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Favorite Answers15%
  • Can I still be Pastafarian?

    If I have become a Vegan? I'm sure I can find some spelt, non-egg noodles somewhere, but what do I do for the meatballs? How can I worship his Noodly Appendage in a meat-free, animal-cruelty-free way? Will the great and blessed FSM still accept my offerings?

    Luckily, beer is Vegan.


    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Movie about the guys who start a College?

    I can't remember the name of the movie about the guy who doesn't get into school anywhere, so he starts that tech school. His friend who broke his leg and can't play football helps him (and makes "African" art), and his big white friend screams like a girl when they find a body in the building they convert. Their "curriculum" is all student-driven, and they have to go to the school board at the end of the movie to try to get certified by the state in order to stay in business. They have a meditation class, build a skate ramp (to study aerodynamics and engineering), and the college across the street tries to shut them down so it can buy the property.

    It just came out in the past few years. Anyone know the name of it?

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • If I'm going to mail the new Jedi Tract I made?

    in the United States, how much should I put for postage? I have 37 cent stamps, but did they raise it again? It's just one envelope, no extra weight. Somewhere on the postal website it said something about 44 cents, but they just won't come out and tell me how much it costs to mail an envelope. I know one of ya'll will know this - but I haven't used the post office but maybe once early this year, so I don't know!

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Buddhist Terrorists, really?

    Someone just asked a question and listed (I kid you not) Buddhist (and Taoist!) terrorists. What the hell is a Buddhist going to do to you? Ask for more rice? Eat a [gasp!] fish? Or just not eat at all? Do more walking meditation? That'll show you!

    Really, what would a Buddhist Terrorist do to you?

    What a moron:

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How many of you think it's okay?

    to suspend this guy for going to his girlfriend's prom?

    (sorry if this was already asked, I didn't see it).

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Proposition 8 Protests?

    Is anyone participating in protesting proposition 8 this Saturday? Cities all across the US have organized. When is your protest, and what will your sign say?

  • McCain admitted that Obama is not a Socialist, but?

    today he said, "He's more liberal than a guy who calls himself a Socialist and that's not easy."

    Does this guy know how to do anything but try to smear his opponent?

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • Why is Bush a War Criminal?

    When people ask why I'm not voting for McCain, who has supported Bush over 90% of the time, they will sometimes say "Bush isn't that bad." (Seriously.)

    I usually like to point out that Bush is a war criminal, and he should have several felonies on his record at this point.

    Then some people like to rant and rave at me by e-mail. Why do I think Bush should have been impeached, be convicted of felonies (even now), and is a war criminal?

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Are you sure your views are in line with your candidates'? Link fixed.?

    Here's a little "quiz" that might help you. Just choose whether you support or oppose an issue, or have no opinion on it. You might be surprised by the results. (I wasn't, but I've done Lots of research.)

    This is also good for lots of other state races, not just the Presidential Election. Have fun!


    That link is working for me, so hopefully it fixes it. I think everyone should take a quiz like this.

    Estimates are that about 20%-27% of people are voting for candidates who do NOT share their views (mostly because they are voting based on party or propaganda).

    Also, no one is going to be 100% aligned with their candidate's views. This quiz also breaks it into social and economic issues, which I find interesting.

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Are you sure your views are in line with your candidates'?

    Here's a little "quiz" that might help you. Just choose whether you support or oppose an issue, or have no opinion on it. You might be surprised by the results. (I wasn't, but I've done Lots of research.)

    This is also good for lots of other state races, not just the Presidential Election. Have fun!


    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is anyone tired of the Hate yet?

    At least they didn't actually get to try to kill Obama.

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Shouldn't you consider Tina Fey in this election?

    She already said she doesn't want to parody Palin anymore - even though she's fabulous at it! Can't we all just give her a break? Why torture the poor woman any more?

    Vote Obama/Biden 08!

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Christian Magic 8 Ball?

    I was just answering a question, and was thinking if Christianity were a Magic 8 ball, the answer you would most likely get is: "You will Burn in the eternal Lake Fire/Pit of Hell, you Unbeliever."

    What might the other answers be, and what would the Magic 8 Ball look like? I was thinking maybe a Jesus on the Cross, and when you shake him, the answer comes up in his stomach.

    (Someone's going to get really peeved off by this, but I'm curious as to what other people think it might say.)

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Should I pray harder?

    Or just smite my neighbors?

