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Lv 611,347 points

Carolina Sunshine

Favorite Answers24%

I am a retired Analyst from the SC Dept of Consumer Affairs as a complaint anaylst. I live in Columbia and enjoy my place at Myrtle Beach, SC. I have experience in Real Estate Law, Consumer Protection Laws and landlord tenant act of SC. I have worked in make up and was a color anaylst. I have also worked in the media from advertising, radio to TV. I love to spend much of my time at the beach. The light and sun can be very healing and I love the serenity of the ocean sounds and sea gulls.

  • How do I Contact the "Bill Me Later" Customer Service?

    I received an email from Bill Me Later indicating there was a problem with my account and I could not use the Bill Me Later Service. They did not provide a customer service number or email to contact them regarding this matter. How am I suppose to get in touch with them for find out which purchase they are referring to and what the problem is with the account. I have several email accounts and I do not remember when I signed up it the account was in my name or my husbands. I believe that one of these is the problem as to why I could not use the Bill Me Later but it has been a week and I have not heard form any companies indicating Bill Me Later denied payment. Is anyone familiar with how this works and who I can contact for Customer Service. You could not hit the reply button to get them and I do not have an email or address to contact them. Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Words to Chris Khristofferson's Sunday Morning Sunrise?

    Don't know Kristofferson ispelled wright.

    Just thinking about an old song of his:

    1. "Sunday Morning Sunrise" and

    2. "Help me Make it Through the Night"

    If you know the words to either or both of these songs, please let me know. Also, how could I find them on the internet and download them?

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • How can you determine who is an Expert At Spanking?

    There was a question recently asking if you should spank children. The best answer was ; if there were no marks and the person doing the spanking was a Expert"

    Could you please tell me how we can determine who the experts are at spanking children? This answer made no sense to me. It did not say IF ttTHE PARENTS WERE EXPERTS.

    I occassionally had to spank my children and I do not know of anyone else who was a better expert than me. I would never leave a mark but I would not try and find an expert to spank my child either.

    I found the question and answer odd! If you want to check it out or have an opinion on this, please let me know what you think. I would like to know who the "Experts" are.

    13 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Do You Mostly Attend Church on Special Holidays?

    This is just for those who attend church. Do you only go to church on Special Holidays like Christmas and Easter? Or do you attend on a regular bases? Just courious because it seems we always have a larger attendance on the holidays.

    13 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • What are the best medicines used to treat depression and Bipolar?

    I have severe depression and it is questionable if I am Bipolar. Sometimes I can get hostile., but do not try to hurt anyone or myself. Just very frustrated. I stay in my bed every day and do not want to eat experience difficulty sleeping and I do not want to be around anyone. I used to have a good sense of humor and now nothing seems funny. I used to take life lightly, now everything seems so sad and gloomly.

    Even if the doctors do not think that I am Bipolor. They believe I have severe chronic depression. I know you cannot objectively diagnose yourself but I have read so much of all types of depression and I think I could be Bipolar.

    Are there any medicines that can be used to treat both problems if there is a doubt. I am taking Prozac and Ambilify. Are those helpful for my situation?

    10 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Does Anyone Like to Read Danielle Steel's Books?

    I am an avid fan and have read all of her books. I have some extra ones for shipping if you are interested. Which ones have you read and what was your favorite? I cannot see how she can continue to write one master piece after another and so many! Did you read about her son Nick who was Bi-Polar? A sad story but good read.

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Is it safe for someone in their 80's to have hemorrhoid surgery? Serious Replies Only, Please!?

    My father is in his 80's and his doctor has suggested hemorrid surgery but has not pushed him about it. He is in perfetly good health and takes no medication.

    He does not know if he should have the surgery because of his age and because of so many terrible stories he has been told about the surgery. He says there are people who have lost bowel control and had other major problems as a results of this surgery.

    He has some tell him to have it, that is nothing to it and others to tell him not to that it was not worth what he would have to go through. That if he could stand things as they are, just leave it alone.

