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All my God and Goddess statues?
have broken. Just their hands or feet or the points on their heads. It is really weird. I swear, Ganesh practically tried to commit suicide by jumping off the fireplace mantel a couple of months ago - he just fell down suddenly for no reason when I was sitting on the couch. When I picked him up, all of his hands had broken off.
It's either their hands or feet or the little points on top of their heads. Buddha's has broken off, so has Vishnu's (along with one of his hands). We just came back from Hawaii from our Honeymoon. We packed my most favorite Tiki God (carefully, I might add). When I opened up the suitcase when he got home, his hands AND feet had broken off.
What is the significance of this? I was born Southern Baptist and left Christianity a long time ago. I'm sure it's not the Abrahamic God trying to turn me from my idols.
What does it mean when everyone starts losing their hands and feet?
Oh, and the only thing that hasn't broken is a golden dancing Shiva. But it can't break. It isn't really a statue, it's a small cast one-dimensional thing with no parts that could possibly break.
That would have to be a lot of earthquakes in several different places I have lived. Over the last 3 years!
The statues have all broken at different times.
Oh, it wasn't a family member trying to spook me. Good thought, though. It's just me and my hubby, and he isn't Christian either. We moved out of the South and most of our friends and his family are Buddhist, Pagan, Agnostic, etc. We attend a Unitarian Universalist church.
I have been having trouble believing in any Gods or Goddesses for a while. I wonder if it is due to my swing from Agnosticism more towards the Atheist side?
Maybe I figure I need to cover the whole gamet of beliefs during this lifetime. I have gone from staunch Monotheism to Polytheism to Agnosticism, and now I really don't thing there's anything-ism.
Maybe Shiva is jealous and sending all the other Gods off the tables and mantle?
12 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavorite Answer
That happened to me once. It was disturbing, but it actually worked out for the best.
I had several statues of gods I actually worshiped and some of gods I didn't. I had collected them over the years. One by one the heads broke off of them. I was upset at first and took great care to bury them, burn them, basically dispose of them in a respectful way that was appropriate for what they were composed of (burying things that would decompose and such). After it happened to quite a few I realized that there was something going on beyond just coincidence. As it turned out, it was the best thing. I realized I was placing too much emphasis on just having the statues - mistakingly thinking that a statue on my altar could substitute for actually honoring that god. When the statue broke, I had to actually honor that god rather than just looking at it and pretending to. My relationship with my gods strengthened tremendously after that and I never replaced those statues because I realized it wasn't necessary.
That may not be why your statues broke, but that's what the final result was with mine. Something to think about.
- Anonymous5 years ago
In a way I agree with what you are saying, but I also think that everyone should be allowed to see them. After all, how else can people learn about these ancient gods and goddesses if they are not allowed to see them. Many of the old temples were destroyed, museums protect them for the future generations. And yes, I would put the Ark of the Convenient in a museum. For the same reason, so others can learn and maybe stop ridiculing.
- 1 decade ago
funny. i was brought up in a 'christian' home. i also have a myriad of spiritual icons in my home from a number of native traditions, not a single one of which has escaped breakage of some kind. i have an iroquois totem whose wings have broken and been crazy glued at least four times. i had a hawaiian tiki god that mysteriously disappeared. a mayan mask fell off the wall one day by itself and cracked a corner off. an african juju mask i got in jamaica received a huge chip off the tip of the beard. here's the best: a celtic pagan bracelet i had kept mysteriously popping off my wrist for no reason. i always found it afterwards, except the last time. i'm sure it's all just coincidence, too...
- 1 decade ago
Probably some family member trying to "spook" you back to Christianity.
Who was 'watching the house' or watering the plants while you were in Hawaii? Maybe your husband is doing it. Maybe he doesn't like your choice of spiritual path.
If you choose not to believe in coincidence, nor in the fact this is being done by a human, then perhaps you better run back to Christianity and beg forgiveness.
(somewhat tongue in cheek)
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- 1 decade ago
I'm with needpin. If you think God isn't trying to tell you something, maybe you're not listening. You're sure it's not the Abrahamic God?? Okaaaaay. (??)
What is a "one dimensional thing?" Just a point?
An omen? Definitely! In what direction?
WisdomTormented said "Amen." Amen comes from the Hebrew word for "truth." What is truth?
Do you know what coincidence is? It means that two or more things happen at the same time and/or place, from the root "coincide." "Chance" is a different matter. Sounds like too many "coincidences" to be "chance." You say you were "born Southern Baptist." You might want to reconsider that statement. You might also want to get back to the God of the Bible. The One True God. The Creator. The One who holds your future in his hand. He won't drop you.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
If it was not for statues breaking, we would not have so many neat artifacts from mounds.
Many omens are secular or semi-secular in nature. If your statues keep falling, then maybe you need a better alter.
Take some time to choose a piece of furniture as your alter that you really like. Spend some time decorating it and making it a safe place to keep your statues. Glorifying your alter can be a mentally cleansing activity as well as a physical one. Maybe even get some of that clay for the base of vases and statues.
Source(s): Non-Abrahamic Theist - jantwo11Lv 41 decade ago
Obviously you're very aware of this happening. Could there be something else in your life that you aren't noticing? Maybe the breaking is a distraction or maybe it's a way of pointing you towards something else.
- ?Lv 51 decade ago
I feel it may be an omen of some kind.
I assume it is a good omen, given that I see it would be something that would make up for the loss of the statues.
~Loving Light~
Source(s): Pikan Atheist - Anonymous1 decade ago
It means there was a small earthquake.
- 1 decade ago
Sometimes crap happens.
Analyze where you are spiritually and if you have been giving the god their due. If you haven't then you might to examine that. If you have....well sometimes crap happens.