    We moved into this house last November. It all started with the rooster crowing at 2, 3, 4 am every day. Oh, and most of the rest of the day as well. Apparently roosters sleep about half an hour, then crow for 4 or so. We live in the city, so I eventually had to call the cops because my neighbors said they didn't care.

    So then they came over and cussed us out (on Easter Sunday no less) for calling the cops. The rooster eventually stopped over night, though he still comes over between 7 and 8 am to crow all day.

    About 2 months ago, they got a new puppy. It isn't bad enough that the woman breeds yippy little dogs. When they do let them out, they stand around and bark. When they are in their tiny little pen, they stand around and bark. This goes on ALL DAY LONG. The dogs will literally bark for 6 hours straight. Yes, I've timed it because I have to tell the police how long it goes on.

    Now the new dog is bigger. It started barking at 1am, 3 am, 4 am, and then it barks all day as well. If it's not barking, the rooster is crowing.

    Then there's the goats. They tie them up to the fence so that they are right beside our house.

    Tonight my husband went to talk to them about the dogs again, and they told him they don't care. They also said, "go ahead, call the police." Then they said, "Actually we encourage our dogs to bark because it bothers you."

    So while I will be calling the police pretty much every single day for the next few months (and I'll be talking to the chief this week because they are looking at closing some of the loopholes in the law that makes it so difficult to actually do anything about these people with their noise nuisances), I wonder what I should do in the meantime.

    Should I curse and smite them or am I just not praying hard enough to the God of Tranquility? What would you (and your God) do?

    Sorry this is so long, but this is 10 months of frustration - and counting.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Having Trouble with Buddhism?

    I have studied Buddhism a lot over the years, and the one thing that really bothers me is the whole self-sacrificing thing. Especially in the Jataka tales, like when Buddha lays down his life for a mother tiger and her child.

    Here's my issue: if you value life so much, shouldn't you value your own just as much as others? Why should I die in order for you to live? Obviously, if all life is precious, then that also means mine.

    Some people have told me that because you will just get reincarnated anyway, it doesn't matter and you should sacrifice yourself. But the other being will also get reincarnated, so why should I give up myself?

    Just wondering. This has always bothered me in a lot of ways.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Instead of going to church every week?

    can I just watch this video? I mean, it says it the whole Bible, so what else do I really need to know?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • All my God and Goddess statues?

    have broken. Just their hands or feet or the points on their heads. It is really weird. I swear, Ganesh practically tried to commit suicide by jumping off the fireplace mantel a couple of months ago - he just fell down suddenly for no reason when I was sitting on the couch. When I picked him up, all of his hands had broken off.

    It's either their hands or feet or the little points on top of their heads. Buddha's has broken off, so has Vishnu's (along with one of his hands). We just came back from Hawaii from our Honeymoon. We packed my most favorite Tiki God (carefully, I might add). When I opened up the suitcase when he got home, his hands AND feet had broken off.

    What is the significance of this? I was born Southern Baptist and left Christianity a long time ago. I'm sure it's not the Abrahamic God trying to turn me from my idols.

    What does it mean when everyone starts losing their hands and feet?

    Oh, and the only thing that hasn't broken is a golden dancing Shiva. But it can't break. It isn't really a statue, it's a small cast one-dimensional thing with no parts that could possibly break.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Pagan Wedding Vows?

    I am trying to write a few sentences to say to my husband at our wedding ceremony tomorrow. At the beginning, our pastor will say the following Opening Words:

    We have gathered in a circle to honor the cardinal directions of our beloved earth and its messages to those who love and choose commitment:

    The east: place of new beginnings and choices of the mind and intellect;

    The south: place of passion, power, creativity and reproduction;

    The west: place of healing and dealing with emotions;

    The north: place of honesty, integrity, and leadership in community;

    The center: where we now stand, place that unites all the points and holds the mystery of life and love.

    In my vows, I wanted to say something about how no matter which direction I am facing or going, my husband is there with me. Here is my rough draft:

    Which ever way I look you are there.

    Wherever I go in this life, you are there.

    You are the constant in my life.

    You are my happiness and my love.

    You are the one who makes my tree grow.

    Today, and every day, I give myself to you.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Hens Party?

    When did they start calling bacholerette parties "Hens Parties?" I keep seeing it all over this site, and I have never heard it referred to that before. I think it's about the stupidest name ever. Where did this come from?

    And why aren't people referring to the Bachelor Parties as "Rooster Parties?"

    2 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • If you were walking beside the River,?

    and suddenly fell in, while being swept along would you pray for the Raft of God?

    (I think Navi would.);_ylt=AjamD...

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago