your cavy is to build her a C&C cage. You can buy the supplies yourself. For more information, please visit

    2.) In the wild, they are prey animals, so don't take it personaly if she runs away from you. The best way to overcome this is to approach her gentley, talk quitely to her, and you can even hand feed her her veggies. If you keep doing this, she will eventualy start to trust you a little more. Though, some piggies will never stop running away when you reach for them, even the most outgoing ones. Also, it just takes pateince. Remember, in the wild they are prey animals so it's understandable of why they would run away.

    3.) Yes, guinea pigs will start to eventualy recognize your voice/your scents, that's how they get to know and trust you over time.

    4.) Yes, she will, but like I said before it just takes patience.

    5.) No they do not. Unless you happen to never keep the cage clean. You should spot clean it everyday if you can, and give it an overall cleaning oce a week, or as soon as you notice it starts to smell.

    6.) Okay, this is going to be kind of big. How old is your guinea pig? If they are 6 months of age and under, they must be feed an alfalfa hay, and unlimited timothy pellets. You don't need both alfalfa hay and pellets because that would be too much. If she is older than 6 months, she needs 1/8 cup of timitohy based pellets, and unlimited timothy hay. GUINEA PIGS NEED UNLIMITED HAY! Also, they need a cup of veggies daily as well, since they don't make their own Vit C. Though, by giving them their veggies they will not need any tablets, or drops. Vit C drops are actually very bad, they do nothing but distrot the water, causing them to drink less. Also, it disolves too fast for it's own good. Anyways, back to the veggies. You can give them a leafy green lettuce such as Romaine, anything BUT iceburg or iceburg variety, ONE baby carrot, and 1/10 of a bell pepper. Make sure you give a cups worth of all of that combined DAILY. You can also give them other veggies, but fruits should only be given as treats because they are high in sugar. Here, use this link and print it off if you can! It tells you what veggies/fruits/other things pigs can eat, and it's all on a chart that also tells you how often per week you can give them it. Also, if you scroll more down to the bottom it gives a list of poisonous foods to stay away from, and other unhealthy/dangerous foods to avoid. It also gives you some DOs on food as well. Just make sure you read it over.

    7.) A pig CAN drink from a bowl, but is not recommended, because you will have to constantly be cleaning and refilling it out with clean water. The best thing you can do is to buy a water bottle.

    8.) No, well actually if she has ringworm, yes, you can get that from her. Otherwise I am not aware of any sicknesess that you can get from her, or she get from you. Okay, for this question, you should REALLY keep this link handy.

    It's a perfect health care guide, and if you think your piggie is doing something you can look it up there and see if she needs to see a vet. There is also a forum there you can join if you have any questions concerning your pigs health.

    9.) Just look at question 6

    10.) Most pigs do not like to be carried, but they do love to snuggle. Sometimes, they will even snuggle with you and lay down right on you. Since your pig has some aby(a kind of breed) in her, she probably will not like it if you full out pet her, because they dont like to be pet in the oppsite direction their furr goes. You know your piggie wont like it if they make a "brrr" noise. Here is a link from guinealynx that describes that better. She may enjoy some behind the ear, chin, and nose scratches though. You know she will be happy when she starts to coo.

    11.) Okay, despite what other people may say, guinea pigs only need to be bathed twice a year max. They DO have essential oils in their skin to keep themselves clean. Also, when she grooms herself, you might notice some white stuff in her eye, that is other stuff her body produces that she uses to clean herself. Guinea pigs are pretty clean animals. Whatever you do, do not use baby shampoo either. It will only dry out there skin, and so will bathing more often than necessary. Alot of people will probably say bath them monthly, or some poor advice like that, but really it will only dry out their skin.

    12.) Whatever you do, don't force her out. She is probably frightened, and not familer with her surroundings. Does she have a little hidey house that she can hide in? Not suppling one will only make her stressed. Just have patience, in time she will become less shy.

    If you have any other questions, PLEASE email me at I will be more than happy to help you and your pig out if you have any more questions/concerns.

    Also, you should join the forums at There are tons of people who have a great amount of experience with guinea pigs and their health. is another excellent source. There are tons of people there who have very much experience as well. They also have the most up-to-date information on guinea pig care, as does They are both websites EVERY cavy owner should go by.

    Another very important thing you can do for her is to get her a buddy. Guinea pigs are social creatures, and you can give them the much attention as possible, but they need someone that's the same species. This way she can have someone to comminicate to, and play with while you are gone. Getting your pig a buddy does improve your pigs health significantly. Your pig will become less shy, and popcorn more. Do you know what popcorning is? It's a spaz they do out of happiness! It's such an adorable thing! On this same link I gave you before, it also describes more about popcorning. You can even watch a clip of guinea pigs doing it!

    This is a good page that perfectly describes your pigs necessities, and shows some toys also your pig will love!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Waiting until a shelter/rescue guinea pig comes along would be worth it. You're saving it's life.. isn't that most important? I'm very glad that you took the time to search for a guinea pig to adopt- you obviously care about them and did your research. You'll make a great piggie owner! When you purchase a guinea pig from a pet store, it's kind of 50/50. But I wouldn't take the risk. The fact that you put all that effort into searching in the first place shows that you deserve a forever friend that'll last you much longer than a pet store pig would. If your cat was friendly with the rabbit (can you say cute, by the way?!), she'll probably be okay with a guinea pig, but you can never be sure.. so just remember to be careful! Best of luck to you and your future (hopefully rescued!) piggie! Hope this helped.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ok, they are prey animals so they are most comfortable in places where they can hide, the tunnel is good (red circle) but you need more little places she can curl up and hide in. You can get a smallish box and cut a hole in it for a door. You can get more tube/tunnels at the pet store or at home depot (doesn't have to be a pet thing as long as it likes it).

