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Do you have a quirky neighbor?

My neighbor got over being afraid of birds and animals. In his joy he started cat and possums by the bag. It's like C'mon get it! He started feeding birds by the loaves. Only problem is he scattered it on the street in front of 4 house, mine included, I called the health dept.

So, what does he do, he throws food on his roof. We have flocks of baby sparrows and crows, and parrots, and etc And splattering of bird feces on the cars and street. I plan to talk with him. DO YOU HAVE A QUIRKY NEIGHBOR OR ARE THE ONE WITH THE QUIRK?

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Mine's not just quirky he's nuts. He got mad at the squirrels so he shot a few of them and hung them on his car (we live in a very urban area). He refuses to pay for yard waste pick up so he stuffs his leaves down the storm sewer and stops it up. His fallen branches get thrown over my back fence (I have no trees on that side of my yard!) I got home one day and he had dug a trench down my front lawn to the street. His rationalization was the water from rain drains from my yard onto his yard (duh...he lives downhill). This has all happened in the past two years and there are more that I haven't even described. Everyone in the neighborhood avoids him like the plague and I've found there's no sense in trying to argue or discuss with this nut job. We keep hoping that he will move or pass away. Either one would make us happy at this point.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh, my goodness.. my neighbors are ALWAYS on the front porch! I have learned through neighborhood talk that they actually have a good deal of money. However, the elder of the family (of which I have yet to know how many live in this house... its a townhouse and my house next door has 4 girls upstairs and me and another person downstairs, each having their own room) I think had a stroke or something, and can't walk well, and can be seen late at night drinking beer, and we've seen him at 8 in the morning outside drinking more beer with his 6-pack sitting next to him! He wanders the neighborhood by the stores and asks people for cigarettes even though he has plenty of money to buy them. He asks every single person on the street! And the people who don't know him give them to him because he could resemble a man down on his luck.

    And the younger ones smoke pot in front of the house and it is SO blatant when I come home... crazy people!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I do..our neighborhood has 7 teenagers {in 4 houses} all with cars, so therefore the cars have to be parked on the street. The parents get the garage and driveways..this neighbor will park his car on the street so no one can park in front of his house. He also is continually looking out the window between the curtains to see what is going on..and he is not involved in the neighborhood watch program..

  • 1 decade ago

    LOL take a video !! I have a neighbour who doesnt understand why I have a problem with her cats using my flower beds as their litter box. I told her from now on they get hosed and she said "But they have always gone over there, the person who owned it before didnt care."

    Yah the yard was wall to wall weeds and garbage. Its taken weeks to get the lawn back, not to mention taking out SIX garbage bags of weeds from the flower beds.

    Some people are so dense you just want to hose them instead of their pets. Now she is letting her dog out every morning at 6 AM and the little monster barks his head off for half an hour.

    She was OUTRAGED that I objected to the cats, but then she also told me that even though my house number is an even number I wasnt supposed to water on the 6th. It was her watering day - she has an odd numbers townhouse. Not the brightest bulb on the tree for sure.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. I have 2 neighbors. Well 2 houses near me.

    Neighbors 1- An old man who retired and just walks around his house with nothing to do, he has a wife, and a son that comes home from college occasionally.

    Neighbors 2- A young couple with a couple little kids. Just moved in, so I don't really know much about them.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I have neighbors on one side who like to sunbathe in the nude on Sunday mornings.... they are about 70 years old. On the other side I have another neighbor who likes to look in my garage window and my front window. Both are quirky, but good folk. I don't think that we are quirky at all, I mean what's so unusual about having a camp out in the back yard? lol

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Absolutely! Our closest neighbor has a wolf rescue and zorses. Yes, zorses! Zebra/horse hybrids.

    Another neighbor has bison, long horns, emu and miniature horses.

    Another has Alpacas which are really cool! Me, I don't want to work that hard! HA! I just enjoy my neighbors eccentricities!

    Edit: Oh my gosh, I forgot my most famous neighbor, Melanie Griffith's Mother, Tippi Hedrin and her Shambala Preserve. Lions Tigers and Bears, oh my!

    Tippi was the star of Hitchcock's "The Birds". Click "Meet Us" and check out who's who on her Advisory Board...How's that for interesting, eccentric neighbors? ;-)

  • 1 decade ago

    I have about 4 quirkly neighbors and we only have 11 houses on our street. They fight over the type fence or mail box to put up. How to cut the tress ans shrubs. How much water should be in the lake.

    The rest of us just ignore them and let them fight it out. Our home owners association usually works out the problems.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would probably be considered the quirky one. Yesterday I talked to a squirrel and told him to stay away from my patio plants. We stared at each other for a full minute while I told him he couldn't eat the potted sedums. I blinked first. I am glad that nobody was within earshot.

    I'm not certain, but I think I heard him say "I'll be back!"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think I'm the quirky one. I feed snails and have been seen saving them from being squished on the road.

    I'll take them to a safe spot and then wash my hands obviously.

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