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R&P: What are you doing to help save mother earth?
What's shakin' dudes and dudettes? Citizen King here! Doin' what normally goes on around here, bringing you one of my chill questions for you to opionize.
Ok guys, as you know or may not know. Scientists & geologists are saying that global warming is taking its major effect. It has already taken effect on major things in our lives. The ice caps are melting, hurricanes are becoming more common, cities are reaching record highs in temperature, & many species are close to extinction. It sickens me to see the Earth deterierating right in front of us. We need to make some changes not today, not tommorow, not next week, not next year, but NOW!!! Now is a great time because without the earth, we would not have our key essentials to live like food, air, shelter, & water.
I have already made major changes in my life to save the earth. Since I am studying to be an enviormentalist, it is part my job to help. I am cutting down our water bill by turning off the faucet when I was my face and brush my teeth, I always turn off the lights when I leave the room, I recycle bottles and cans, I am cleaning up my local beach (damn tourists), I am planting trees, I only eat organic food, & I ride my skateboard to places that are close (its Hawaii brah, you can only go so far, once you seen it, you've seen it all) I'm doing my part, are you?
Tonight's question is:
"What are you doing to help save mother earth?"
10 points goes to best answer
Here are some more about the effects on global warming if you are interested.
I'm a democrat brah.
Hippies and surfers rule dude!!!! HA!
18 Answers
- ErinLv 51 decade agoFavorite Answer
Hey! I want to be an environmentalist, too!
I recycle plastic and paper (even little shreds off the floor), I turn the water off when brushing my teeth, I take short showers, I turn off all lights and fans when not in a room or when I leave the house, I close blinds/curtains to keep the house cooler so it takes less energy to cool it back down, I wash clothes at night when it takes less energy to do so, I carpool, I tend not to drive to many places, I buy recycled things, I buy a lot of organic foods, I am vegan (you'd be surprised how much that does for the environment), I keep the air conditioner at or around 75 degrees. I put my computer in sleep mode when I am not on it, I try not to eat too much so as not to have left overs that will get thrown away. And when I come across those plastic ring things that hold soda cans together I cut them into literally the tiniest pieces I can, because I could not deal with the fact that I harmed an animal... I'd rather die than have that happen in all honesty.
If I can think of more I will edit. I'm just too tired :p
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I am doing as much as I possibly can but it doesn't help when my parents don't believe in global warming.
They bought like 7 cases of water bottles (!) even though we have the best tap water in the world, all those bottles are just gonna end up in landfills and my dad is always wasting water, i have to turn off the tap every time because he just leaves the water running.
On my part though, I don't litter and I turn off the lights when I'm not in the room and I don't leave appliances plugged in, and I recycle everything I can. I'm actually paranoid with this whole global warming business.
- 1 decade ago
I'm not doing one damn thing as I don't believe in "global warming". Back in 1975 the big fear was GLOBAL COOLING. What ever happened to THAT hmmm!??!?!?!??!?!? That didn't pan out so they went the other way. And it hasn't panned out for them either.
As we all know there are thousands of scientists who have refuted the "global warming" conspiracies that albore tries to push down everyones throat. He does that as he flies in his personal jet instead of flying commercial. He doesn't want to be bothered by people telling him "global warming" doesn't exist.
Yes it is hot. It seems to get that way every year right around June to Oct. I live in Texas so it's hot all the time. But we never hear of "global warming" when there's a blizzard hitting somewhere up north now do we?
Oh well. Looks like I need to throw away my water bottle now as it's empty. Think I'll drink another one. Boy those things sure are handy ya know? Gonna be having a big bar-b-que tonite now. Hamburgers, chicken, sausages, brisket, & fajitas!! Beef! It's what's for dinner.
Demand that the liberal nancy pelosi call for a drilling vote in the House NOW!!! Let her know you are tired of her putting this "global warming" BS in front of your wallet!! Let's get our oil now!! Let her know your tired of her obstructionists ways!!
- ?Lv 71 decade ago
Every Wednesday they pick up recycled materials from my neighborhood I try to save up as many bottles and newspapers/magazines for them.
Come to think of it I actually drive less now because of the insane gas prices here in NY you could say that is helping out the environment,
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- Anonymous1 decade ago
I recycle, I don’t use aerosol cans, and I live as a minimalest. what else can I do? it’s really not all the suburban people’s fault, its all the GREEDY corporate companies that are more interested in stuffing their bank accounts with cash rather than help conserve energy and be environmentally cautious and safe. also, waste dumping from corporate companies, greenhouse gases, GREED!!!, in other words profit gluttony, well if they keep stuffing we are going to explode and the rich and greedy wont be able to spend their profits so their death will be of their own DEMISE
- Rock Addict 3113Lv 61 decade ago
Well I recycle, take shorter showers, I REFUSE!!! to use any form of artificial light until it gets dark enough to use them, use organic cleaning supplies(SCREW CHEMICALS), unplug electronics when not using them.
MA- "A little help from my Friends" The Beatles
Religion- Wicca an Earth worshipping faith
- Ziggy StardustLv 61 decade ago
I can't really think of anything I do now, I never really used much electric. I brush my teeth in the shower, and I'm a vegetarian :D
- MeLv 71 decade ago
I'm going to listen to "Ice Queen" on Within Temptation's Mother Earth album.
"Whenever she is raging
She takes all life away
Haven't you seen?
Haven't you seen?
The ruins of our world."
- 1 decade ago
hey, during the day all my lights are off.
i dont litter EVER
dont have a car... i have a bike and a skateboard
i need to start recycling, but my mom isn't a fan of that.
MQ: n/a
- Anonymous1 decade ago
i take the bus :)
i recycle.
i TRY to advoid arosols
i try to advoid plastic bags
i try to be green
but yeah thats some things that I do not my family..
well my fanily does them too but yeah
Edit- and i dont eat beef! :o
mostly cause it tastes discusting. but cows produce methane, and umm yeah thats not good as we all know.
i use to think i was a pretty "green" person but im just more of an animals rights person.. i guess :P