    You don't need to leave a "door" open, she can jump over that box.

    You need to get her a water bottle that hangs upside down with a little ball in it. These are what they drink from. She's probably thirsty, you should get one right away.

    They need to have hay all the time, Timothy hay is best. Get this at petstore or feed store.

    No, they don't attract bugs and if you keep her in the house she is unlikely to catch any illness that you can get but she does need vitamin c or she will get scurvy. If you give her plenty of veggies, she will get all the vitamin c she needs. give her lettuce (not iceberg) carrots, cucumber, parsley and cilantro. I feed mine veggies twice a day.

    If she doesn't eat all her pellets, dump the old ones out and give her fresh, she wont eat them after they are out for a while, but give her less next time so you aren't wasting what she wont eat.

    She will get used to you. The best thing to do for that is to sit on the floor when you are putting the veggies out. Sit there with the bags and put the veggies or food out and she will learn the noise of the bags, she will come to see and eventually she will start crawling on you while you are getting her food out. For the first time, sit on the floor and call her name and give her a little carrot, keep trying and be patient while she takes this from you hand. While she's eating that put the lettuce and stuff out.

    They are always afraid of being chased or picked up from the top. Its always best to talk to her, tell her you are going to pick her up and then put your hands where she can see them. then scoop her up so that you have all her feet and her belly so she feels safe but make sure she cant jump out of your hands. they cant tell how far they are from the floor and they will jump and hurt themselves.

    Get her some little toys too. Tunnels, toilet paper rolls (empty) cat balls (leave tags on so they can grab) bird toys with the little bells.

    but go get her water bottle and hay and veggies...

    Good luck

    She is REALLY CUTE

    Source(s): pig owner
  • 1 decade ago

    one you should have a real cage you can buy thm at the pet store trust me buy the biggest one!

    two all guinea pigs run away when you try to touch them i have had mine for six months and he stilll runs!

    three yes they do know you they just need a little time!

    four no they will always be like that!

    five only mothes but you can track down the source like open food or hay!

    six all ways make sure they have pellets with nothing else like dried fruit and corn. that will hurt there bladder! i would recomend you to oxford pellets they dont have pesticeds in them! and make sure they all ways have timothy hay but watch out for alphalfa hay! you can give them what ever veggies they want like carrots and lettuce and celery! and everyday be sure to give her a fourth of a tablet of viatamin c!

    seven technicly she can drink water from the bowl but when you get that cage they have a water bottle to drink from!

    eight when your guinea pig gets sick be sure to take it to the vet imediatly there will be no side effect on you!

    nine look at the pet store for special treats sometimes they like them!

    ten all the time they love a little tlc sometimes!

    eleven i would not recomned showering her but you can fill a sink up with warm water and bathe her with any soap but watch out for eyes and ears. then dry her completly and give her a good brush!

    twelve remeber she is still new and needs to get used to you so let here be all guinea pigs love to exploer but love little tunnels even more!

    your guinea pig is very cute bye the way tell me how it goes my email is!

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  • 1 decade ago

    *Ok, I am a guinea pig owner myself and here is a few things that were very nessecary for me to learn:

    1.Guinea pigs need a lot of Vitamen C found in most fruits and vegetables. This prevents a common disease for guinea pigs, scurvy.

    2.Guinea pigs need a lot of attention or else they'll always be that cute guniea pig you never see because there hiding in there house.

    3.It is important to know what your guinea pig means when it makes different sounds. when you hear several loud cherps/squeals it means your guinea pig is hungry or that you reminded him/her of food (such as shaking the food bag).

    4.Guinea pigs will get used to routines. If you feed them and bathe them and clean their cage at a certain time they will get used to it.

    5.Guinea pigs know who you are! Ounce they get used to you they crave attention and will even sit with you on the couch and watch T.V.

    6.And finally... learn from other guinea pig owners see what they have to say.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, you can feed them lettuce and carrots. Ideally a guinea pig should be drinking water from a bottle that gets hung on the cage. Also give the her a few days she should become more used to you.

    Source(s): Former pet shop employee.
  • 1 decade ago

    1.i would get a cage not a guinea pigs have a cage

    2.they all have different personalitys.if the pig is brand new then she should be scared for a few days.

    3.yes they know thier owner

    4.she'll get used to you if you feed and play with her. then she will soon know that your the person who cares for her.

    5.they dislike bugs. it could give them a rash.

    6.give them lettuce,oranges and carrots

    7.get a bottle from the pet store.guinea pigs drink from bottle


    9.they like toys.

    10.yes. they love to cuddle and to be brushed and petted/

    11.once a week.

    12.i dont know about this question.

    she cute. shes a long haired piggy and i have a short haired piggy

  • 1 decade ago

    You have an adorable guinea pig. is an awesome website and can teach you alot about your little friend.

    Give her a few days to get used to you, then she will get to know you and be really happy to see you.

    And make sure that you get your guinea pig some form of Vitamin C, because they can't produce their own.

    And make sure to trim her little toenails, that's very important.

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    wish i can help. but i don't have a guinea pig, but she is very cute:]]

    try looking up articles and facts about Guinea pigs at yahoo:]]

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    next time ask for the info BEFORE you get your animal! ok? not being mean or anything just a helpful hint for a longer living pet!

    and idk anythng about guinea pigs!


    EDIT: if this is your 2nd language why dont you use a different yahoo answer? like one that speaks your 1st laanguage?


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