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How can you determine who is an Expert At Spanking?

There was a question recently asking if you should spank children. The best answer was ; if there were no marks and the person doing the spanking was a Expert"

Could you please tell me how we can determine who the experts are at spanking children? This answer made no sense to me. It did not say IF ttTHE PARENTS WERE EXPERTS.

I occassionally had to spank my children and I do not know of anyone else who was a better expert than me. I would never leave a mark but I would not try and find an expert to spank my child either.

I found the question and answer odd! If you want to check it out or have an opinion on this, please let me know what you think. I would like to know who the "Experts" are.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The only expert should be the parent. And it is obvious that you would not leave a mark. I cannot imagine what they meant by an expert. They cannot be spanked at school or anyone else. You are lucky it you the parent does not get locked up for child abuse for spanking a child.

    I still believe they need a spanking at times, but the expert should be none other than the parent. It is obvious that we would not leave marks or bruises. I hope they were not taking about "Beating" there is a big difference.

    The Bible says "spare the rod and spoil the child" There will be times when nothing less will work. But, I am with you, I do not know who the experts are if not the parents. They must not have gotten any good answers!

  • 1 decade ago

    Spanking is not a good thing to do! Talking solves the problem even better, for they know what they would of been spanked for. I don't think anyone should use any violence, whatsoever! I have a wonderful, beautiful daughter whom I never spanked once! It's all in the communication, which we parents fail to do, and it carries on all through their life. Your children will not be able to come to you, to talk, in very different situations, and whom will they turn to?? They will keep it inside, or maybe talk to the wrong person!! Try to talk things over, no matter how young they are. There are other ways of punishing, such as taking the TV, computer, or something special they wanted to do that day! Please don't spank! Just because you got spanked, gives you no reason to hit your child! Lovingly, from one whom was beaten as a child! Think twice about raising your hand or your voice!! Make it a habit not to do either, and you will have a more loving atmosphere!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I always think it's better to avoid spanking a child...............but, I know , at times, the child has to be . In that case , who is more expert than a mother . You are the best in this ..........every mother knows how much is too much .....and, how little spanking at times does wonders. In any case , spanking shouldn't be frequent affair to discipline a child....that's the worst thing that a mother can do. A look should generally times just a pause and with a deep breath that transmits sufficient warning Ultimately, the mother understands best.

  • .
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    An expert would happen to a be a parent who has used it in their own home and can give you results based on their own findings, not some "expert" that most likely does not have kids but surveys a select few kids to base their biased opinions on and have their fancy degrees on the wall just so they can claim they know what they are talking about.

    I'm like you when it comes to spanking. It's very occasionally used and it is effective when it comes to my child and we aren't talking repetitive spanking or beating; I am speaking of one or two firm swats/pats to correct when a other methods of correction might fail and sometimes they do. It's never my first choice of correction and teaching must go in hand with correction.

    Nothing wrong with it and others are welcome to call me what they will, but that will have no bearing on my corrective measures and I know they do not know me as a mother or as a person. I know from the way my son's mannerisms are and the way people (other parents mainly) have commented on how well behaved and sweet my son is. I know I am doing something right.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Hmmm I wonder if it's in the yellow pages under expert spanker LOL. I'd say if a parent used it correctly, not out of anger, always calm when doing it, tried other methods first then it's fine, maybe not the method of my choice but I do think it can be done in the right way when used. That wasn't your question but I think it's a little hypothetical in the first place ;)

  • 1 decade ago

    there are only a few experts on spanking they're called dominatrics As a parent it hurts all involved. IMyself never had to . My child is now 14 there are other ways to discipline a child i let mine feel my tears. It worked to see and feel my emotions.

  • sammy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    a tap on the hand is different to a spanking.i dont think i have any right to inflict pain on another human being let alone my children.its wrong.i am talking from experience.i have two children.i have given the odd slap on the hand but anything else would really upset me.they are both well behaved well the youngest too a pont but i couldnt inflict pain.

  • lyons
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    once you record it to the authorities that's as a lot as them to habit an study. that is totally unusual to me the kind of spanking questions we get in this dialogue board. I have in no way heard of a youngster being spanked for sexual motives. is this the purely sexual issue that's being executed to the youngster? Are there different motives as well the spanking that make the youngster imagine the relative/chum would have sexual thoughts in route of them? you want all the concepts for the authorities, i do no longer imagine that in simple terms declaring they are being spanked for sexual motives is going to fly with the authorities. reliable success

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'd rather not be the one doing the determining. Similarly, I'd rather avoid judging people who are running for the title of "expert serial killer" or "expert terrorist." Really.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are the export and only U can make the right decision of how much is too much for instance my dad gave you as many hits as you were old.

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