    If you are in the mecical field or know anything about this procedure and what the after affects could be, please let me know.

    I think he should have the surgery since he is in good health. But, I would not want to suggest he have it and then something terrbile like the loss of bowel control. What do you think? This is not a pleasant subject but we need good advice.!!

    7 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Are there Any Risk or Repercussions from Hemorrhoid Surgery?

    Is there is anyone in the medical field or someone who has had to have surgery for hemorrhoids,? If so, please let me know what to expect. This surgery is being performed on an older person/

    Are there any serious or minor side affects after the surgery other than the normal pain associated with surgery? Are there any Long Term or Short Term problems that can occur? What is the approximate recovery time? Can it cause any damage such as problems to the bowels or kidneys? Or thing else associated with this type surgery>

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • How can you tell if you question or answer has been deleted?

    I asked a question and have not been able to find it. It was on opinion of age difference between men and women. I cannot find the question or the answers. How can I tell if someone is answering my questions and when can I vote for the best answer to my question?

    Also, I answered a question without reading the facts properly and as soon as I realized it, I tried to edit it but I accidently deleted it and I could not answer the question with a different answer?

    I would appreciate your help and input. I have gotten so many great and intellegent

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • How can I check who is answering my questions?

    I do not know how to see who is answering my questions. Also, how do I find the questions I have asked for the status and the answers I have given for the status.

    I know I suppose to know the answer to this but I have read the rules and still do not know how to retrieve this information. I am computer illiterate and need all the help I can get. Thanks!

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • How do we ind our best questions and Answers?

    First, I am fairly new at this am my profile shows the number of "Best Answers" I have had. It also show the number of Questions I have asked. But, how do I find my best answers for the questions I gave a answer to? And how can I find the question that I have answere and know who had the best answer, as well, as all of the answers to my questions.

    I keep searchin for questions and answers at the top the page but still am unable to find what I am looking for. And yes, I have tried reading all of the information provided by this web site but all I could find is the "dos" and don'ts"

    Can you help simplify this for me?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Can you help me make my husband an old fashion Carmel Pie?

    My husband is from Tennessee and his favorite Pie is Carmel. His house burned down when he was a teenager and his mother died and no one seems to have the receipe. I am sure it was the old fashion kind made from scratch. But, I am not sure if it is a carmel pie as he remembers or it is a carmel custard. Nevertheless, I will be thankful for all to find the closest one I can get.

    I would like to bake this for him for his Valentine's Day present. I know it is difficulty to bring back the taste of our memories but I believe someone has this receipe! Please help! I will be eternally grateful to find one.

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Need Recipe For Custard Pie?

    I am looking for a receipe for a good old fashion custard pie. If I get a good pie receipe then I can make just the custard too. I do not want an instant pudding type. Rather have home made.

    Can't wait for all those good cooks to send me their best recipe !!! soooo, good! Thanks

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Do you think email has had a bad impact on the US Postal Service???

    I wonder if the reason (beside greed) has cost our postage to go so high we can hardly afford to purchase a card and mail it. It seems more people are banking online, paying bills by phone or online, so it that hurting their business?

    On the other hand, I am disabled and do most of my shopping by catalogue, and internet. Even though I try to conserve and look for the companies who offer "Free Shipping",it is still very costly to have to return something. But, maybe not since the

    gasoline is so high?

    I still believe the mail must really be dropping off (no pun intented) since most of my friends and I have just about quit sending cards and letters or any other mail we do not have to.

    What do you think?

    4 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Which Holiday Do You Prefer - Ground Hog Day or Valentines?

    Just courious since it seems Valentines Day has almost become a burden to show your love for your sweetheart. Are their people more concerned by the weather than each other.

    Do you think sweethearts should feel obligated to purchase gifts? And if so, should the women be just as obigated to give to the men?

    Do you base the upcoming season on the findings of the Ground Hog? Would the results change any of your plans, or would you forget it and buy your sweethear a valentine's card to let her know you love her.

    6 AnswersValentine's Day1 decade ago