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Is it safe for someone in their 80's to have hemorrhoid surgery? Serious Replies Only, Please!?

My father is in his 80's and his doctor has suggested hemorrid surgery but has not pushed him about it. He is in perfetly good health and takes no medication.

He does not know if he should have the surgery because of his age and because of so many terrible stories he has been told about the surgery. He says there are people who have lost bowel control and had other major problems as a results of this surgery.

He has some tell him to have it, that is nothing to it and others to tell him not to that it was not worth what he would have to go through. That if he could stand things as they are, just leave it alone.

If you are in the mecical field or know anything about this procedure and what the after affects could be, please let me know.

I think he should have the surgery since he is in good health. But, I would not want to suggest he have it and then something terrbile like the loss of bowel control. What do you think? This is not a pleasant subject but we need good advice.!!


Heart perfectly healthy. No high blood pressure or any other health problems

7 Answers

  • "G"
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Every surgery is more serious at that age, but I would consider the risk of hemorrhoid surgery to be minimal. Since it's such an uncomfortable thing, affecting the quality of life, go ahead and get it done.

  • 6 years ago

    Natural Hemorrhoid Cure :

  • 5 years ago

    You can do many things at home to ease itching and pain from hemorrhoids. Read here

    These tips can also keep them from getting worse. They may also help you avoid them in the future. Try them and see what works for you.

    Take these steps to avoid constipation and make it easier to go. That can stop many hemorrhoids before they form.

  • deedee
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    sounds like he is very healthy. most of the time, there are no complications to this surgery. also look into if it is an internal or external hemorrhoid. if external, they can just band it. if internal, the procedure is still worth not going through the pain. the side effects or risk of surgery are minimal.

    Source(s): nurse
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  • 1 decade ago

    I think he should, they have those non invasive laser treatments now so he's not unconcious or anything, its not a big deal, they would numb the area and laser it.

    Source(s): unfortunatley my dad had to tell me about his!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Depends on their heart health.

  • 1 decade ago

    it depends on how helthy their inside is

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